2023 and love for Couples

Is it important to you that your relationship works well? Would you like to know how astrology could help provide answers to the questions you ask about it?

Begin by focusing on the meeting of the Moon and Neptune, two planets that should help you get a more precise understanding of your real needs and express them calmly to your partner. Under the influence of these planets, 2023 should be marked by honesty and tenderness.

The aspect described by Saturn and Uranus suggests that things could change in the months to come. Thanks to these planets, you should find it easier to get rid of some bad habits. A little novelty is essential when you want your relationship to last, don't you think?

The aspect described by the Moon and by Saturn can be considered as a favorable augury for the development of your love life, particularly if you are keen on improving your couple. Under the influence of these two planets, you will have the courage to look honestly at your current situation in order to find the best ways to make improvements.

Therefore, a period of introspection is clearly on the horizon. It will help you get a better understanding of the changes you need to make. So things are looking good for you and your partner!

After thought it's time to act. At least this, in short, is the message clearly conveyed by the passage of Uranus through the Libra astral sky in spring. From April, you will be keen to implement the changes that you think are essential for the long-term health of your couple.

You and your partner should soon find yourselves in a new dynamic. In particular, it will help you understand how important your relationship is to you. And when it comes to love and feelings, it's better to be a little flexible.

The aspect described by Mars and Venus leaves little doubt about your state of mind this summer. In the coming weeks, you will undoubtedly want to spend as much time as possible with your partner, preferably trying new experiences together.

Your current good mood and hunger to discover new things will inspire your partner to follow your lead wherever it takes you both. Obviously, there will be some remarkable chemistry between you. What more could you ask for?

The passage of Saturn in the Libra astral sky at the end of 2023 is interesting because it suggests you'll soon feel the need to take a step back from your current problems. Since January, your relationship has been able to reinvent itself and easily cross through several dynamics. It is now time to take stock of your current situation.

This will give you the opportunity to think about the new direction you would like to take. After all, movement is a constant in the life of every human being.

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