Monthly Horoscope for May 2025

In view of the planets present in your sky, you can undoubtedly look forward to balance and tranquility in May. Which is great as the good weather starts to feel like it’s settling in. The encounter of the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn is a happy omen for the personal growth of Capricorns, especially for those of you who are aware that you are not in a hurry to act.

While remaining aware of the imperfect nature of your daily life, in the coming weeks you will be able to take advantage of the many benefits of your current situation to put things into place and advance your projects.

At work and at home, you will find yourself filled with a new enthusiasm. It will help you to get fully involved in the activities that are important to you, and also to look forward to your future. It is all coming together very nicely.

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In the first two weeks, you wonder what you are really looking for

As the presence of the Sun in your sky suggests, the sustainability of your action will largely depend on your ability to plan your strategy down to the smallest detail. In May, instead of rushing into battle, you will have the intelligence to take a step back from your current situation.

This distance will help you see things in a different light, more lucid perhaps, less passionate certainly. Since you will manage to be honest with yourself, you will have no difficulty in identifying the things that are wrong with your everyday life.

You are optimistic by nature and you know very well that you have the resources to deal with these concerns. You can also count on your sense of strategy and patience to make your dreams a reality. Good things come to those who wait.

A comfortable romantic situation

The self-confidence that will emanate from you during May can be explained to a large extent by the quality of your love life. The support of your partner is invaluable to you. When you are with them, you are convinced that no obstacle can ever get in the way of your progress.

In the spring, you will make use of this buoyant mood to ensure they understand how grateful you are to them. After all, one of the reasons you feel fulfilled in life is thanks to their constant support.

Full moon of May 12

Under the influence of May's full moon you will be very sensitive to the feelings of others, which will help you to create significant bonds with some of your loved ones... or even with complete strangers! Although the common place has its function in conversation, nothing is more effective in strengthening a relationship than sincerity. You don't have to pretend to be someone else in order to please. Your inner qualities speak for themselves, so trust them.

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Success is promised in the second two weeks

Due to Jupiter's influence, most Capricorns will probably feel they are growing wings in the second half of May! Your lucky star is definitely watching over you right now. It encourages you to fight body and soul for the projects that make sense to you and invites you to take care of your well-being.

Even if you sometimes don’t believe it, you have rare qualities that some of your loved ones may envy. As you are concerned about your long-term happiness, you will be ready to make some good resolutions, perhaps about those pesky bad habits you keep wanting to change.

The quality of your diet, physical exercise and non-violent communication will be some of the things that you'll find it a pleasure to consider. The first results should soon be visible.

Are you single? A welcome boost.

Are you in search of love and ready to open your heart to a new relationship? The meeting of Jupiter and the Sun suggests that your lucky day may have arrived. To find a soul mate, however, you will have to step outside the safety of your comfortable cocoon and show the real you to the world around you.

Sincerity and sensitivity are formidable weapons when it comes to seducing someone who could be important to you. Don't expect anything from others and you will be more attractive than ever before.

New moon of May 26

This May's new moon will delight #signs_adj looking for new experiences and the unforeseen. By encouraging you to give your curiosity full rein, it will help you to explore new lands and discover the infinite field of possibilities. Between routine and the excitement of renewal, you will quickly make your choice. It's hard to question the merits of your decision!

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What to remember from #mois #annee

What to remember in May

Crossed by the Sun, Saturn and Jupiter, your sky has a remarkable balance. It testifies to the well-being you will experience in the coming weeks, but also to your ability to calmly overcome the hardships that life always has to offer.

As a first step, an awareness will give you the opportunity to identify the parts of your daily life that can be improved. Your ability to act will then allow you to take the necessary measures without feeling constrained or needing to rush. In this very favorable context, it is likely that you will manage to detach yourself from some of your fears or to get rid of some of your bad habits.

From the point of view of your love life, a meeting is clearly possible. If you are in a relationship, tenderness will reign in your lives together. What more can you ask for?

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