2023 and love for Singles

You've decided that this year is the year you want to meet someone that you can share at least a part of your life path with. This is timely, as the planets that will cross the Gemini astral sky in 2023 suggest that change will be on the program throughout the year.

From this perspective, you should be happy with the aspect of Uranus and Mars, two planets strongly associated with movement and growth. Their presence clearly reflects your deep desire to move forward, but also your ability to reach out to other people. Under the influence of these two planets, it is even likely that you will manage to poke your head out of your shell and take a few risks!

After all, can you really expect certainty when you are trying to meet new people and perhaps fall in love? To get what you want, you may need to be a little more assertive than usual.

Do you sometimes feel trapped in a daily life that doesn't really reflect who you are? Do you feel that life has more to offer you than what you have today? If this is the case, you should be happy to see the encounter of Uranus and the Sun, two planets that will encourage you to move forward and leave behind what now belongs in the past.

As painful as they are, you must not let your traumas limit what you can achieve. Starting from January, you will be ready to question some of your certainties in order to build a new relationship with the world. This enthusiasm will help you find a life that suits you.

Among the planets that will cross your astral sky this spring, Mars and the Sun will exert the most notable influence. Under their aegis, you will manage to gather up your courage and leave the cozy comfort of your certainties behind you, and even enjoy the process!

You obviously have an idea of what you want out of life and no one can stop you from enjoying the sweet joys of the game of love. In this particular astral context, an encounter is undoubtedly of the order of the possible. It's up to you to make the most of it!

This summer, you will be able to put aside your fear of being on your own and concentrate on your real needs. As such, the Sun and Saturn clearly advise you to learn how to be single and fulfilled, rather than relying on the emotional crutch of always having someone in your life.

Paradoxically, by learning to love yourself as you are you will have the best chance of meeting someone who loves you too. Life sometimes has beautiful surprises in store when we stop struggling and let things come to us.

The aspect described by Saturn and Mars suggests that at the end of this year you will be able to find the emotional balance that is essential for your happiness. Rather than falling hook line and sinker for the first person you see you'll be able to take a step back from your emotional impulses to focus on your real needs.

Paradoxically, the subtle self-confidence you'll display when you meet new people will be very attractive. A person who is not in constant search of approval is always attractive!

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