Horoscope for Tuesday, February 04
This February 4 won't necessarily be a very easy day to negotiate because the association of Venus, Saturn and Neptune can really shake up different areas of your life. In fact, you're not going to be able to ignore what is causing you pain.
So Capricorns who are in a relationship may find it's time to start a revolution. Whether it's a peaceful one or not, you need to start using your personal power again, because you've neglected it for too long. Single Capricorns should find this is the perfect day to let go of things that still spoil your life. It's time to get back on track but on a healthier basis!
Professionally, you may have to grit your teeth and be flexible in order to accept the changes that take place around you whether you want them or not. I know that, like most Capricorns, you don't like unexpected change but here you have no choice and you need to accept it. And who knows? You may eventually find it really suits you!
In luck today, the Capricorn astral climate is supported by Venus. On the one hand, it brings you great material success which helps to solidify your prosperity.
And on the other hand, it makes it easier for you to bear your heartache and solitude while waiting to find your ideal partner. In short, luck helps you find the harmony that you lacked lately.
Capricorn in love
In love the Capricorn astral climate is pushing you through emotional experiences that may not be easy to manage. Whether you are in a relationship or single, today the goal is to regain your personal power and your self-confidence. Saturn undoubtedly inhibits your romantic side this Tuesday, but this is for a good reason.
You must relearn to assert what is important to you and stop letting people walk all over you, especially if you are in a relationship. For singles, it's time to do some work on your emotions and finally let go of the blockages that are stopping you from moving on towards a new love.
In a relationship: you need recognition
This February 4 is an important one for you, marking a point where you decide to really try to assert your self-confidence and get your partner to understand your point of view. You feel easily overwhelmed by their strong personality when you want to express your own feelings. But you have a deep need for recognition of all the things that you also bring to the relationship.
In fact, you often have the impression your partner doesn't hear what you say, understand your feelings or appreciate you like they should and you'd like things to change. Supported by Saturn, you won't give up until you're satisfied, and you're right to stand firm.
Single: you want to leave sadness behind
With Neptune and Venus in your sky, you have lots of things you want to do swimming around in your head, and Saturn forces you to structure them. Today, you are tackling a difficult part of your love life, that is, letting go of your deep sense of failure and getting back your self-confidence.
You may find this Tuesday a bit difficult, but it's important to free yourself from the sadness and fear that are stopping you from moving forward and give your other emotions an airing. Once you've done this work on yourself you can think about starting a new relationship that will be as satisfying as you deserve.
Capricorn at work
At work, the Capricorn astral sky prompts you to accept that things are changing. With Saturn in your sky this is not a joke, whether you want them to or not, your working conditions are going to change. And even if you don't like these changes, you have no choice but to accept them.
You don't like it when your habits are turned upside down without your say so. Nonetheless, this is going to give you the opportunity to explore new horizons and, who knows, it may even lead to the opening of new doors that you had no idea were even there.
Opportunities: thwarted
With Neptune in your sky, you have your head in the clouds and are dreaming about your ideal job. You can already see yourself at the top, making important decisions, managing staff, bringing in new contracts, victories and successes ... However, Saturn will call you to order and show you that this Tuesday your dreams of expansion are just that - dreams.
Any opportunities tend to crumple like a house of cards, leaving you to mope at your desk behind a pile of work. Be brave, soon you'll have some real challenges to overcome and you'll create some great opportunities for yourself, without needing help from anyone else.
Capricorn and money
This February 4, when it comes to finances the Capricorn astral climate is all about rewards and profits. You can say thank you to Venus for improving your income and making your wishes come true. The wheel of fortune is turning in your favor.
Having said that, Saturn is making you understand that you need to show some wisdom and not go out and spend everything you've earned all at once. So, avoid compulsive shopping as much as possible!
Gains and losses: beware, you are distracted
The gains that Venus brings tend to turn your head this Tuesday. You are already considering how to spend them. And it must be said that Neptune's influence means you tend to take your dreams for reality: money, power, fiery passion and triumphant success, you are so motivated by your fantasies that you are distracted from reality.
So be careful not to lose or overuse your wallet or your credit card because then your dreams will definitely be nipped in the bud.
An overview of your day of February 4
Given the astral configuration of this February 4, you are likely to go through some uncomfortable moments from an emotional point of view. Some Capricornss may even have the impression of having been through a washing machine on a fast spin cycle! In short, when it comes to love, expect to have to fight to show who you are and cease having things imposed on you that you haven't chosen.
If you are in a couple, being loved is great but letting your partner submerge you is out of the question! For singles, it's time to make the dream come true. No more dwelling on your past dramas. Create a new version of yourself and then find a fulfilling love life.
Professionally, you will undoubtedly grumble under your breath because you don't like unexpected change, but this Tuesday you'll just have to adapt to it, you have no choice. Financially, your income increases and you are overflowing with ideas on how to spend it. Be reasonable though!
My advice for making the most of today
Today, beneath your timorous or dreamy exterior, you are in search of stability. You know you have to make a decision about what to do with your life. There are a number of areas in your life that require change. These changes may be painful but they are necessary for your growth. Now is the time to be open about who you really are and plant the seeds of what you want to see flourish in your life.
You really can't go on letting people make decisions for you and saying nothing, and this is particularly the case in your love life. So, don't keep it all inside where it can make you ill, say loud and clear what matters to you. What you have to say may not please but at least you will feel relieved by saying what you need and by finally asserting yourself.