Horoscope for Thursday, February 27

The joint presence of Neptune and Mars in your sky indicates that today you will try to get a little closer to your dreams, taking into account the values and ideals that really make sense to you.

Lately, you may have tended to go with the flow, not bothering to think too hard about what life goals you really want to achieve. As of February 27, you intend to take back the reins of your destiny and show a little more independence of spirit.

The energy you will deploy will also serve your cause well, especially since you will have no difficulty in communicating your intentions to those who are dear to you. They may be an additional source of motivation for you. Since you will feel supported, you will be ready to move mountains!

Given your obvious urge to move forward and your newfound enthusiasm, it seems clear that luck is on your side right now. Now it's just a question of making good use of it.

For this, you will need to be clear about your goals, your needs and your values. Make the decisions that are right for you.


Virgo in love

Are you currently in a serious relationship? It seems that you are inclined to make the decisions that are necessary to make your relationship last! Today, you feel that a little levity wouldn't hurt your relationship. What's on the program? A mess of kisses, tender hugs and long discussions.

If you are looking for a soul mate, a discussion with one of your friends or family could give you a better understanding of why it is so difficult for you to make a lasting commitment. The influence of Mercury will therefore be deeply beneficial for you. 

In a relationship: love in the air

Mars encourages you to be fully aware of how lucky you are. Rather than taking what you have already for granted, today you will try to make the most of your partner's presence.

By clearly expressing your needs and listening to theirs, and then letting your inner child resurface, you shouldn't have too much trouble finding a point of agreement. You've got the right approach. By taking care of your relationship you're giving it the best chance to flourish.

Single: set your priorities

On this February 27, Neptune is urging you to be honest with yourself about how you feel about love. Like many Virgos, you are a true idealist, but too many expectations decrease your chances of meeting someone suitable.

In a discussion with a friend, you'll realize that your stubbornness could do with being worked on. Love isn't always found where it is most expected.


Virgo at work

Your heightened determination will of course be a remarkable ally if you want to develop your career, or at the very least to show yourself in your best light.

As the presence of Mars in your sky suggests, you currently feel ready to fight if necessary and you're not going to let anyone walk all over you. If you can channel this energy, things could quickly turn in your favor. So you know what you need to do!

Opportunities: a little strategy is needed

Since you weren't born with a silver spoon in your mouth, you know full well that sometimes you are willing to fight to get what you really want. In #mois, you will add an equally effective weapon to your arsenal, a strategic spirit.

By intelligently moving your pawns, you'll keep control of the life-size chessboard that is the professional world. You can thank Mercury for this awareness.

Virgo and money

In view of your astral conjunction, nothing seems to be able to shake your financial situation in the short term.

Indeed, you have a precise idea of what you want to obtain and the expenses you can afford. So all you have to do is persevere in your efforts!

Gains and losses: you take the lead

As you have no desire to let others decide for you or to wait your turn wisely, you'll be willing to invest in new financial initiatives over the next few weeks.

Be careful not to act out of emotion. When it comes to money, it is essential to be meticulous.


An overview of your day of February 27

The astral climate of February 27 is clearly conducive to personal growth for Virgos. Under the influence of Neptune, you will try to take your own ideals into account more and pay less attention to the opinions of some of your friends and family.

Today, you want to take back control and freely follow your instincts. It's too bad if some people don't understand your attitude very well, only you are able to know what really suits you. From an emotional viewpoint, you will find unfailing support in your partner.

This is also why you will want to spend quality time with them, which will strengthen your relationship even more. Professionally speaking, on Thursday you will be especially determined to make a difference. Your strategic sense could help you reach your goals faster than expected.

My tip on how to make the most of today

If you had to follow the advice and recommendations of those close to you to the letter, it is quite possible that you'd miss out on your life. While it is obviously not a question of being completely closed to other people's opinions, you would benefit from listening more carefully to your own needs.

In life, there is no universal recipe for happiness. You are therefore free to add your own ingredients to the mix if you want. When you manage to fully accept yourself, without worrying too much about what others say, you will have reached a great milestone. Isn't that the independence you've been dreaming of?

The Moon of February 27

New Moon

The new moon invites you to draw a line under your past so you can focus more on your future. Are you thinking about something in particular? Do you have a project that is especially important to you? The time has come to think about your future and to make use of all that energy you have dormant deep within yourself. You will see, it won't be long before there are some results. 

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