The week of March 31
Be careful - danger ahead! Although the planets present in your astral sky this week of March 31 to 6 April don't herald an impending disaster, they do suggest that your over sensitive emotions could be playing nasty tricks on you.
The respective positions of the Moon and Uranus should particularly attract your attention. Under the influence of these 2 planets, you may find it difficult to take a step back from the powerful emotions that you'll be feeling. In this somewhat explosive context, therefore, don't be surprised if you find yourself saying things you don't really mean.
So, at work and at home, be careful not to say anything that you could quickly regret. The ties you have with the people around you are the most important gift life has to offer. Try to remember that!
The week of April 07
In view of the planets in your astral sky, you will be feeling idealistic and inclined to pursue dreams this week of 7 to 13 April You should also be pleased to see the passage of Neptune.
This star suggests that you will be more than ready to make changes to your habits in order to make your life more fulfilling and enjoyable. Some of your loved ones may also be surprised by the ease with which you will be able to make major changes and move forward.
But this strong-mindedness is a very typical Pisces character trait. Both at work and at home you should feel the wind of change blowing in your daily life. It will take you as far as you want to go. This remarkable state of mind is to be congratulated.
The week of April 14
In view of the planets present in your astral sky you can expect to enjoy a busy social life this week of 14 to 20 April. The meeting of the Moon and Venus indicates that you will appreciate spending time with your friends, and you'll probably be doing new things together.
This astral conjunction suggests that you currently want to set your certainties aside and abandon everything that is routine. You will feel a powerful need for novelty, which you can take as far as you feel comfortable with.
Under its influence, you won't have to be asked twice to get rid of some bad habits, particularly any that harm your psychological or physical health. Some changes are therefore to be expected.
The week of April 21
You have everything to hope for this week of 21 to 27 April! The meeting of Mars and Jupiter — two planets greatly appreciated by followers of astrology — suggests that in the days to come you will be full of energy that will encourage you to become fully involved in the projects which are important to you.
Whether these are of a romantic, financial or professional nature, it's a safe bet that you will make significant progress towards achieving your goals. A perfect demonstration of the strength of character for which Pisces are renowned.
From Monday, action will take precedence over thought. When all the lights turn green, you will be quick off the blocks to try your luck in the hope of making progress with your life project. This go-getting state of mind could have a positive impact on your situation.
The week of April 28
In view of the astral situation, this week of April 28 to 4 May should be rich in lessons for the vast majority of Pisces. Do you want to have a better understanding of your role in this world and be able to define the objectives you would like to achieve more precisely?
You can welcome the presence of the Moon and Saturn. From Monday, these two planets will encourage you to take an honest look at your current situation and help you think about things you could do to improve it.
The passage of Mars in the Pisces astral sky suggests that you will be only too happy to match your words with your actions when you think the right moment has arrived. In the meantime, the important thing is to give yourself some time to think. Patience is one of your great qualities.