Your birth chart
Your birth chart helps you understand what makes you unique and what makes your personality rich.
Discover your free birth chart
Our astro tools
What is my Ascendant?
Find out more about your Rising sign and discover the person you really are deep inside
What is my Sun sign?
Find out more about your Sun sign, how it reflects your personality and helps you understand who you are inside
What is my Moon sign?
Find out more about your Moon sign and explore your inner psyche
What will I find discover from my birth chart?
Using NASA data, we calculate the exact location of the planets in relation to your sign at the time of your birth.
This data helps generate a better understanding of your personality, your character traits and what influences you. To be more precise, this chart provides a complete portrait of who you are and will help you find out about:
Your main character traits
Your birth chart allows you to discover your main character traits based on your rising sign, Sun sign and Moon sign.
The different facets of your personality
By studying the exact position of the planets when you were born, your birth chart helps you to look closely at the many facets of your personality.
The 12 Houses of the Zodiac
By studying the position of the signs in relation to the 12 houses of the zodiac, your chart helps you get a better understanding of the different aspects of your life.
Potential and blockages: inter-planetary aspects
By studying the different aspects between the planets at your birth, your birth chart can help you to finally understand your potential and your blockages.