Compatibility Libra and Scorpio


Love compatibility of Libra with Scorpio

In one word
Degree of Affinity

A romantic relationship between Libra and Scorpio is quite possible but it will have a lot of difficulties right from the start. From the beginning they absolutely do not have the same idea of what makes a couple. Libra needs delicacy, gentleness and kindness, but Scorpio is not at all willing to offer them the harmony they need.

With the water sign, everything is a bit of an obstacle course. If Libra agrees to embark on a love affair with Scorpio they should expect great passion, intense emotions, extreme experiences and a lot of conflicts. The air sign is likely to find this situation exhilarating for a while but can just as quickly get tired of this roller coaster relationship.

Libra will then prefer to turn to someone more constant than the water sign. However, if Scorpio wanted to make a bit of an effort and take more care of Libra, they would see how much serenity the air sign can offer them. They would also realize that Libra is not interested in taking their place as the leader in the relationship.

Libra is a very adaptable sign and not wearing the trousers in this relationship is not a problem for them. All Libra wants is to please the one they love, but Scorpio should beware of wearing out Libra's patience with their emotional ups and downs.


passion, exaltation, sexuality


jealousy, inconstancy, harshness

Communication and emotion between Libra and Scorpio

Libra is naturally open, often voluble and has strong communication skills. They usually find it easy to get to know whoever they want. For their part, Scorpio is much more withdrawn, and will only enter into a discussion with people they consider worthy of interest. These two signs can have interesting conversations but only up to a point. Libra doesn't like to talk too much about sensitive subjects, and anything related to strong emotions tends to get nipped in the bud.

On the other hand, Scorpio likes to analyze and dissect everything around them, spending hours developing ideas about how other people feel or why their partner acts the way they do. The water sign is an inwardly tortured being who unintentionally plagues Libra who only wants peace, gentleness, lightness and harmony.

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Trust between Libra and Scorpio

Scorpio is naturally jealous, but with Libra will become even more so. They find it hard to trust Libra who has an irrepressible need to show everyone how desirable they are. In fact, the air sign and the water sign want the same thing, namely a balanced and solid relationship, but Scorpio's jealousy doesn't make things easy. Because Libra hates conflict they will often lie to avoid it.

And unfortunately, the suspicious water sign is very good at discovering the air sign's secrets. This tends to make them even more suspicious and Libra even less natural in their behavior. So they will quickly fall into a vicious circle that undermines their relationship a little more every day.

Intimacy and sexuality of Libra with Scorpio

Libra and Scorpio can have a quite volcanic sex life because they are both dominated by their animal instincts. So things can be stimulating but also quite complicated. In fact, the physical side of their relationship probably works better than other areas. They often experience conflicts in their everyday lives, which can make things quite stressful for them. They can tear themselves apart for something completely trivial and then make up in the bedroom within an hour.

Their exacerbated emotions and complicated demands can create an elevated mutual attraction. The bond between Libra and Scorpio is so strong that when their possessiveness and various obsessions are included it can become toxic. Their couple essentially rests on their strong physical attraction. It is for this reason that they may have trouble separating from each other even if they are not happy with other aspects of the relationship.

Compatibility in love

A Libra with a Scorpio woman: this couple is likely to be long lasting if they can make a big enough space for togetherness, tenderness and affection. That said, Mr Libra may have some unpleasant moments because Miss Scorpio is not known for her diplomacy and is easily irritated by her partner's indecisive nature. Her harsh words will hurt him, and his jealous side may even make him return the favor. Mr Libra has a generally forgiving character and won't hold her words against her, but he may seek comfort from other women.

A Libra woman with a Scorpio man: a relationship between Mr Scorpio and Miss Libra is likely to be passionate but turbulent. Mr Scorpio admires Miss Libra's elegance and beauty but her natural tendency to flirt with everyone makes him very jealous. What's more, he who is very sure of himself and who makes decisions easily absolutely does not understand how Miss Libra can be so indecisive. For her part, although Miss Libra is very attracted to Mr Scorpio she is scared of his violent anger. She needs to be constantly diplomatic in order to protect herself and this can end up being tiresome.

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Compatibility at work of Libra with Scorpio

In one word
Degree of Affinity

At work, Libra will only spread their wings when they feel they are surrounded by trustworthy people who are as kind and empathetic as they are. They usually get along well enough with water signs, but the relationship doesn't always seem very fruitful as they are both a bit self-satisfied.

Scorpio is the most willing of the water signs, but they don't like to be refused nor feel that their creativity is being wasted. They usually manage to establish a cordial understanding with air signs, but it is very limited when they have to work together. If Libra and Scorpio have to work together there will only be a positive result if Scorpio can be persuaded to be less demanding and leave Libra to work in peace. This air sign only really works effectively in a harmonious atmosphere.

If Libra and Scorpio are to have a successful partnership it is essential that the tasks are distributed right at the start to reflect the skills of each sign. Libra excels in a creative field where they can exercise their communication skills and diplomacy to win contracts. Determined Scorpio will lead the operations that contribute to the successful conclusion of the project. Together, they can work wonders provided Scorpio refrains from pressurizing Libra unnecessarily.


creativity, efficiency, harmony


pressure, competition, indecision


Compatibility in friendship of Libra with Scorpio

In one word
Degree of Affinity

Above all, Libra seeks lightness and harmony in life and does not like to clutter things up with tons of existential questions. This is already a bad start with Scorpio because they question everything, including their own existence. Death in particular causes them anguish and it is a subject to which they return regularly, perhaps too regularly for the air sign. When they are with the water sign Libra will quickly feel their mood plummeting and they can end up feeling depressed despite themselves. Libra is very turned towards the world. They don't like to reveal too much of their own character but love to make others talk. This is completely opposite to Scorpio who prefers to remain an enigma.

If you are not already part of their small circle you will need to prove yourself to Scorpio. In fact, it's a real pleasure for them to set loyalty tests for people who try to get too close to them. You should know that the only person the water sign really trusts is themselves. If Libra decides to disappoint Scorpio by not devoting themselves solely to the water sign, they should be ready for the reproaches that will come their way, which may well be disproportionate.

Scorpio's possessive and aggressive nature doesn't really suit Libra, who is looking for lightness in their relationships. For their part, Scorpio is easily angered by Libra's behavior which they deem too unrealistic and too detached from the things that concern Scorpio.


listening, patience, diplomacy


possessiveness, superficiality, darkness


Compatibility in the family of Libra with Scorpio

In one word
Degree of Affinity

Family relationships between Libra and Scorpio are rather complex because they do not have at all the same way of communicating. Libra is gentle, expresses themselves easily and negotiates, while Scorpio makes a decision and tries to impose their ideas on others without giving them time to think. Between misunderstandings, shortcomings and contradictions, any understanding between these two signs will experience so many ups and downs that they will end up creating an emotional abyss between the two of them. Living under the same roof will become more and more difficult to manage.

When it comes to marriage, it's a double-edged sword. Either Libra's patience, restraint and tenacity end up rubbing off on Scorpio, who will settle down a little. Meaning they will be able to deal with conflicts more calmly and gently. Or, after a lot of confrontations and too many compromises on their principles, Libra will throw in the towel in the face of Scorpio's rigidity and their inability to change their behavior. In truth, Libra's ability to adapt to Scorpio has its limits and too many one-sided compromises will make Libra understand they are wasting their time.


adaptability, complacency, negotiation


stubbornness, possessiveness, intolerance

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