Meaning of the Cups cards
Cups cards focus on the emotional and relational aspects of life. They explore love, relationships, feelings, and spiritual connection.
Cups symbolize receptivity, intuition, and matters of the heart.
The various cards, from Court figures to numbered ones, depict the full range of emotional experiences, from the joys of love to the sorrows of heartbreak, offering deep insights into human relationships and inner emotions.
The 4 suits of the Minor Arcana
Swords cards
The characteristics of your sign in love: its qualities, desires, wants, and emotions.
Pentacles cards
The characteristics of your sign in the professional world: its ambitions, projects, career, and potential.
Wands cards
The characteristics of your sign in the professional world: its ambitions, projects, career, and potential.
Pour aller plus loin
Card meanings
Discover all the tarot cards and interpret their presence in your reading.
The Major Arcana
Discover the 22 Major Arcana to understand their meaning and what they promise.
The Minor Arcana
Discover the 56 Minor Arcana with interpretations of the Swords, Pentacles, Cups, and Wands cards.