Your 2025 year

Do you feel your life isn't as satisfying as it could be and wonder how astrology could shed some new light on your problems? The planets that will cross the Sagittarius astral sky throughout 2025 provide some interesting answers.

The aspect described by Neptune and Uranus should especially attract your attention, since these two planets clearly encourage you to listen to your heart and follow your instinct. Is it possible that you've abandoned some of your dreams out of fear of failure or a desire to conform? Your astral conjunction clearly advises you to forge ahead and fight to get what you want deep down. Rest assured, you have the resources you need to achieve your goals.

The meeting of the Sun and Pluto indicates that it may be necessary to learn to leave some aspects of your past behind in order to achieve your goals. After all, shouldn't life always be thought about in terms of your future? By keeping your eyes on the horizon, you will always get the best results. So you know what you need to do. The road may be easier to travel than you expect!

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A start to the year conducive to good resolutions

At the beginning of 2025, due to the passage of Neptune in the Sagittarius astral sky, it is very likely that you'll feel the winds of change blowing you along and you can use to go as far as you feel comfortable.

Therefore, from January onwards, you'll be keen to fundamentally reform your daily routine so as to leave more space for your real needs. Like many Sagittarius, you have a tendency to be hardworking and conscientious. Perhaps now is the time to let go a little, or to review the roadmap you have created for yourself?

To feel completely fulfilled, it is essential that you find your true place in this world. As Pluto suggests, you may need to question some of your certainties to get there.

In the spring, you will be part of a new dynamic

The meeting of Uranus and the Sun clearly suggests that change will be on the agenda this spring! Rather than make do with a situation that doesn't really suit you any longer you'll have the courage to take important decisions which could quickly have an impact on your love life or your material situation.

And, in fact, this strength of character is one of the distinguishing marks of a true Sagittarius! As you can see, a new dynamic will emerge soon. Don't be afraid of the small disturbances that it will entail. Life is always about nuance and movement.

To arrive at your destination, you sometimes have to accept the need to pass through difficult periods. The presence of the Sun in your astral sky indicates that this is the path for you. So don't turn around.

A summer full of good surprises clearly awaits you

Have you been having difficulties lately? You should be pleased to see the passage of the Sun and Neptune through your astral sky. The meeting of these two planets clearly indicates that the summer of 2025 will be deeply enriching for you.

When your astral conjunction is analyzed, it seems clear that you will be in a remarkable state of mind in the coming months, which will help you to distance yourself from your current problems and take good care of yourself. This summer, you will listen to your instincts and not let anyone else dictate your conduct.

The discoveries you are about to make can only contribute positively to your personal growth. Good surprises are on the horizon. Enjoy them without feeling guilty!

Do you have questions about your future?

About your love life, your career or your future spiritual growth?

Yes No

The end of the year brings questions

The meeting of Pluto and Uranus in the Sagittarius astral sky at the end of 2025 suggests enormous emotional potential. Scary at first glance, it could actually help you to act on the changes you have been thinking about for a long time but that you have not yet had the strength to put in place.

Under the influence of these two planets, it is possible that your daily life will be profoundly changed in the coming months. But that doesn't mean you have to expect a disaster!

On the contrary, you should consider this particular context as an opportunity to shape a life that truly resembles who you are. In order to do this, however, you will need to make some real choices. You are quite capable of doing this.

Sagittarius compatibility

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