Compatibility Scorpio and Sagittarius


Love compatibility of Scorpio with Sagittarius

In one word
Degree of Affinity

A relationship between Scorpio and Sagittarius can be magical, mysterious and incredibly enchanting, but it also has many problems. And it is Sagittarius who could well burn their wings in this game of seduction. Compared to Scorpio, cool and feisty Sagittarius is very naive.

When they meet the water sign, who knows how to make the most of their natural magnetism, they can quickly get carried away. Scorpio is affectionate and tender-hearted but cannot help their urge to impose total control over everything their partner does. What's more, their jealousy can be vicious. Sagittarius is always very optimistic and loves to conquer.

However, Scorpio is far more cunning, they know how to make themselves desirable and manipulate their partner to do what they want in order to impose their domination on the couple. Once Sagittarius is caught in Scorpio's nets, they will realize they are stuck in an oppressive system and the water sign exerts burdensome control over their daily life.

This usually ends up crushing the fire sign's legendary nonchalance as well as their self-confidence. The only solution for Sagittarius then is to get out of this mentally harmful situation as quickly as possible.


seduction, conquest, desire


manipulation, confinement, jealousy

Communication and emotion between Scorpio and Sagittarius

Scorpio is a rather unpredictable and impulsive sign even if they do usually act very strategically. The thing that really attracts Sagittarius to them is their air of secrecy and mystery. However, the fire sign is quite the opposite of Scorpio, they have a great sense of humor, they like to be free, and they are very adaptable. Where Sagittarius seeks dialogue to solve a problem, Scorpio remains convinced of their opinions and refuses to compromise. Scorpio is very motivated by power games whereas Sagittarius likes to share their knowledge and experience.

They are therefore not really on the same wavelength and Sagittarius is likely to butt their head up against the wall more than once. When it comes to emotions, Sagittarius is open, bright, independent and kind, and Scorpio is secretive, aggressive, tormented and inflexible. It's a bit like trying to mix oil and water and in this relationship it is often the fire sign who pays the price of failure.

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Trust between Scorpio and Sagittarius

Any relationship between Scorpio and Sagittarius will only work if the two are honest with each other. Only in this situation will they have total mutual trust because there will be no ambiguity in their behavior. If they make this effort, then they will understand each other much more easily and they will find it easier to accept each other's strengths and weaknesses. Sagittarius is a naturally open sign, always oriented towards communication, but Scorpio lives for secrecy and is permanently suspicious.

The water sign tends to hide their sensitivity under their protective shell; it could even be said they conceal their emotions for reasons of security. If there is one thing Scorpio fears, it is infidelity. And when you remember that Sagittarius is famous for their love of seduction it is easy to understand that Scorpio lives with a constant fear of being betrayed.

Intimacy and sexuality of Scorpio with Sagittarius

Scorpio and Sagittarius get along very well in bed, at least in the early stages of their relationship! These are two passionate signs; they love sex and it has an important part in their lives. The water sign and the air sign are skillful lovers who know a lot of enticing erotic techniques that usually satisfy their partners. Scorpio and Sagittarius feel no discomfort with intimacy, in fact neither of them is the least bit prudish.

Their fantasies have no limits, and both these signs love spending time together in bed. That said, their desire and frenzied bedroom antics are based on passion and, as everyone knows, passion does not last forever. To counteract this problem, they will have to keep on trying new things in the bedroom or they both risk becoming jealous and resentful.

Compatibility in love

A Scorpio man with a Sagittarius woman: a union between Mr Scorpio and Miss Sagittarius is not simple because the water sign is often cruel and careless with their words. However, Miss Sagittarius possesses enough assertiveness and self-confidence to stand up to him. She is very forbearing, even to the extent of tolerating Mr Scorpio's deceptions. They both have a taste for adventure and are attracted to novelty. Despite his shortcomings, Mr Scorpio gives Miss Sagittarius support in her projects, brings her the energy she needs to get things done and willingly lends her a hand when needed.

A Scorpio woman with a Sagittarius man: Miss Scorpio is a very emotional woman who hides her emotions under a cold, hard exterior and she is very attracted to Mr Sagittarius' exuberance and cheerfulness. The fire sign's good humor rubs off and helps Miss Scorpio let go of her existential anxieties. Mr Sagittarius likes to surround himself with pretty women and this inevitably triggers the water sign's jealousy. That said, if instead of trying to hold him captive she leaves him his freedom he will be more faithful because he doesn't feel tied down.

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Compatibility at work of Scorpio with Sagittarius

In one word
Degree of Affinity

Scorpio is efficient at work, and they like to have their curiosity and creativity stimulated. However, they have trouble coping with fire signs in general because they find them too impulsive and unpredictable. Sagittarius has a cheerful character; they are independent and optimistic and love working with people who leave them free to take the initiative. When working with water signs whose strong emotions can affect the working atmosphere, Sagittarius can quickly lose their cheerfulness.

If Scorpio and Sagittarius have to work together their partnership is not very positive because their working methods and reactions are far too different. Like a good fixed sign, Scorpio almost always gets what they want; they stand firm on their decisions and refuse to compromise. They are naturally difficult, and few people resist them in the long-run.

Sagittarius is less rigid and adapts easily to change. The fire sign is always looking for new knowledge and never hesitates to try new things. If Scorpio and Sagittarius have to work on the same project expect conflict between inflexible and aggressive Scorpio and fiery and courageous Sagittarius. In fact, they don't share any of the same objectives. The water sign wants power at all costs while the fire sign only wants to learn and share their knowledge with others. In short, no common interests at work.


strategy, creativity, planning


power, intransigence, freedom


Compatibility in friendship of Scorpio with Sagittarius

In one word
Degree of Affinity

In the ideal world Sagittarius could calm Scorpio and make them less aggressive. Even if they don't want to admit it, Scorpio admires the fire sign's independence and freedom of action as well as their desire to be sincere with everyone. In theory, then, they can become good mates but are not likely to become close friends.

In fact, Scorpio and Sagittarius can have fun together, go on outings, play the same sport and even travel to discover new horizons together, but they will never be truly close. There is also a risk of conflict between them because Sagittarius is sociable and exuberant while Scorpio is emotional and impassioned. Moreover, it is not uncommon for Scorpio to be jealous with Sagittarius because they don't like sharing their friends with other people. The water sign's possessive side rankles with the fire sign who cannot understand why Scorpio wants to keep them to themselves. Sagittarius is an independent being and means to remain so, they have absolutely no intention of being devoted solely to the water sign. In addition, Scorpio does not hesitate to use words they know will wound Sagittarius.

In return, the generally benevolent fire sign will openly mock the water sign who believes they are superior to everyone else. The moral of this is that if they do become friends, they will probably keep it light in order not to waste time in pointless battles and conversations that fall on deaf ears.


worldliness, travel, sport


possessiveness, criticism, mockery


Compatibility in the family of Scorpio with Sagittarius

In one word
Degree of Affinity

Even if Scorpio and Sagittarius are forced to live in the same environment, it is unlikely they have chosen to do so voluntarily. In the family, there will be continual conflicts because these two signs are on opposite sides on everything that concerns life in general. Scorpio is never satisfied with what they have achieved already and likes to save their money while Sagittarius likes to coast and can spend every penny they have on something frivolous. They also spend their free time differently. Scorpio likes being alone while Sagittarius is always up for a party.

When it comes to marriage, their life together is hardly any better and it sometimes feels like they got married by mistake! Once the passion and excitement of the beginning of their relationship begins to recede life feels like a cold shower for the pair. It is now that Scorpio shows their relentlessness, exercising absolute control over their household and criticizing everyone and everything at the drop of a hat. In response, Sagittarius prefers to avoid the situation and will spend as much time outside the home as possible. When it comes to having children, the water sign likes the idea, but Sagittarius is more difficult to convince. They really don't want to assume such a big responsibility that will inevitably eat into their freedom.


travel, passion, optimism


money, control, independence

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