Compatibility Cancer and Aquarius


Love compatibility of Cancer with Aquarius

In one word
Degree of Affinity

Cancer and Aquarius are signs who don’t seem to have a lot in common at first. One is dominated by water and the other by air, so any chemistry between them is likely to be fragile. When Cancer and Aquarius are together, they share a common imagination and a certain carefreeness.

They can get on very well together but they still have a very different view of how life should be lived. Cancer is very interested in their past; always analyzing their feelings and emotions. Aquarius is naturally avant-garde and very focused on the future. What’s more, the air sign wants more of an intellectual than an emotional connection with their partner and that doesn’t suit the water sign at all.

Aquarius needs a partner who will support them without constraining their freedom, they need to feel free to act as they please. They love change and meeting lots of new people whereas Cancer dislikes being in the wide world and prefers small groups and the warmth of home.

Nevertheless, these differences don’t represent an insuperable blockage. If each loves the other sincerely, they are capable of making compromises to ensure their story lasts.


originality, carefreeness, togetherness


freedom, oppression, meditation

Communication and emotion between Cancer and Aquarius

In order for Cancer and Aquarius to learn to understand each other they must both be willing because communication between them is liable to misunderstanding. Even though they get along well enough if they are working on a common project, they find it hard to get on the same wavelength and agree with each other. Aquarius finds it hard to deal with Cancer’s hyper-sensitivity and the water sign doesn’t understand why Aquarius finds it so hard to say what they feel.

And when it comes to emotions, they also find it difficult to reconcile their different natures. Aquarius is too fast moving and active to understand the sensitivity of Cancer who only really feels happy when the atmosphere is calm and comforting. The water sign is easily upset by the air sign’s rebellious nature. However, when they do find a balance and learn to tolerate each other’s differences they can lead a very pleasant life together.

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Trust between Cancer and Aquarius

Cancer is a generally honest sign who does not feel the need to flirt with others in order to feel alive. The only time the water sign won’t say what they are thinking is if they think Aquarius won’t like it and they don’t want to hurt the air sign. Sometimes with an air sign like Aquarius Cancer doesn’t dare say what they are thinking because they are worried about being misunderstood.

The water sign just doesn’t believe that Aquarius can be empathetic and caring. When it comes to the air sign, Cancer may tend to be mistrustful because Aquarius’ constant need for change can lead Cancer to believe the air sign is unfaithful. What is a real pity with these two signs is that neither of them necessarily wants to lie to themselves, but there is a sort of barrier that stops them believing their relationship can last.

Intimacy and sexuality of Cancer with Aquarius

When it comes to intimacy between Cancer and Aquarius, everything is a question of balance and at the beginning of their relationship this may be difficult to find. Cancer is renowned for their excessive sensitivity and gets easily stressed if they feel they can’t impose limits on their partner. Aquarius, on the other hand constantly needs something new, including in their sex lives, but also likes to know where they are. That is to say, they like change but not a revolution!

The objective for these two will be for Cancer to worry less and let their rational side be catered for. Aquarius needs to control their overwhelming energy and refrain from insisting their partner tries new things. If they can reach a good understanding, Cancer will bring Aquarius tenderness and gentleness while Aquarius will ensure that things don’t get too routine in the bedroom.

Compatibility in love

A Cancer man with an Aquarius woman: Miss Aquarius and Mr Cancer can have a fairly complicated relationship because their ways of living are radically different. Mr Cancer is considerate and thoughtful; he wants stability in his life and loves tradition. Miss Aquarius, on the other hand, doesn’t like being constrained. Freedom is important to her and she hates anything that ties her down. In these circumstances, conflicts will be frequent and despite the respect they have for each other, their relationship is very unstable.

A Cancer woman with an Aquarius man: Miss Cancer and Mr Aquarius’ couple has a very uncertain future. Mr Aquarius is a non-conformist who cherishes his freedom and does not want to be tied down in any way. Miss Cancer needs the stability and security of a home, something that doesn’t speak to the air sign’s dreams. That said, they have deep respect and admiration for each other. So their couple may survive thanks to its solid base in a friendship, onto which love can be grafted.

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Compatibility at work of Cancer with Aquarius

In one word
Degree of Affinity

A professional relationship between Cancer and Aquarius may seem a bizarre idea but, contrary to expectations, it can work fairly well. From Cancer’s point of view, it may be delicate, because air signs always seem too changeable for them. Aquarius, however, will ask fewer questions and has no real prejudices about water signs.

When Cancer and Aquarius need to work on the same project, they usually get along well. They both have creative skills which reinforce their ambitious personalities. Even if they don’t work in entirely the same way, they manage to reconcile their differences in order to obtain their objectives. Aquarius’ ability to persuade is a real strength in this partnership, to balance Cancer’s indecision. Aquarius is good at communication and often explains Cancer’s ideas to their management since the water sign is too shy to do that themselves. Cancer’s sensitivity is not a major problem to Aquarius who is very adaptable. If the water sign becomes overwhelmed with emotion the air sign can take over until Cancer has recovered their spirits and is ready to start working again.

Obviously, not everything is rosy between these two signs. Sometimes they can’t reach an agreement or one gets hung up over a characteristic of the other which really annoys them. For example, Cancer believes it is imperative to always be serious about work and gets exasperated by Aquarius’ lack of discipline.


creativity, respect, tolerance


inconsistency, communication, lack of discipline


Compatibility in friendship of Cancer with Aquarius

In one word
Degree of Affinity

What’s great about Cancer and Aquarius is that they are very different and yet they can have a very enriching friendship. The water sign and the air sign can be very good friends; even though they don’t live in the same world, they admire and respect each other. The Moon has a strong influence on Cancer’s emotions and they love the past, while Aquarius is driven by Uranus towards the new, future, travel and new discoveries.

Aquarius is quite different to Cancer. They are capable of ignoring their conscience if it suits them, while Cancer will be tormented with doubt. That said, they avoid criticizing each other all the time and try not to impose their ideas on each other. The real basis of their relationship is their immense tolerance.

It is true that Aquarius can sometimes find it hard to understand why Cancer is such a homebody, always in search of security. They don’t know why Cancer finds life so scary, even if they don’t actually tell the water sign they are chicken. Aquarius also tends to mock Cancer’s romantic tendencies since they are not into displays of affection. The air sign prefers adrenaline pumping adventure to a peaceful home life that looks dull and boring to them.


agreement, admiration, tolerance


adventure, harmony, fear


Compatibility in the family of Cancer with Aquarius

In one word
Degree of Affinity

In the broadest sense, family relationships between Cancer and Aquarius can be affected by a lot of misunderstandings. The one is always thinking about the past, their childhood and their memories, while the other wants to be positive whatever the cost and concentrate on the future. They absolutely do not have the same vision of life and each lives at a completely different rhythm. Cancer wants to take their time and live peacefully while Aquarius needs novelty and strong sensations. There can be frequent conflicts between these two signs.

When it comes to marriage, if Cancer and Aquarius manage to get it together it will only be because they love each other very deeply and have managed to make some important compromises in order to find a way of living together that suits them both. In order for this relationship to last, Cancer needs to stop trying to stifle Aquarius and expecting the air sign to sign up for a fusional relationship which just isn’t their style. Aquarius also needs to learn that sharing their thoughts and feelings isn’t necessarily a bad thing and telling Cancer how they feel will not in any way reduce their freedom.


compromise, freedom, sharing


oppression, trust, fusion

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