Compatibility Aries and Scorpio


Love compatibility of Aries with Scorpio

In one word
Degree of Affinity

Between Aries and Scorpio, there's no chance of getting bored because everything is intense! There will be passion, waves, thunderstorms and strong feelings on the program; in short, this relationship is absolutely not easy. Aries is fascinated by Scorpio, finding them spellbinding and sensual.

They are excited by the idea of pleasing the water sign and making them succumb to Aries' charms. In this situation, Aries' conquering instincts are invoked, and they have no hesitation in deploying heavy artillery to achieve their ends.

Scorpio is seduced by the fact that Aries resists them more than the other signs. They also understand that there will be immense sensual pleasure between them. Everything would be set for the best possible course were it not that both partners want to captain the boat. Aries, who is used to directing everything, is faced with a sign as authoritarian as they are and just as determined to be in control.

Power struggles between them are frequent and in the long term can prove tiring. The only positive thing about this interminable struggle are the unforgettable reconciliations under the sheets.


attraction, passion, sexuality


jealousy, argument, power

Communication and emotion between Aries and Scorpio

Between Aries and Scorpio, communication is limited and pretty complicated. Aries finds that Scorpio spends too much time thinking, wondering about almost philosophical questions that would never occur to Aries. The fire sign is all about the lightness of being, they do not ask unnecessary questions and live in the present moment. So Scorpio quickly jumps to the conclusion that Aries is superficial. Where they are similar is that their thoughts tend to be synthesized, so what they do have to say can be said quickly. Imagine the embarrassment and boredom that can create when they need to be in a face to face meeting for several hours.

Emotionally, Aries and Scorpio can be very hard on each other. Each likes to show themselves as being strong and untouchable, in their own way. Their power struggle can lead them to be really hurtful. They have a lot of difficulty expressing what they feel and even completely ignore their emotions, which does not make things easy between them.

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Trust between Aries and Scorpio

If there is one thing that Aries and Scorpio don't fool around with it's trust. Even though Aries is considered to be flighty, neither sign tolerates any missteps on this subject. So, if there is any deception or lies, that will definitely be the end of their story. As they are both very strong people, jealous and possessive, they do not accept any deviation.

Aries is always competitive, and they want Scorpio to consider them the best partner. The water sign is more about feelings and wants to be Aries' only love. If doubts begin to be felt by either of them, especially about fidelity, secrecy about their schedules or their telephone conversations, the relationship may not hold together very long.

Intimacy and sexuality of Aries with Scorpio

Aries and Scorpio are ruled by Mars and Pluto respectively; this means that relations in the bedroom are tumultuous. Their encounters are not devoid of love, but they lack the sweet gentleness brought by Venus. When they are together, they have no taboos and are ready to experiment and try anything once. Aries is not very complicated in bed, they like things simple and prefer to go straight to the point. Scorpio likes to spin things out more; they like games of seduction and take things very seriously.

The water sign constantly seeks to improve their performance; they have a strong need to feel that they possess and fuse with their partner. This is not how things work for the fire sign. For them, intimate relationships satisfy a natural need and should also involve the emotions as the intimacy grows between partners. So, sexual relations between Aries and Scorpio will lack a certain tenderness and they tend not to be too delicate with each other.

Compatibility in love

An Aries man with a Scorpio woman: this relationship promises to be full of fights with reconciliations under the blankets. Mr Aries wants to dominate Miss Scorpio at all costs, but Miss Scorpio does not intend to be pushed around and will fiercely resist any attempts on her power and freedom. Aries man finds a worthy opponent in the Scorpio woman and their arguments may be memorable. However, this story is not devoid of love and tenderness, and they can be very happy together.

An Aries woman with a Scorpio man: the relationship between Miss Aries and Mr Scorpio can be very stormy because they both have very passionate characters. In order for their story to work, the Aries woman will need to learn to be less immature and inconsistent in her actions, especially in her tendency to overspend. If courageous and tenacious Scorpio man can put his pride to one side and show Miss Aries how much he loves her, then their union is likely to work.

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Compatibility at work of Aries with Scorpio

In one word
Degree of Affinity

At work, bold and self-assured Aries risks colliding with the sensitivity of the water sign. Aries' pushy character can easily lead to communication problems. For their part, tenacious and patient Scorpio is comfortable in a professional environment where creativity and curiosity are required. They will tend to consider Aries to be far too impulsive and unpredictable to want to work with them. In short, conflict is never very far away for these two!

These signs are both ruled by Mars, so there is powerful rivalry between them. Aries and Scorpio are both brave and attracted to challenge. If they make an effort to work together and make their differences a strength, then this rivalry can give rise to a very constructive understanding. If Scorpio is the boss, they will not be easy to work for and be very demanding of the fire sign. So things can get complicated, but if the Aries enjoys working under pressure everything will work out.

If Aries is the boss, they will impose themselves as the leader and not accept any nonsense from the water sign. And you can imagine how well that will go down with Scorpio, who doesn't let anyone tell them what to do! Although Aries may find it difficult to tolerate Scorpio's existential crises, they do acknowledge their lively spirit, sharp critical sense and endless commitment.


involvement, challenges, productivity


authority, impulsiveness, hypocrisy


Compatibility in friendship of Aries with Scorpio

In one word
Degree of Affinity

Friendship between an Aries and a Scorpio can work so long as there is no sexual attraction between them, otherwise the relationship will be very compromised. Scorpio is not as carefree and easy-going as Aries; they are choosier who they go around with and require immense loyalty before opening up to anyone. The water sign takes emotions and feelings very seriously, and accepts no errors, in friendship or in love.

Friendship between Aries and Scorpio will work if Scorpio can accept Aries is naturally not serious. In return, the fire sign needs to try to be less selfish. If they can both compromise the relationship will improve with time and they can enjoy spending time together. Against all odds, Aries and Scorpio can find common interests including outdoor activities, especially adrenaline pumping extreme sports which they'll both love.

Of course, things won't always be idyllic between them because both Aries and Scorpio enjoy indulging in power plays. Their relationship will always be electric, full of twists and turns. They have very different ways of thinking about life, but they have the same taste for risk. Despite repeated clashes, their desire for adventure will always manage to bring them together in order to enjoy thrilling experiences.


adventure, risk, sport


selfishness, rigidity, domination


Compatibility in the family of Aries with Scorpio

In one word
Degree of Affinity

Aries usually has fairly good relationships with their close family, even if they are not particularly into family reunions. Always ready to go, they will defend their ideas at the drop of a hat. They find it easy to get into conflicts because they are not at all diplomatic, so sometimes hurt people without really meaning to. On the other hand, Scorpio is very attached to their family and likes to be part of a clan. For them, every relationship is important, and they are extremely loyal. Despite disagreements, they consider it's important to remain to close to all the members of their family.

When Aries and Scorpio are mixed in the same family group, agreement may be difficult to reach as they are both governed by the planet Mars. However, when they manage to stop arguing, they are rather complementary. They have a tendency to provoke each other without realizing they are pouring oil on the fire, which obviously leads to memorable confrontations. However, between two arguments, the two signs can be full of good humor and get along well.


togetherness, loyalty, protection


susceptibility, provocation, impulsiveness

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