Horoscope for Thursday, December 26

With Mercury, Jupiter and Uranus in the Capricorn astral sky today should be anything but boring and you can expect some pleasant surprises. In your love life, this December 26 promises to be bright and smooth. Capricorns, you are totally relaxed.

If you are in a relationship, laughing at yourself a little will help to relax the atmosphere with your partner. And as you naturally have a playful spirit it does you good to laugh out loud like a child. If you are single, you have something to celebrate because the person you are interested in is finally responding to your advances.

Professionally, you are enthusiastic and full of ideas that could carry you a long way. Plus, if you want to change direction or start your own business, this is the perfect day to get started. Financially, you invest your money wisely and you might even receive a small, unexpected bonus. One thing is certain, lady luck is smiling on you today so you can feel serene. 


Today's Capricorn astral configuration favors luck in relationships, at work and in your finances. This Thursday, communication seems easy to you thanks to Mercury, and you have good relationships with everyone.

You also benefit from time to develop projects that are important to you and which could prove to be lucrative. So, you could take advantage of the presence of Jupiter to try your luck at a game of chance.


Capricorn in love

The Capricorn astral climate on this December 26 encourages freshness and spontaneity in your feelings. If you are in a relationship Uranus encourages you to be light and playful to help maintain the good understanding you have with your partner.

If you are single, Mercury and Jupiter come to give you a boost by promoting communication over a romantic friendship. You've been beating around the bush for a while and wondering if your feelings are shared by the person who makes your heart beat faster. You could be enlightened on this subject today!

In a relationship: put some joy into your life

This Thursday, you decide that it's time to push the little problems of everyday life to one side and enjoy life to the full, good and bad. Uranus reveals your childlike side, making you want to laugh and create good vibes in your relationship.

If you already get along well with your partner this will only help strengthen your bond. If your relationship is sometimes rocky, a little loving fun will ease tensions and help rekindle the flame between you and your loved one.

Single: it's the day for good news

Capricorns who have romantic feelings for a friend could find their situation moving forward, thanks to the presence of Jupiter and Mercury. Your long wait has not been in vain and your patience has touched the heart of the person you long for.

It seems you’ve been giving off the right vibes because this Thursday, you receive a phone call or an email that says a lot about the feelings that this person has for you. You might even land a date right away, so smile, life is good!


Capricorn at work

The astral climate for Capricorns at work is marked by a good dynamic this December 26. Mercury brings you good ideas to help advance your projects and your career. You are so inspired that some of your colleagues would like to steal your ideas.

However, since luck seems to be on your side today, you spot the bad guys from a long way off. Nobody is going to steal your laurels when you've been thinking about this for a long time.

Opportunities: you create yourself

When it comes to bringing your dreams to life, you are not the type to wait for opportunities to come to you; you prefer to go out and find them yourself! And if you don't receive the support you expect from your friends or colleagues, never mind, you'll manage on your own and still get what you want.

Uranus gives you sufficient energy to sort out what's what and Mercury facilitates contacts. Take advantage of this exceptional day to lay the foundations for your future.

Capricorn and money

The Capricorn astral climate on the financial side is serene, thoughtful and composed. When Jupiter is present, many financial opportunities may come your way.

However, since you are one of the signs that learn from past mistakes you have no intention of investing your money on a whim. You prefer to take the advice of a professional before risking your money in a new project.

Gains and losses: finances that calm

With Mercury and Jupiter on your side, you have every chance of getting a positive response regarding finance, a grant, or even a mortgage.

Today is a day when you can expect satisfaction from your finances and some Capricorns may even receive a small inheritance.


An overview of your day of December 26

This is the sort of day that Capricorns would like to experience more often. Everything seems easy and flows naturally thanks to the presence of Mercury, Jupiter and Uranus. In love, arguments are the last thing on your mind; you are interested in fun and being happy with your partner. You really want to create a peaceful relationship with your partner and humor is a great asset to help you have a great day.

If your heart is still free, you'll breathe a big sigh of relief, or even dance on the table, because good news is finally coming your way. If you've had someone on your mind for a while, it looks like this situation is evolving and you may be about to experience a fairy tale romance with them.

Professionally, your creativity is at its peak and many of your colleagues envy your brilliant ideas. Your finances are doing well this Thursday and you have no risk of loss unless you make a very bad investment. Luck is on your side, so now is the time to buy a lottery ticket.

My advice for making the most of today

This Thursday is the ideal time to cultivate your personal projects because you have great ideas. You just need to flesh them out and give them form to bring them to life. So even if you start with baby steps, you'll give yourself the impetus to initiate the changes you want to make. Remember to protect your dreams by not telling the whole world what you plan to do.

The jealousy some people feel would encourage them to bring you down instead of helping your progress. Your projects are plants that need to be carefully nurtured until they are strong enough to be brought outside without fear.

The Moon of December 26

Balsamic Moon

The balsamic moon invites you to rest, both mentally and physically. You’ve been through a lot in the past month and you need time to properly digest everything that has happened. Don't forget the story of the hare and the turtle!

Capricorn compatibility

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