Horoscope for Friday, March 28

If you are interested in personal development issues, you can rejoice in the presence of Mercury, Jupiter and Pluto in your astral sky. Your stars emphasize that you are currently asking yourself a lot of questions about your life and that you sometimes regret some of your choices.

Since you are not the type to give up, you intend to take back the reins of your destiny and change your direction. To reach your destination, you may need to leave some certainties behind and agree to step out of your comfort zone, an approach that risks destabilizing you in the short term.

Rest assured, the game is definitely worth the candle! By putting your life in order, your prospects should quickly appear more interesting to you, your daily life more exciting and your future brighter. So you know what you need to do!

Isn't this positive dynamic in which you find yourself part of the proof that your lucky star has not abandoned you?

Be grateful for your chance, it will allow you to quickly enjoy a smoother and a more enriching daily life.

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Pisces in love

From an emotional viewpoint, nothing seems to be able to curb your enthusiasm. Today you are fully aware of how lucky you are to share your life with someone who loves, listens to and respects you. So you have no reason not to savor the moments spent by their side.

If you are looking for a soul mate, the presence of Jupiter in your sky is an encouraging sign. Symbol of joy and success, this planet could give you that little help you so badly need. 

In a relationship: the chemistry is remarkable

Under the influence of Jupiter, today you will manage to put aside your little personal worries to fully focus on your partner's needs.

Since listening is the canal through which any relationship can flourish, you'll want to get a better understanding of what frustrates your partner, as well as of their desires and their goals. You will also be surprised to see how close they are to yours.

Single: a welcome boost

This March 28 will make you feel light and playful. You are determined you won't spend your life alone so no-one's going to have to force you to go out and meet new people. In this very favorable astral context, it is not impossible that you will cross the path of someone interesting.

Whether or not this conversation will lead to something more serious remains to be seen. When it comes to love, it's impossible to predict what tomorrow will bring.

Are you still asking yourself questions about your future?

Yes No

Pisces at work

Under the influence of Pluto, today it will be difficult for you to hide some of your frustrations. Although you may feel that you are competent and experienced enough to take on new professional responsibilities, all too often your prospects seem blocked.

In order to be able to use your talents to the full you might need to change your approach… or to try your luck elsewhere! After all, you don't see any valid reason to stay forever in an environment that doesn't really value you.

Opportunities: but plan your move well

The need for change that you will feel today could be a real trigger for your career. As you broaden your outlook, you will likely find that you have more leeway than you realize.

This is not, however, a valid reason to jump at the first opportunity that you see. Take the time to think carefully before making your decision.

Pisces and money

Under the influence of Mercury, this March 28 you'll try to put your finances in order. By analyzing what you spend you'll realize it would be more profitable for you to manage your money better.

Life is not an accounting exercise, however, so don't stop yourself from indulging occasionally. 

Gains and losses: restraint above all else

The stability of your financial structure will depend above all on your ability to think about the long term.

So take the time to define the goals you would like to achieve and establish your roadmap. At each milestone, you will enjoy seeing that your efforts are indeed paying off.

Would you like regain harmony in your life?

Yes No

An overview of your day of March 28

Ruled by Mercury, Jupiter and Pluto, your astral conjunction testifies both to your desire to draw a line under some of your past experiences and to your ability to invent a better future for yourself. Do you sometimes have the impression of suffering your daily life rather than living it?

Under the influence of these three planets you'll be ready to step up and fully assume your needs. Since you no longer doubt your ability to adapt you know deep down that you are perfectly capable of meeting the new challenges that will soon come your way. In this search for happiness, you can also count on the advice and support of those who are important to you.

They will encourage you not to give up when a problem slows you down. You are comfortable with who you are and surrounded by great people. It seems nothing bad can happen to you!

My tip on how to make the most of today

A new chapter in your life begins today.  Over the course of your experiences, you will undoubtedly acquire new wisdom and gradually find it easier to step back from the small problems of everyday life. While these teachings will of course help you feel more in tune with yourself, remember that they could be of use to other people as well.

So don't hug your secrets to yourself. Instead, share them with anyone who asks for your support. The bonds we forge with our fellow human beings constitute an invaluable treasure. Basically, human beings are social animals. Empathy is necessary for our well-being… and for the proper functioning of society!

The Moon of March 28

New Moon

The new moon will give you the enthusiasm for life that you need if you are to envisage your future serenely. Take some time to think about the life you would like to lead and define the goals you want to accomplish. Other planets will push you to take action, perhaps faster than expected.

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