Compatibility Gemini and Gemini


Love compatibility of Gemini with Gemini

In one word
Degree of Affinity

Two Geminis seem to have an almost immediate understanding, but it doesn't usually last for a long time. These two air signs feel good together and they feel the same things at the same time. On an emotional level, they're really on the same page. The two Geminis are passionate about similar things and their communication is remarkable.

They find it so easy to talk to each other that they can even talk too much! When two Geminis start chatting to each other it's literally impossible to get a word in edgewise, which can be a bit tiresome for those around them. These air signs have great times together, but the relationship tends to be more of a sibling bond than one of passion and love.

In their everyday behavior they are like a pair of twins, the one is almost the same as the other. The problem is that they both have very childlike characters and finally neither of them really wants to commit to the relationship and get involved in the nitty gritty of everyday life.

If they persist in wanting to settle down together, their story may be plagued with inconstancy. It will undoubtedly be punctuated by intellectual challenges and subtle provocations. A union between two Geminis is a bit of a lottery. Either by some strange osmosis they end up living happily, or they have a life punctuated by crises and misunderstandings.


understanding, intelligence, communication


childishness, commitment, challenge

Communication and emotion between Gemini and Gemini

Communication is the flagship element of a relationship between two Geminis. It's a virtually uninterrupted flow. Whatever the means, phone, text, letter or even by carrier pigeon, if necessary, they cannot help but converse. As they are in phase, they always have something to tell each other, a subject to talk about for hours, the news to comment on or the gossip of the neighborhood to share. The intellectual side of their relationship is what is more important than anything else and as long as this area of their union is treated with enough respect, their couple will stay on course.

Gemini aren't very big on emotion; an intellectual connection is far more important than an emotional one because they refuse to let themselves be overwhelmed by feelings they can't control. But if they find themselves with someone, other than their partner, who awakens their sensitive side, they are likely to be fascinated by this character's ability to reconnect them to part of their humanity.

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Trust between Gemini and Gemini

Trust can be a mixed issue between two Geminis. If the truth be told, they know they can't really trust each other but on the other hand, it doesn't really bother them. Since they understand each other well, as they are like mirror images, they know full well that they can never be certain of anything with a character as changeable as their own. They are superficial, easily distracted and volatile; they know what to expect and therefore they never fully commit to a relationship.

If Geminis were predictable signs, they might try to fully trust each other, but that's not the case here. However, this doesn't traumatize or worry them. On the contrary, it means they can show themselves for who they truly are, without filters or pretense. The cloud on the horizon is that this keeps them in precarious relationships that are not likely to have a long future.

Intimacy and sexuality of Gemini with Gemini

When it comes to sexuality, a Gemini duo seems much more comfortable with theory than with practice. Generally speaking, Gemini is happy to teach their partner new techniques and positions but when they have to act on their teachings is much less at ease. Indeed, Geminis tend to intellectualize sexuality a lot and to tell the truth, they are sometimes happier to talk and fantasize about it than to actually do anything about it.

Nevertheless, these signs are very creative beings who don't lack imagination and who enjoy making love in unusual places. Since Gemini loves change, this pair will probably never get into a rut or get bored. They will always have an idea to bring something new or imaginative to their sex lives.

Compatibility in love

A Gemini man with a Gemini woman: in theory, Mr and Miss Gemini have all the strengths they need for their couple to work. They understand each other, they know how to have fun, they both hate monotony, and they are excellent communicators. However, even though they are physically adults, mentally they are more like teenagers and absolutely do not want to mature if it means they lose any of their carefreeness. This couple gets along well as long as they have challenges to face. But as soon as the excitement fades in favor of the daily routine, each partner will let the other enjoy their freedom and independence without contesting it. In short, these two air signs could easily be so relaxed with their partner that it could be fatal to their relationship.

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Compatibility at work of Gemini with Gemini

In one word
Degree of Affinity

At work, Geminis like to feel independent and prefer to be given the freedom to act as they think fit in order to achieve their tasks. Generally speaking, Gemini gets along with other air signs because they function in more or less the same way. So, if there are two Geminis working on the same project the atmosphere should be pleasant. One thing is certain, as their creative brains work at top speed, they are likely to be bursting with ideas and also very productive. That said, this pair of air signs sometimes lacks common sense, so it may be wise to add an earth sign to the team to ground them and help them keep focused on the goals they need to achieve.

Geminis hate anything that resembles a routine so will have to make a lot of effort to maintain a minimum of regularity in their program. To lighten that load a little they often opt for sharing thankless tasks in order to be able to get through them more quickly. A pair of Geminis can work well but there is also a big risk that their partnership could turn into a disaster area. Neither of them wants to be responsible for things and much less to be a manager who needs to take responsibility for mistakes.

However, Geminis working as colleagues know how to adapt to their partner's mood swings. If one Gemini is the boss, it is likely that they will have limited confidence in their employee and will ensure they are well supervised to avoid unnecessary problems.


understanding, communication, lightness


carelessness, irresponsibility, lack of concentration


Compatibility in friendship of Gemini with Gemini

In one word
Degree of Affinity

Most of the time two Geminis can have a very successful friendship. They are often driven by the same interests; they both feel the same need to share and exchange and communicate their personal thoughts. These air signs are so hungry for knowledge that they are frequently self-taught people who have a lot to teach others. As they learn, they like to explain to others what they have learned or experienced. Geminis love to be together but they also appreciate having their personal space respected so won't impose themselves when their presence is not wanted. They respect each other's independence.

Having similar temperaments allows them to have a real understanding of each other. Probably they would not even need to talk to each other in order to be on the same wavelength but that's not something they can achieve, talking is like lifeblood to them.

A friendship between two Geminis is likely to last a lifetime provided it does not become routine; if it does they won't see any point in getting together. In addition, Gemini are not models of constancy, and are even known to cut off their nose to spite their face in order to get something they want. Jealousy and backbiting are also possible in this relationship, especially if it is between two Gemini women, as they love criticizing others.


chatting, learning, hobbies


criticism, rivalry, gossip


Compatibility in the family of Gemini with Gemini

In one word
Degree of Affinity

In the family, Geminis are so similar in their behavior, that it is very easy for them to get along well. Generally, their relationship is harmonious for the good reason that they know how to communicate and don't hesitate to say what they think. In addition, because they know how to let go of things, understand each other and just like to live life, it's easy for them to get along. When two Geminis live together under the same roof, their relationship is relaxed, with lots of entertainment and outings.

When it comes to marriage, two Geminis don't really need to formalize their relationship. Nevertheless, this does not mean that these two air signs can't get along very well so long as they take the time to understand and respect each other. Obviously, when the initial euphoria wears off there will be disappointments and conflicts. They may struggle to keep things going for a while, but they will quickly get bored. What can they do then? Some will do anything to find compromises and cling to their relationship, while others will waste no time and break up without remorse. For those who decide to hang on their relationship usually becomes stable as time goes by. Thus, even Gemini partners can learn to accept and respect their respective strengths and weaknesses.


lightness, enthusiasm, joy


weariness, boredom, misunderstanding

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