2023 and love for Couples

Looking at the planets crossing the Pisces astral sky in 2023, there is a good chance that your relationship will work well in the coming months. The meeting of Saturn and Jupiter clearly suggests that you will be keen to advance your long-term plans and make your union even stronger.

Sure of its strength, you won't pay too much attention to the little frustrations you encounter along the way. You know very well that love is built over time. This ability to plan for a common future will not, however, prevent you from making changes when the situation demands it.

You will enjoy changing your couple's routine and trying new things, especially during the summer. Accepting the need to reinvent yourself a little is essential when you want to be happy in a relationship.

Saturn's passage through your astral sky suggests that your emotional well-being will largely depend on your ability to envision a future together with your partner. At the beginning of 2023, instead of continuing to live from day to day, you will want to think about where your relationship is going.

To achieve this, you will have to have an honest heart to heart with your partner, even if it means raising topics that you 've previously avoided. However, as a result, you could quickly find a new and better balance.

The meeting of Neptune and Jupiter should please as these two planets testify to your ability to share a life with your partner that doesn't deny the principles that are important to you. Although concessions are always a part of love, you must not ignore your own emotional needs.

From April you will be clear sighted enough to give yourself some separate me time to cultivate your inner garden. The good mood that will result will also benefit your couple. No reason to deprive yourself of it, in short!

This summer, the context will be particularly conducive to your emotional development. Despite the difficulties your relationship sometimes experiences, Jupiter encourages you to put your doubts on one side and learn to see the glass as half full.

This renewed enthusiasm for life will help you and your partner make the most of the summer season. What's on the festive agenda? New meetings, new experiences and learning new things. Perfect for enlivening your relationship and rekindling the flame of love.

From the point of view of your love life, the presence of Uranus suggests you have reached a point of no return and henceforth will find it very difficult to do anything but move forward. Because you want to lead the life you feel you deserve, at the end of 2023 you'll want to implement changes in your relationship even if your partner doesn't understand why.

Despite the turbulence that this will cause, remember that a couple that stays together for the long term needs to reinvent itself regularly. In any case, you have no intention of things continuing as they have done up ‘til now.

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