Compatibility Aries and Leo


Love compatibility of Aries with Leo

In one word
Degree of Affinity

The first point Aries and Leo have in common is that they are governed by the same element, fire, which immediately tells you how special their bond can be. There's nothing tepid in their relationship, everything burns! They have a lot of affinities, and a close relationship can quickly develop between these two signs. Both Aries and Leo like to take risks; they are also passionate beings, if somewhat narcissistic, with a tendency to appreciate luxury and munificence. Together, they share a desire for achievement and success.

Leo is seduced by Aries' boldness and confidence, and the latter will fall for Leo's radiant beauty and passion for life. They both greatly appreciate each other because they have a real need for recognition and esteem.

Generally, when difficulties arise, they manage to resolve them fairly quickly. Nevertheless, they are a couple who both tend to move at lightning speed, and this can cause them some problems. They are so eager to succeed in their other projects that their relationship can suffer. If they want their story to continue, they will need to take time to create a solid bond and not get involved too quickly. If they manage to moderate each other's enthusiasm and their race to success, they shouldn't find the arrival of the routine of daily life too difficult.

Whatever happens this pair will never have a tepid or boring bond; they have the possibility of building something beautiful together.


attraction, dynamism, rapport


jealousy, competition, pride

Communication and emotion between Aries and Leo

From the beginning of their relationship, the communication between Aries and Leo is colorful. They have so much admiration and respect for each other that they always find interesting topics that they can talk about for hours. The more they get to know each other, the more heated the debate becomes. They don't have any room for diplomacy, both want to have the last word on any subject, and this can lead to fierce arguments, strong statements and eloquent silences. They find it very difficult to express themselves without getting excited and their words will reflect the fire that burns within. Nevertheless, they don't hold grudges and resolve their conflicts fairly quickly.

The definite advantage that Aries and Leo have over other couples is that they both operate in the same way. They express their emotions and feeling in a similar way, which helps to facilitate their understanding and temper their differences in other areas.

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Trust between Aries and Leo

Trust is a real problem in the Aries/Leo couple. Aries is jealous by nature, and really does not appreciate their Leo partner attracting the attention of other people. Aries is very possessive towards their Leo partner. They are nervous when their partner works with people of the opposite sex or goes out without them. In order to be reassured, Aries needs to feel their partner belongs to them alone. In general, both Leo and Aries like to be seduced, they love to flirt and receive compliments from other people. It is in their nature to charm, and they love being the center of attention. Jealousy is therefore the main enemy of their couple.

With maturity, they can understand that this is just the way they are and that it shouldn't put their couple at risk. They have an unwavering determination to talk about what worries them and this helps them stay together for the long term.

Intimacy and sexuality of Aries with Leo

Between Aries and Leo, intimacy is tinged with passion, pleasure and strong emotions. They both feel devouring desire and it's not uncommon for their quarrels to be resolved under the covers! They have so much in common that their sex life is bound to thrive. Aries is very aroused by Leo, finding them beautiful, sexy and intelligent and has no problem envisaging a future with them. For Aries, Leo is an ideal partner, but they do both like to be dominant in bed. So they will need to learn to put their egos to one side and this can be complicated for the two fire signs, both of whom always want to lead.

In their intimate life, they have a rare connection that cannot be broken, tarnished or diminished over time. Even if they break up, only to get back together again, because this bond is almost indestructible, they resume their activities as if nothing had happened.

Compatibility in love

An Aries man with a Leo woman: an association between Mr Aries and Miss Leo is sure to be successful. They understand each other easily and have the same conception of life. Miss Leo does everything to be the center of attention in her circle and Mr Aries makes every effort to show he is worthy of her. Ultimately, they use each other to assert themselves in society. Both are passionate, they show the same enthusiasm for their impulses, and they are capable of fierce jealousy when it comes to their partner. With these two, domestic disputes can be memorable!

An Aries woman with a Leo man: Miss Aries is charmed by the assurance, courage and generosity of Mr Leo. For his part, the prideful Leo is disarmed by the realism, honesty and innocence of the Aries woman. His sole purpose is to protect her and to live with her in blissful communion. The problem is Leo's tendency to want to dominate his little world, which risks rubbing the independent character of Miss Aries the wrong way. If Mr Leo can learn to moderate this behavior their union can be long-term.

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Compatibility at work of Aries with Leo

In one word
Degree of Affinity

At work, an Aries Leo team can be very productive. Both are dynamic and enterprising; they love rising to a challenge more than anything else. However, tasks and roles need to be well defined or there is a high risk of a conflict of authority.

The charismatic and conquering Aries has the soul of a leader in their professional environment. For their part, regal and egocentric Leo is also a leader. They enjoy working with responsive colleagues and especially appreciate the recognition of their peers. They want their work to be valued and their responsibilities to be rewarded honestly. Aries and Leo are so alike that they really should get along but beware the conflicts of ego that can pollute the atmosphere at the office if roles and tasks are not well delineated.

Aries loves action, Leo creation. Together, they can make a great team, but their main difficulty lies in their mutual need to lead and shine. As an employee, even if their qualities are recognized, Aries finds it difficult to obey Leo, who can be uncompromising and authoritarian. As a boss, Aries struggles to bear the excesses of Leo, whose pride is disproportionate. They are willing to recognize Leo's skills but remain suspicious that Leo may be trying to steal their thunder.


dynamism, productivity, recognition


pride, authority, supremacy


Compatibility in friendship of Aries with Leo

In one word
Degree of Affinity

Friendship between an Aries and a Leo is quite possible because they have enough in common to be able to agree and enough differences to appreciate each other. 
Bonds of friendship between these two signs are made to stand the test of time. They show unwavering loyalty and will support each other in both good times and bad.

Aries and Leo both love everything that is playful, and always give the best of themselves in all circumstances. Above all, these two signs are driven by a strong need to please which could make them faithful friends or dedicated enemies. Both have an adventurous spirit that means they have great times when they are together. Nevertheless, ego conflicts are to be expected. Even if their relationship is stimulating, they are driven by the same passions and both appreciate go-getting people in their own image, they often try to dominate each other.

Aries is not always very delicate and can unintentionally hurt Leo with their sharp words. In friendship, Leo is very sensitive to the possibility of rejection and will always seek to protect themselves, even if it means being the first to attack. What they need above all is unwavering loyalty. They expect their friends to be positive and always try to improve themselves by acting respectfully and morally.


loyalty, protection, dynamism


domination, indelicacy, rejection


Compatibility in the family of Aries with Leo

In one word
Degree of Affinity

The very least that can be said is that family relations between Aries and Leo are not monotonous. On the contrary, they are full of energy and passion. They are full of enthusiasm, and we'll never get bored around them. However, as these two fire signs are driven by the same need to be the best or the most beautiful, things can quickly turn to conflict. But whatever happens, it is obvious there are sparks between Aries and Leo and the two signs have a lot in common.

They each have a strong character and even if they experience some family conflicts, they know that as long as love unites them, nothing is insurmountable. And besides, it's normal for personalities to seek to assert themselves within a family. Aries is more independent than Leo but still retains that spirit of possession for those they consider their family. Leo is more dominant, even if they don't like being told they are, and above all do not like being pushed around! It doesn't matter whether they want to express joy, love or anger, one way or another they are going to be heard. They will never back down from an Aries, especially if they believe they are in the right.


togetherness, energy, loyalty


superiority, possessiveness, jealousy

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