Monthly Horoscope for August 2025

The association of planets that will cross the Capricorn astral sky in August is particularly interesting. The meeting of Mercury, Uranus and Neptune is likely to bring that breath of fresh air to your daily routine that you so badly need in order to regain your motivation and enthusiasm for life.

In the coming weeks, it should come as no surprise that a number of changes are taking place, both in your love life and in your professional life. In this process of development, you will be able to count on your strong qualities, first of all your sense of strategy, but also your ability to plan and your real attachment to your system of values.

In this favorable astral context, the choices you are about to make are thus very likely to be sustainable. Just be careful not to respond too easily to any impulses that are encouraging you to act too hastily. You have time to plan your move.

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A first two weeks under the influence of Neptune

The presence of Neptune in your astral sky is an encouraging sign for your continuing personal growth. This planet clearly testifies to your sense of values and your deep desire to lead an existence that would perfectly meet your real needs.

In the first two weeks of August, influenced by Neptune, you'll take the time to reflect calmly on which causes truly matter to you. To ensure you take the right direction, you will also be brave enough to challenge some of your most entrenched certainties, particularly those that stem from your upbringing or the dominant beliefs in your social circle.

Because of your honesty towards yourself, you'll realize that the choices made by some of your loved ones don't necessarily correspond to your vision of the world and what you are looking for.

A summer conducive to planning for the future

You'll have no difficulty enjoying all the advantages of the summer, but that won't stop you also taking advantage of your propitious astral dynamics to put an action plan into place. By agreeing to redefine your roadmap and ensuring it is broken into manageable steps, you should quickly be able to feel far more serene about your future.

You could soon find yourself feeling much more enthusiastic about life. It must be said that the prospects open to you today should have something to make you smile. And the good news is that the winds of change can blow you as far as you want to go!

Full moon of August 08

In August, the full moon will encourage you to develop your social life, to spend as much time as possible with your loved ones and to open your door to novelty. Your desire to share with others and your taste for discovery could lead you to make very pleasant encounters. Talking with other people will not only help relieve the pressure you feel but also give you the opportunity to see your situation in a new light. In this context it's difficult not to get excited!

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A second two weeks that is about change

In an effort to practice what you preach you'll make the most of the end of August to turn your ideas into reality. Clearly, change is on the agenda, in your love life as well as in the routine of your professional life. Like many Capricorns, you believe that change is an integral part of human existence and that there is therefore no reason to be afraid of it.

Your past experience and success will help you to feel relaxed about these changes. Rather than worrying about the certainties that you may lose, you will prefer to focus your attention on all the small improvements to your life that you'll soon see.

After all, why see the glass half empty when the future holds so many beautiful surprises? You have the resources you need to adapt to any changes in your situation.

Your love life is a success

The new dynamic that will begin at the end of August should help you to enjoy the benefits of your current romantic situation to the full. Are you in a relationship? A positive spiral is clearly emerging. Your relationship will soon regain the vigor and energy it once had. Some special times together are to be expected.

In search of great love? Your good mood and open-mindedness are very seductive! Take the opportunity to expand your social circle, relax and have a good time. Life is too short not to be lived to the fullest, don't you think?

New moon of August 23

This new moon is a boon for #signs_adj who are worried about the sustainability of their choices. Under its influence, you'll be happy to think about your future. Despite your legitimate need for change, you are sensible enough to accept that some things are better conceived over the long-term. So that you don't make decisions that you'll quickly regret, you'll keep in mind that you are under no pressure to act. You have enough time to plan your action over the long term.

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What to remember from #mois #annee

What to remember in August

In view of your astral conjunction, it seems very likely that August will be a milestone in your process of personal growth. Crossed by Uranus, Mercury and Neptune, your astral sky testifies to your sincerity and your need for change, as well as your deep desire to live a life that resembles you in every way.

In the coming weeks, you will also be able to take advantage of your past experience to help you make lasting decisions for your future, which will, of course, be considered over the long term. The quality of your social life and your romantic relationship will help you to be particularly serene when you consider your future.

The support that your loved ones will give you will also contribute to your well-being. The discoveries you are about to make will too!

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