Compatibility Taurus and Gemini


Love compatibility of Taurus with Gemini

In one word
Degree of Affinity

A union between Taurus and Gemini can work provided that each seeks to make the other happy and is prepared to compromise. The earth sign can help anchor Gemini who tends to be a bit of a butterfly. Although Taurus is of a suspicious nature, once they have decided to commit to Gemini they will follow through until the end.

On the other hand, the air sign doesn't really know what they want, tending to hesitate and procrastinate because they are afraid of commitment. Gemini is very different to Taurus; they like change, love to dream and want to be free to roam. However, when Gemini lets themselves be trapped by love, they admire Taurus' practical sense, thoughtfulness and determination.

If they want the relationship to work, they have no choice but to offer the stability demanded by the earth sign, even though they will find the need to be more serious about all aspects of their existence difficult. And as Gemini hates conflict they will be willing to compromise in order to avoid a dispute.

At the same time, Taurus can be turned upside down by Gemini which can make them lose their bearings, but they are very attracted by the air sign's non-conformism and charm.


seduction, security, non-conformism


lack of seriousness, infidelity, hesitation

Communication and emotion between Taurus and Gemini

In general, Taurus only speaks when they have something interesting to say. It's not that they are stingy with words, just they prefer to get straight to the point without deviating. Gemini, on the other hand, is more voluble, they sometimes speak just to hear the sound of their voice and their flow of words can be impressive. In fact, this constant chatter is one way of avoiding the difficulty they have in showing their emotions. Taurus and Gemini don't really have the same interests, but they still manage to communicate with each other. Both know how to be kind when they are expressing their thoughts. If Taurus can learn to open up a little and Gemini to rein it in, they can even have fun together.

On the other hand, these two signs find it harder to share emotions. And finally, it is Taurus’ gentle patience that can lead Gemini to be less intellectual and express their emotions more.

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Trust between Taurus and Gemini

Trust is a subject that can really lead to anger between Taurus and Gemini! When Taurus tries to control Gemini or lock them up, Gemini will do everything they can to escape. And Gemini will often use devious means to avoid a head on confrontation with someone who wants to control them. Taurus wants only one thing, a strong and unwavering bond with their partner.

These are radically different ideas of life that can easily lead to conflict if both partners are not clear from the very beginning of their relationships about the level of commitment they expect. If Gemini begins to seek excuses to avoid going out with Taurus, the latter will probably begin to have doubts which will lead to a lack of trust. And when you know how tenacious the earth sign is when it comes to a grudge, it's better to get things clear right away than try to avoid the subject.

Intimacy and sexuality of Taurus with Gemini

Sexuality is very important to Taurus, they need to be close to their partner, body and soul. But Gemini is less interested in awakening the senses than in the intellectual side of intimate relationships. They don't need to spend hours in Taurus' arms to feel loved and valued. Physical contact is not essential for them, want they need is communication and exchange. Gemini is cerebral, they are libertine in their emotions and love games of seduction. The air sign would like nothing better than to be able to constantly renew the pleasure of seducing their partner. Taurus is more interested in the sensual. As a good earth sign, they cultivate an exclusive and possessive pleasure.

Taurus is very conventional and needs somewhere reassuring and familiar before they can relax and be intimate. Gemini prefers to get off the beaten track and loves experimenting with different places to make love. In short, the sex life of Taurus and Gemini may be a source of tension. Taurus will be annoyed by the air sign's lack of emotions and Gemini won't like the earth sign's lack of imagination.

Compatibility in love

A Taurus man with a Gemini woman: a union between Mr Taurus and Miss Gemini is likely to last if both parties are ready to make compromises. The very traditionalist earth sign does not understand why Miss Gemini needs to flirt and be admired by other men. Taurus is very loyal but likely to get angry, even if he can't help admiring Miss Gemini's boldness. He wants to offer her all his affection, as well as a home with all the material comforts possible.

A Taurus woman with a Gemini man: the relationship between Miss Taurus and Mr Gemini can take some time and compromise before it is harmonious. The earth sign can be very patient in offering Mr Gemini stability and making him want to stop running around. On the other hand, although Mr Gemini tends to be like an eternal teenager with a fear of commitment, he nevertheless adds imagination and ease to Miss Taurus' life, which is always very organized and pragmatic.

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Compatibility at work of Taurus with Gemini

In one word
Degree of Affinity

Taurus is characterized by a certain slowness but thanks to their rationality and methodical approach, they always manage to achieve their ends. There is no question of improvisation for them. Professionally, they have affinities with Gemini provided the air sign does not spend their time chatting. Gemini is very attached to their independence and likes to be given autonomy at work. They enjoy working with Taurus because it gives them a chance to learn and to take advantage of the earth sign's perseverance.

They can have a constructive understanding at work provided both signs take the time to adapt to each other. In this way Taurus can bring Gemini stability and in return the air sign can offer Taurus help and flexibility. Obviously, not everything will go smoothly and there will often be confrontations because their natural differences can create a climate of tension. In short, theirs is not a path strewn with roses.

If Gemini is the boss, Taurus finds it hard to blindly obey their orders. They see Gemini as lacking seriousness, thoughtless and a bit unstable. Their collaboration is unlikely to last long. If Taurus is the boss, they will admire Gemini's commercial sense and their friendly side. On the other hand, Taurus doesn't appreciate Gemini's lack of practical sense and their inconsistency. Conflicts therefore seem inevitable.


trade, method, perseverance


gossip, inconsistency, improvisation


Compatibility in friendship of Taurus with Gemini

In one word
Degree of Affinity

From an intellectual point of view, the earth sign and the air sign can become acquaintances but are unlikely to develop a long term friendship. If the paths of Taurus and Gemini cross, it will not be for very long, alas. In friendship, Taurus is reliable, loyal and authentic; they find it difficult to understand Gemini who flits from one friend to another, without really interesting themselves in other people. Taurus is very faithful in friendship and likes to be part of a small circle they know they can count on. They do not appreciate Gemini's seeming lack of attachment to anyone.

Any friendship between Taurus and Gemini therefore is not very stable. Admittedly, they can appreciate each other and be satisfied with their relationship when they first get to know each other, but it never lasts very long. Generally, it lasts until the air sign understands that Taurus will never be a constant source of novelty and fantasy. And for their part the earth sign quickly tires of Gemini's unpredictability and decides to leave them alone.

In this context, Gemini will quickly get bored with Taurus, because they can't tolerate how predictable and anchored the earth sign is. And it is above all lack of novelty that will make Gemini want to end the relationship. In order for their friendship to last a long time, they might need to have a common goal to bring them closer together, otherwise the time they spend together will be very limited.


intellect, banality, politeness


unpredictability, detachment, boredom


Compatibility in the family of Taurus with Gemini

In one word
Degree of Affinity

In the family it is often Taurus who takes care of everything at home. They lead their family like a conductor, organizing and anticipating the smallest details so everything works for the best. The earth sign loves taking care of their family more than anything else and likes to create a pleasant atmosphere at home. From a practical point of view, Gemini has the capacity to replace Taurus as the manager of the household. But Taurus will be annoyed by Gemini's lack of organization and their tendency to be a bit of a hot air merchant. Gemini doesn't like Taurus lack of imagination as Taurus is a real homebody who tends to be fixed in their habits. Within the family, relationships can be complicated because both signs have difficulty understanding each other. It's therefore not easy for them to exchange.

Taurus has trouble understanding Gemini's mood swings, their recklessness and casualness. On the other hand, Gemini sees Taurus as being far too predictable and too much of a couch potato. As you can see, Gemini and Taurus are unlikely to have an easy coexistence under the same roof.


tolerance, courtesy, management


habit, possessiveness, thoughtlessness

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