Compatibility Cancer and Leo


Love compatibility of Cancer with Leo

In one word
Degree of Affinity

Generally, water extinguishes fire but the meeting of Cancer and Leo is promising. They come from two different worlds, one governed by the Moon, the other by the Sun, and contrary to all expectations, what should repel them in fact unites them. This is because what one lacks the other has in abundance so they are very complementary, especially when the man is Leo and the woman Cancer.

The water sign easily falls for the magnetic charm and solar energy of Leo. Cancer feels safe with the fire sign, who offers them full protection and a little domination. Leo melts for the water sign's sensitive, sensual and intuitive character. With Cancer, they are sure to get the gentleness they need to protect them from the tumult of everyday life.

Nevertheless, Leo may also be irritated by the water sign's natural passivity and want to push Cancer to own their desires and learn to act on them. Cancer hates being shaken up.

They feel extremely comfortable in their cozy family life and don't feel the need to shine in society or prove their worth to anyone. As Cancer hates complications and ultimatums even more, this could encourage them to run away.


charm, security, protection


authority, passivity, ambition

Communication and emotion between Cancer and Leo

Communication between Cancer and Leo can be complicated because they often have different opinions about the same issue. Cancer likes to listen to all the available points of view and not just hear what Leo has to say. However, the fire sign has a very self-centered vision of things and anything that does not revolve exclusively around them can make them frustrated and very annoyed. When Leo speaks, they expect the undivided attention of Cancer and that the latter believes every word they say. Faced with this behavior, the water sign will often think "the world does not revolve around you, you know" and withdraw from the communication.

Their emotions are not simple either. Cancer internalizes their feelings, while Leo doesn't believe in holding back and will tell anyone and everyone what they feel. This means Cancer often believes Leo is not sincere, while Leo feels let down by the water sign's discretion.

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Trust between Cancer and Leo

Cancer is a sign deeply rooted in their relationship, family and home. They are unlikely to flirt with anyone who is not their partner unless they are after revenge. On the other hand, Leo likes to shine and be the center of attention. Obviously, this can create occasions when they have the opportunity to be unfaithful but this is not really their style. However, this inclination to flirt can harm their relationship with Cancer whose confidence is easily shaken.

Fortunately, Cancer usually manages to distinguish between Leo's self-centered nature and a genuine desire to be unfaithful. The problem with living like this is that in the long run both these signs may want to look for someone who is a better fit.

Intimacy and sexuality of Cancer with Leo

When it comes to intimacy, the relationship between Cancer and Leo only works if they really have feelings for each other. The water sign is naturally discreet and modest and does everything they can to protect themselves from the strong emotions that they find overwhelming. Even in the cozy comfort of their bedroom Cancer will only lower their guard and relax if they have total confidence in their partner and loves them unconditionally.

Cancer knows how to be attentive and passionate if Leo creates a protective cocoon for them. With a partner as gentle as the water sign, Leo feels in their rightful place. Obviously, they are the type to expect thunderous applause for their sexual prowess and Cancer may feel uncomfortable faced with Leo's fiery behavior. If they want to their sex lives to be harmonious, both need to be properly attentive to their partner's needs and expectations.

Compatibility in love

A Cancer man with a Leo woman: in this duo, Mr Cancer is in thrall to Miss Leo's energy and charisma. For her part, Miss Leo is captivated by Mr Cancer's strength and gentleness but she enjoys infuriating him. In fact, the fire sign only feels happy when she has someone to stand up to her, so she's always ready to provoke Mr Cancer to get him out of his shell. If Miss Leo can manage to be a little more romantic and Mr Cancer can stand up to her, there is a good chance their couple will last and be fairly harmonious.

A Cancer woman with a Leo man: this combination is ideal. Miss Cancer does everything to create a sweet and warm atmosphere in her home while Mr Leo enjoys the role of protector. Sometimes, Miss Cancer likes to take refuge in her dream world and Mr Leo is happy to let her. However, Miss Cancer must be careful not to fan Mr Leo's jealousy too much because he can have quite violent reactions if he feels threatened.

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Compatibility at work of Cancer with Leo

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Degree of Affinity

At work, Cancer is sensitive; they need to work in a safe, almost family environment to feel content. In order to do their best, they have to be able to lean on strong colleagues that they trust. Cancer finds it difficult to know where they are with Leo because they think fire signs lack sensitivity. They find this emotionally draining and it leads them to withdraw into themselves in order to protect themselves from what they see as aggression.

For their part, the egocentric Leo finds it easy to be the leader. They enjoy working with people who are reactive and who don't get upset about the least little thing. But with Cancer, there is little affinity. Leo finds Cancer far too delicate to be able to work with them for the long term. The fire sign is very authoritative and will easily upset the water sign's sensitivity and self-esteem. Cancer likes working in a quiet atmosphere and without too much pressure. When they are with Leo, they have the impression they are never working quickly enough or doing their job well enough. The emotional differences that can bring them close in the emotional sphere push them apart at work.

If Leo is the boss, Cancer will find it hard to keep up with Leo's rhythm and quickly feels overwhelmed by their situation. As Leo is not renowned for their patience, Cancer risks being told off more than once. If Cancer is the boss they will not need to complain about the quality of Leo's work. On the other hand, Cancer needs to be an irreproachable leader as Leo will be more than willing to take their place if given a chance.


creativity, responsiveness, admiration


rhythm, domination, susceptibility


Compatibility in friendship of Cancer with Leo

In one word
Degree of Affinity

Cancer and Leo are a bit like day and night, they complement each other but their differences do not always work in their favor. In the best case, Leo can teach the water sign to have more self-confidence and to externalize their emotions. However, a long-standing or close friendship is unlikely given how different their characters are.

Their exchanges lack sincerity and they don't share confidences. For their friendship to work it will need to be fairly superficial and they shouldn't try to force it. Moreover, they have few interests in common. Cancer likes chatting in small groups somewhere cozy. Leo prefers noisy parties with lots of people. They like to shine and be the center of attention at all times. In such situations, Leo will feel in their element while Cancer will feel lonely and ignored.

They will wonder what on earth they are doing in a situation like this, which makes them feel deeply uncomfortable. The water sign hates people who put on a show and their only desire will be to be somewhere away from the lights, people and noise. It is therefore difficult to reconcile two such different temperaments, you would even say these two signs come from different worlds. Obviously, it's not impossible they could be friends but it will never be a very close friendship.


esteem, trust, externalization


egocentricity, humility, values


Compatibility in the family of Cancer with Leo

In one word
Degree of Affinity

Living with Cancer and Leo under the same roof is a bit like the Moon asking the Sun out. Yes, they can get along, but one can easily outshine the other. There is a kind of mutual attraction between these two signs than can sometimes lead to competition and family tension. Nevertheless, these two signs are committed to living in harmony and will do their utmost to maintain a good atmosphere at home.

On the marriage side, a union between Cancer and Leo works well. Yes, they have their differences but opposites attract and no one can fight the laws of physics. Generous and honest Leo brings the stability and security so sought after by Cancer. It's a win-win relationship. And when Cancer feels safe, they can externalize their emotions more and share with Leo who asks for nothing better than loud and tangible demonstrations of affection. The only cloud on the horizon is Leo's imperative need to be the shining star of a large group of people. They therefore need to reassure Cancer who easily feels threatened.


security, stability, honesty


competition, misunderstanding, exuberance

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