Monthly Horoscope for February 2024

The meeting of Venus, Mars and Neptune in the Capricorn astral sky is attractive, since it suggests that you will enjoy a month of February that is both redeeming and rewarding. Your astral sky is a clear testimony of your deep attachment to your system of values, but also of the tenderness you feel towards your loved ones.

In the coming weeks, you will be willing to go out of your way to try to get closer to some of your goals and finally be able to touch your dreams. The quality of your emotional life should also be a big help when it comes to advancing your life project.

And the energy you'll show at work will be a boon for the advancement of your career. Here, too, things are going to be particularly interesting. It's up to you to identify the right opportunities.


A first two weeks under the influence of Neptune

Have you recently noticed that there is a gap between your ideal life and the reality of your daily life? Do you feel that some of your basic needs are not being met at the moment? Do you hope for a better future in your heart, without knowing which direction to take and the actions that will get you there?

In this first part of February, the passage of Neptune in your astral sky should allow you to put some order in your life and target your main priorities better. Under the influence of this planet, you'll be brave enough to question some of your past choices and also have the courage to fight for the causes that make sense to you.

To ensure that this approach is sustainable, you will take some time to think calmly about the life you would like to lead and the solutions available to you. If need be, you will ask your loved ones for their advice. Don't forget they are your staunchest allies.

A Valentine's Day full of tenderness

Despite the questions you are currently asking yourself, you will make the most of the day for lovers to strengthen the bonds that unite you with your partner. This year, you want to think big and really mark the occasion. There's no way you're just going to settle for a nice meal together! You feel infinite tenderness for your partner.

Are you single? You obviously have many strengths that are very attractive. By using them wisely, your situation may change faster than expected.

New moon of February 09

This February's New Moon will be especially useful for #signs_adj who want to enjoy a serene and rewarding love life. By inviting you to refocus on your priorities, it will encourage you to live in harmony with your partner and make the best decisions for your couple together. If you are single, this new moon is particularly likely to help you find that special someone. It's all about self-knowledge.


A second two weeks ideal for your personal growth

After thinking about the life you would like to lead and the changes you could bring about, the time finally seems to have come to turn your thoughts into deeds! In the second part of the month, the passage of Mars in the Capricorn astral sky indicates that you will soon be filled with overwhelming energy.

This will certainly be of help to you in implementing changes to your current routing and making decisions that are important for your future. In view of your astral conjunction, your professional life will be particularly affected by this spirit of reform.

For some Capricorns, a reassessment of their career plan may be on the agenda. For others, it will simply be a matter of gathering all the ingredients they need to make their everyday life at work more pleasant. Ambition and assertiveness will be major assets for them.

New friendships at work?

By boosting your sociability, Venus could allow you to create new links in your work environment. The relationships you are about to develop will not only contribute to the evolution of your career plan, they will also help you create a more serene relationship climate.

To give the best of yourself, you need to feel that the atmosphere around you is comfortable. The positive repercussions of this pleasant environment will also be felt in your personal life.

Full moon of February 24

This February's full moon encourages you to step out of your comfort zone and discover new horizons. Just as a plant needs water and light to thrive, #signs_adj often feel most comfortable with novelty. In the coming days, all the conditions will be met for you to make the most of your potential. Do you know what you'll do with all the beautiful new things you'll discover? Since you don't lack imagination, you shouldn't have too much trouble finding your answer.

What to remember in Februar

It goes without saying that February will play an active role in the personal growth of most Capricorns. The astral climate is currently very much in favor of initiative, action and change.

Under the joint influence of Venus, Mars and Neptune, in the coming weeks you will feel very balanced, which will encourage you to proudly defend your points of view and to become fully involved in the projects that are important to you. If you feel it is necessary, you will also have the courage to bring about change in your daily life.

This open-mindedness will be perfectly complemented by the support and enriching advice that your loved ones will give you. The quality of your love life will also contribute to your current well-being. What more can you ask for?

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