Compatibility Gemini and Aquarius


Love compatibility of Gemini with Aquarius

In one word
Degree of Affinity

Put a Gemini and an Aquarius in the same room and there is a very good chance that these two signs will immediately be attracted to each other. These air signs have things in common that instantly bring them together such as their taste for adventure, their need for freedom and their individuality.

Gemini loves the carefree way Aquarius lives; admires their insubordination, tolerance and intelligence. As for Aquarius, they love Gemini's non-conformism and humor and their reluctance to ever grow up. These two air signs understand each other very well because they function in more of less the same way. Their relationship will also be reinforced by a strong spiritual bond and a beautiful connection in their sex lives.

Gemini and Aquarius both have a lively social life; they love meeting new people and making new friends. As they both have a rich exterior life this helps them avoid falling into the trap of having a very fusional relationship which neither would be happy with. It should not be forgotten that both these signs cherish their independence and won't tolerate any attempt to curtail their freedom.

Although they are not possessive, Aquarius stills finds it difficult to live with Gemini's lack of commitment to their romantic relationships and particularly their tendency to flirt with everyone.


adventure, communication, worldliness


infidelity, confinement, insensitivity

Communication and emotion between Gemini and Aquarius

Communication between Gemini and Aquarius works perfectly, they absolutely need intellectual exchanges to feel good about their relationship. Often, they talk much more than they act. Many of their projects remain plans for ever, never seeing the light of day. It is important to know that Aquarius has a well-developed ego and likes to impose their opinions on others. What's more, they can be quite rigid, so it's a good thing that Gemini doesn't find it hard to accept this sort of behavior. Since Gemini hates conflict, they will rarely contradict Aquarius but constantly remaining quiet can end up damaging them.

On the emotional side, these two signs understand each other perfectly but lack human warmth in their exchanges. There is a fine intellectual understanding between them, but they lack passion and deep feelings. And this deficiency can contribute to the ending of their affair.

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Trust between Gemini and Aquarius

Gemini tends to like to flirt but still, when with Aquarius, the two signs trust each other almost blindly. In any case, Aquarius hates lies, and Gemini feels so good with Aquarius that they don't feel the need to lie. As a good air sign, Aquarius understands that everyone needs space and freedom. In the end, the way their couple functions is quite simple; they both know that to obtain freedom they have to be willing to grant it too.

These two signs feel sincere respect for each other because they understand that if they are to be happy together, neither should feel stifled. They are very tolerant and however difficult the truth will always say it. Whatever may be confessed, they never allow themselves to judge each other.

Intimacy and sexuality of Gemini with Aquarius

Gemini and Aquarius have more of an intellectual than a physical connection. For these two signs, sexuality is something that goes far beyond mere physical encounter. They are each looking for a partner who meets their requirements and for that, the person in question must be intelligent. If they can't relate intellectually the atmosphere under the sheets may be ruined.

Since they both see themselves as insightful, imaginative and with a strong sense of balance, they usually have a good time together when it comes to sex. Their advantage is that each enjoys talking to the other and finding out what satisfies them. However, even though they have no problems with intimacy, their lack of emotional connection could be a real challenge for the strength of their relationship.

Compatibility in love

A Gemini man with an Aquarius woman: the affinity between these two signs is more intellectual than sensual. This is the basis that a relationship between Mr Gemini and Miss Aquarius is usually built on and their story will last because it is based on genuine understanding. Miss Aquarius is attracted to Mr Gemini's charm but may still find herself subject to fits of jealousy as her companion is not a model of fidelity. So, rather than putting up with his antics and suffering from his behavior, she prefers to take back her independence.

A Gemini woman with an Aquarius man: Miss Gemini and Mr Aquarius usually have a clear mutual understanding and an undeniable attraction. They both love travel and adventure, but the routine of everyday life is definitely not for them. They may often seek to avoid reality and unfortunately this can damage the balance of their relationship. Their understanding is based on mutual respect and although each partner tends to flirt with other people, they understand this need for freedom and accept it without making it a drama.

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Compatibility at work of Gemini with Aquarius

In one word
Degree of Affinity

At work, Gemini and Aquarius get along particularly well because they have almost the same way of working. To be fulfilled, they both need to be relatively autonomous and be able to express their creativity. These two signs complement each other and understand each other well. Like all air signs, they are not very disciplined, but they compensate for this defect by the liveliness of their minds. In this partnership, Aquarius brings common sense and determination while Gemini is passionate and sharp.

A really successful partnership between Gemini and Aquarius will only happen if both are in a creative position. These two signs are very inventive, their minds are constantly full of ideas, but they are absolutely not good at anything related to organization, planning and the concrete application of their thoughts. So even if they have a specific goal to achieve, they may well drop the ball on the way or never manage to develop their genius idea simply because their approach is too scattergun. In order for their partnership to last, an earth sign teammate would be welcome to help them make their projects concrete.

If Aquarius is the boss, Gemini will really enjoy working with this avant-garde, communicative and surprising sign. If Gemini is the boss, they will give Aquarius carte blanche to work in the way that suits them best. Aquarius feels they are in the right place and the two will agree about most things. However, they need to ensure that they keep their business in balance because air signs are not great at managing material and administrative constraints.


creativity, communication, sharing


discipline, organization, planning


Compatibility in friendship of Gemini with Aquarius

In one word
Degree of Affinity

Although Gemini is always surrounded by a host of acquaintances, they have few true friends. Those they consider trustworthy and reliable can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Gemini's vision of friendship is free and open. They are definitely not possessive and in this sense they get along very well with Aquarius. Aquarius is very unconventional in their thinking and is attracted to Gemini because they are both freedom lovers. Aquarius can often appear a little bizarre, but they are always happy to have a conversation with a stranger.

They never erect barriers and are interested in everyone, whatever their intellect, social background, appearance or religion. They like to push others to grow, giving them support and encouragement and not judging them. On this point Gemini is very similar as they accept people as they are without trying to change them. When they are together, they enjoy talking about the things they have in common, their taste for adventure and their fundamental need for freedom.

Their friendship lasts because they both have the same need to communicate, are committed to respecting each other's space and accept each other as they are. They both love to move, to travel and to talk and can spend hours discussing anything and nothing without ever getting bored.


freedom, movement, communication


inconsistency, loyalty, criticism


Compatibility in the family of Gemini with Aquarius

In one word
Degree of Affinity

When Gemini and Aquarius live together under the same roof, whether they are parent and child, siblings or husband and wife, they find it easy to agree. These two signs stimulate each other and have a lot of activities in common. They love hobbies, outings and lively discussions. As they love to communicate, their relationship is often very strong. These two non-conformists can enjoy lengthy debates and express their original ideas without ever feeling judged.

In marriage, Aquarius is usually the leader because they are a little more organized than Gemini, who has a tendency to let themselves be carried away by events. Aquarius helps Gemini feel more stable and secure without making them feel stifled. As a result, they each retain their freedom while staying in their couple. Seen from the outside, they can look like a pair of somewhat irresponsible students, not ready for adulting and always partying. Once they have children, they gain a little more wisdom, but their relationship is still atypical, not to say zany. However, their relationship should be long-lasting and apart from a problem of infidelity on the part of Gemini, nothing seems to be able to destroy their love story.


communication, outings, mirroring


infidelity, criticism, changeability

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