Compatibility Scorpio and Scorpio


Love compatibility of Scorpio with Scorpio

In one word
Degree of Affinity

A romantic relationship between two Scorpios is very intense, in fact it could be said it is high voltage! This union is anything but a bed of roses and emotions will be felt, for better or worse. So sensitive souls should think twice before embarking on this adventure. These water signs are irresistibly attracted to each other and live a very passionate relationship.

They are very intuitive, understanding each other perfectly and know only one way of living their relationship, to the full, with passion and determination. Their sex life is very important to a Scorpio and on this subject, they are obviously on the same page.

They both have an undeniable charm, and this can cause jealousy, arguments and some emotional torment. This means their bond can be unstable and insecure. The two Scorpios take turns at being victim and torturer, which does not contribute to a psychologically healthy relationship.

They can swing from total ecstasy to deepest depression, something they find it harder and harder to recover from over time. They love risk, action, mystery, the unexpected, surprises… However, they can go from love to hate in a heartbeat.


sensuality, intuition, understanding


jealousy, insecurity, excess

Communication and emotion between Scorpio and Scorpio

In general, Scorpios are better at listening than speaking. Thus, their mode of communication can seem strange as it is based on their intuition more than their words. Scorpios are passionate people but also very good at persuasion. How do they do it? They listen patiently, mentally recording everything they hear in order to use the information to their advantage at the appropriate time, even if it is several years later. In short, Scorpios are very good at manipulating others to achieve their goals. When they speak, it is often to criticize and talk about people who are not there to defend themselves. Unfortunately, arguments are the most common way for two Scorpios to communicate and even if it means rehashing old problems they don't care!

Scorpios have a dark and proud temperament and never want to appear weak, so they usually attack first. However, inside they hide a real sensitivity and great insecurity. But rather than show themselves in their true light and perhaps appear vulnerable, they prefer to hide their real emotions.

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Trust between Scorpio and Scorpio

Generally speaking, Scorpios are faithful, and they particularly hate being lied to. However, on the other hand, they allow themselves plenty of freedom. These water signs are great seducers, and they can't help but flirt with other people. In absolute terms, Scorpios are quite capable of being faithful but their penchant for conquest is sometimes stronger than they are. The relationship between two Scorpios is marked by almost morbid jealousy, these two are suspicious about everything, even when they are being honest.

Their instinct for possessiveness is such that they can make themselves ill over nothing and imagine the absolute worst case scenario of deception. And, what's more, they will never confess their latent sense of insecurity or their constant fear of abandonment. Instead, they prefer to throw hurtful words around. So the moral of this tale is that they only have a very limited trust in each other.

Intimacy and sexuality of Scorpio with Scorpio

Life for a pair of Scorpios is very much a roller coaster of feuds followed by steamy reconciliations in bed. It's the quality of their sex life that ultimately cements their relationship and both these water signs seem happy here. They can transfer all their energy and latent violence to their sex lives which are very passionate. Scorpios have no taboos and experiment whenever they feel like it. Their sex life is a very important part of existence for these water signs.

If Scorpios do not find fulfillment with their partner their relationship will not last for very long. Generally, two Scorpios together emerge very satisfied from their romps under the sheets. This counterbalances their tempestuous daily lives, although only for a short while! In fact, often no sooner have they left the bedroom than hostilities restart, and often for no real reason.

Compatibility in love

A Scorpio man with a Scorpio woman: when Mr and Miss Scorpio get into a relationship, it's for the better but also for the worse! In fact, they can love each other very much but still be very cruel to each other. There is a thin line between passion and loathing and these two will cross it with disconcerting regularity. Mr Scorpio will often flirt with other women but usually only for the pleasure of proving he can, because he is not fundamentally unfaithful. Faced with this behavior, Miss Scorpio tries to be understanding, but her patience quickly reaches its limits, and an explosion of jealousy will follow. They spend their time arguing and reconciling, which can be psychologically exhausting for these two water signs who hide their own emotions so well.

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Compatibility at work of Scorpio with Scorpio

In one word
Degree of Affinity

In order for Scorpio to feel fulfilled in their work, they need to know their skills are appreciated and particularly that their creative mind, curiosity and organizational skills are sought after. When they work with other water signs, they usually feel comfortable as both have the same thin skins. They understand each other easily, almost intuitively. Two Scorpios are usually driven by the same ambition, the same willpower and the same strength of character. They are notorious for not making any compromises, so that's already difficult in the workplace. In the early days of their partnership, it may seem quite easy for them to work together. However, things often turn bad quite quickly as their strong characters lead them into conflict.

Two Scorpios working together is a bit like a ticking time bomb and can have the same result: either the bomb is defused, or it explodes! In fact, it all depends on whether in their true characters they are builders or wreckers, and this can only be seen once they are at work. Whatever the case, if the partnership works well the results will be good because these two are both efficient. They are very good strategists who manage to achieve their goals with the minimum of energy. What do they hate the most? Competition of course!

If the two Scorpios are colleagues, things can work out well so long as the tasks of each are precisely defined from the get-go. Otherwise, relationships can be turbulent. If one of the Scorpios is the boss, they don't usually have any surprises with their team member as they both operate in virtually the same way.


productivity, reliability, ambition


competition, domination, power


Compatibility in friendship of Scorpio with Scorpio

In one word
Degree of Affinity

Scorpio is a complex being, a mysterious person who reveals little of their true character. Because they don't want to expose their hypersensitivity, latent anxiety and fragility, they assume the image of someone strong and not very helpful. This water sign is often suspicious of newcomers, so they don't have many friends. Scorpio has a very idealized view of friendship and what it entails. They often prefer to assume no one can meet their expectations even if it means later revising their judgment of someone who has pleasantly surprised them. Scorpio fears disappointment and betrayal above all else, so they rarely let anyone else become close.

Therefore, this water sign has few friends and anyone in their circle must have proved their unfailing loyalty. Scorpio likes to meet people one-on-one rather than in a group and is quite capable of manufacturing an argument to escape an atmosphere they find tiring because they hate too much hustle and bustle.

When two Scorpios become friends, a special bond is formed. Either they get along perfectly, and this is the birth of a fusional relationship, (because it should be remembered that Scorpio is as possessive and exclusive in friendship as they are in love); or each will find the other has every possible weakness and there is no getting along together! In both cases, these water signs are so similar that spats are inevitable. Neither wants to give in to the other, so conflicts of ego are likely to be quite violent.


listening, loyalty, generosity


personality, ego, domination


Compatibility in the family of Scorpio with Scorpio

In one word
Degree of Affinity

Family compatibility between two Scorpios is possible but it won't be a bed of roses. At the family level in the broad sense, conflicts are not uncommon between two Scorpios. They both want to be right, and neither is willing to say they are wrong in order to establish peace. Scorpio loves their clan but put two Scorpios at the same table and the meal promises to be lively, and not always in a good way! When it comes to marriage, things calm down when these two signs get older. As they mature, they are less excessive in their reactions and finally manage to see where they have things in common. In the early days of the relationship, things won't be calm because the power struggle between two Scorpios can be very wounding.

Their mutual need for power leads to daily conflicts that are emotionally tiring, and they both need to have strong nerves if the couple is going to survive this tumult. As the years go by, Scorpios gain wisdom, they no longer waste all their energy on big scenes and jealousy. This easing of tension takes place because they finally trust each other and they can then serenely devote themselves to each other, to a common goal and to improving their daily lives.


discretion, loyalty, comfort


jealousy, power, stubbornness

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