Horoscope for Thursday, March 13

This day of March 13 is placed under the influence of the Sun, Mercury and Mars. Expect a decisive and uncompromising atmosphere. You'll want to get straight to the point and won't let anyone walk all over you.

Today, you'll feel like straight talking and are likely to have some lively exchanges, especially at work where you want your presence to be felt. You'll be quick to react to things and this may not be to the liking of those around you. In your love life you won't want to leave anything to chance. You know where you want to go and you're ready to make a real commitment to the person you love.

This Thursday, you have an inner certainty that you're on the right path and feel that nothing can bring you down. Don't burn your wings! Be careful to moderate what you say or you could be unintentionally hurtful.


The impact of Mars means today could be a little unstable but it looks like your luck will hold. The gifts you'll receive today will be human rather than material.

You're unlikely to win the lottery, but on this March 13 you can count on the unfailing support of your friends and partner.


Capricorn in love

When it comes to your love life, your astral sky will make you very determined. If you're in a relationship it's probable that, after having procrastinated for some time, this March 13 you'll decide to take the plunge and formalize it. Under the influence of Mars you'll be ready and willing to make a commitment to your partner.

You are convinced that you've met the right person and can't see any reason not to announce it to the whole world. If you are single, you seem playful and light-hearted but inside you know very well the person you are attracted to and have a plan of how to approach them. You hope it's only a matter of time before they fall for you too. What confidence!

In a relationship: you don't beat about the bush

Today, you have faith in the future and you'll decide to express your love in a concrete way. Mercury will make things easier for you, helping you find the words you need to persuade your partner to agree to your life changing ideas.

Although commitment is good, don't forget to try to make it sound romantic too! Although today's influence doesn't encourage careful, polite phrases you still need to put a bit of thought into how you say things.

Single: this is a time for observation

If you've recently ended a relationship today you'll understand what you really want from your love life. You've thought about what you value and you won't want to settle for anything else. Today, you're a bit like the cat carefully observing a mouse before it pounces.

Under your slightly mischievous and playful exterior, you're observing the object of your affection very closely because you are convinced they have a very important role to play in your love life. Would you like to be able to see the future this Thursday?


Capricorn at work

The astral sky of Capricorns at work looks very promising. Mars could encourage you to express your satisfaction with a smoothly concluded deal. Today you should appreciate the achievement of a hard-won compromise and your management will be grateful.

However, don't let your success make you overbearing with your colleagues. Everyone agrees you're a pro in your field, so there is no need to crow about it or be patronizing.

Opportunities: that you hide jealously

Mars is making you confident about your potential and you feel ready to be captain of your own boat at work. This March 13, you're preparing a project in secrecy, to protect yourself from possible jealousy. It's important to avoid someone stealing your idea, especially as it could be really big.

You'll need to fight against an almost irresistible urge to reveal your plans but remember, your "baby" is still too young to go out to play! Everything in its own time!

Capricorn and money

On the financial side, today's astral sky looks beneficial for you. On this March 13, Mercury plays a leading role in improving your income. It could be that fruitful meetings mean you're on the verge of concluding a contract which will help replenish your funds.

This project could help your financial balance and contribute to your prosperity in the long term. You'll feel relieved and able to smile again.

Gains and losses: you are on the upward path

You have worked hard so far and today you should reap the rewards of your labor. Your finances seem to be heading steadily upwards and there's little risk of loss today so long as you are sensible.

Be careful not to invest in the stock market on a whim as Mars could cloud your judgment on this March 13.


An overview of your day of March 13

Like a typical Capricorn, under the influence of the Sun, Mars and Mercury, you'll want your life to be straightforward. You have a very pragmatic view of existence and you don't want any surprises today.

Emotionally, you won't leave your partner in the dark since you'll make it clear you want to make a concrete commitment to them. And nothing should be holding you back at work where it looks like you have the wind in your sails. You could even win a big contract that will help you develop your career.

And since you have more than one trick up your sleeve, you could be secretly working on a personal project that will help you create an even more interesting career. Financially, you might see a cash inflow you've been waiting on for some time and today's events will feel like a real achievement.

My advice for making the most of today

Today you'll turn the page on your past. You know how much potential you have and you'll remind yourself to keep the vision of what you really want in life at the forefront of your mind. You have goals and you intend to achieve them, but don't let that be at the expense of those around you.

Don't forget to be flexible, and be diplomatic in how you say things and you'll achieve much more than when you're aggressive. You envision the best for you and your projects. Which is a good attitude. The more convinced you are you can succeed, the more likely it is to happen.

The Moon of March 13

Waxing gibbous

The waxing gibbous moon invites you to continue tranquilly along the path you have chosen. Patience, perseverance and strength of character will be on the program for the next few days. But you are able to get through this with your eyes shut!

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