Compatibility Leo and Virgo


Love compatibility of Leo with Virgo

In one word
Degree of Affinity

At first glance, a fire sign and an earth sign are not really meant to get along. On the one hand, philanthropic Leo is also proud, vain, and a spendthrift. They have a strong need to shine in society and to feel admired.

On the other hand, Virgo is discreet, pernickety and economical and never lost for words. When Virgo has something important to say, they don't hesitate to say it and can be very direct. In short, these two don't have much in common!

However, if the man is Leo and the woman Virgo there is at least a possibility the relationship could work. The latter will know how to devote herself entirely to her dazzling partner without casting a shadow over his glory, although in the long run she may grow tired of his self-obsession. From the point of view of ardent Leo, Virgo is cruelly lacking in human warmth and they need a partner who inspires them with wonder.

The success of a relationship between Leo and Virgo is truly uncertain, because it depends on how many compromises they are willing to make to ensure it lasts. However, compromise takes a lot of effort and is sometimes contrary to their true natures.


stability, admiration, communication


extravagance, introversion, worry

Communication and emotion between Leo and Virgo

When Leo and Virgo communicate intellectually they always do so in a very rational way. Suffice to say, they don't talk unless there is something interesting to say. That said, their personalities play a big role in the way they communicate. Leo is always enthusiastic and passionate, keen to assert the correctness of their choices and beliefs. Virgo is usually pragmatic and prosaic but is always able to highlight their own intelligence.

Their relationship can often stall at the emotional level. Even though they have no trouble talking to each other and are mutually attracted, they find it very difficult to establish an emotional connection. Leo's need to express their feelings and passion can sometimes be excessive and overwhelming, while Virgo is very reserved. They can only express their attachment gently and with delicate gestures that Leo may not even notice. Despite Virgo's interest in the fire sign, Leo demands obvious signs of affection and may not feel Virgo is truly interested in them.

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Trust between Leo and Virgo

Leo is a fire sign but they are not particularly dishonest; on the whole they are a faithful and rational being. If they are in love, they are unlikely to stray. As for Virgo, they are as honest as the day is long and hate deception more than anything else. In these circumstances, there is no reason why these two signs should not trust each other. The only problem here is Leo's need to shine in public; they like to be seen, to be admired and even to be courted.

For naturally suspicious Virgo all this attention directed to their partner can make them feel uncomfortable and may even create doubts about Leo's honesty. Virgo often lacks self-confidence, so this situation is likely to create a lot of misunderstandings with the fire sign.

Intimacy and sexuality of Leo with Virgo

It cannot be said that Leo and Virgo will have instant symbiosis under the covers. These two signs do not have the same conception of intimacy at all. The fire sign is full of ardor and happy to hop into bed at any time of the day or night; they are tireless! Sex is something that they can be complimented on, or for which they can be congratulated for their prowess; in short, it will satisfy their ego and help prove how irresistible they are. Conversely, physical relations are not so important for Virgo.

They may enjoy them, but for Virgo an intellectual connection with their partner is more important. Not to mention that the earth sign finds it very difficult to open themselves up to sensuality and doesn’t expect to get any moral satisfaction from it. In short, Leo may quickly become disappointed and lose interest in Virgo if they feel they can't conquer the earth sign and encourage them to relax and let go completely.

Compatibility in love

A Leo man with a Virgo woman: this pair does not seem to have much in common but can be complementary if neither of the partners dwells too much on the other's faults. Miss Virgo is a reserved and discreet being who loves the comfort of her home while Mr Leo is always on the move, constantly searching for success and admiration. In order for their couple to work, Miss Virgo will need to pay Mr Leo lots of attention, and be sure not to criticize him too much or she will wound his fragile ego. In exchange, Mr Leo will be gentle and affectionate and make sure that Miss Virgo lacks for nothing.

A Leo woman with a Virgo man: unfortunately, Miss Leo and Mr Virgo have few things that will draw them together. If this couple wants to last, Miss Leo will have to ignore her true nature and that has little chance of lasting in the long term. She is naturally lively and passionate and needs to play to an audience and be admired. This is a character trait that is a poor fit with Mr Virgo's natural discretion and timidity. He does not have the same approach to life at all and has no intention of imitating Miss Leo.

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Compatibility at work of Leo with Virgo

In one word
Degree of Affinity

There's no point hiding it, at work as in love, Leo needs to be admired and have their talents recognized openly. Generally, Leo gets along well with earth signs. Even though they will see Virgo as a rather demanding colleague, they complement each other rather well. When Virgo works with fire signs, it gives the earth sign the boost they need to move their projects forward. Leo's enthusiasm can stimulate them to take action without asking endless questions first.

Obviously, not everything in the garden will be rosy and Virgo and Leo can have conflicts at work. Although Leo appreciates the earth sign's spirit of analysis, Virgo find's Leo's dominating character very hard to live with. Their belief that they are better looking and more successful than anyone else has a tendency to really annoy Virgo, who is naturally modest.

Despite this, the best combination for work will be where Leo manages and Virgo carries out their orders. Leo is a born leader and excels in the role of the decision maker. Virgo is an outstanding organizer and any task Leo entrusts to them they will be able to carry out efficiently.


rivalry, complementarity, meticulousness


domination, freedom, exuberance


Compatibility in friendship of Leo with Virgo

In one word
Degree of Affinity

The differences in the characters of Leo and Virgo do not play in favor of a long-term friendship. At first glance, they find it difficult to find common ground. The fire sign and the earth sign do not hate each other, they simply find it difficult to be on the same wavelength. Leo is always active, open to the world, eager to meet new people and seeking above all to be admired. Virgo doesn't need to see themselves reflected through other people's eyes, they clearly prefer a quiet life, sheltered from external pressures.

If Leo wants to make friends with Virgo, they will have to show themselves humble and simple. Otherwise, Virgo will either want to escape or just openly criticize them. Now, Leo is a very sensitive being and needs to be treated with kid gloves. Although a friendship between these two signs seems unlikely, it is not impossible.

Even when they manage to be friends, the relationship is still marked by some restraint. There is an invisible obstacle between them that prevents them from feeling totally at ease with each other. They are unlikely to confide what they feel or what they really think. Obviously, this prevents them from arguing, but it does not establish a real relationship of trust between them. In the long run, it is a link that can become quite unsatisfactory.


respect, neutrality, restraint


domination, ego, criticism


Compatibility in the family of Leo with Virgo

In one word
Degree of Affinity

Leo feels that Virgo is full of mysteries that the fire sign finds difficult to appreciate. They don't understand why Virgo needs to analyze everything, why they can be so critical, their little mannerisms or their many fears. Despite this, family harmony in the broad sense is not completely impossible. If Virgo manages to overcome their fears and learns to trust Leo, miracles can occur. The positive thing about this relationship is that Leo can push Virgo to do their best and shake up some of the earth sign's habits. For their part, Virgo can encourage Leo to question themselves and perhaps be a little more modest.

When it comes to marriage, their different temperaments mean Leo and Virgo are likely to spend a lot of time apart. The fire sign needs to go out and rub shoulders with the world while the earth sign prefers quiet evenings at home. In this relationship, it is Virgo who will need to adapt. Either they go where Leo goes, or they get used to spending their free time alone. A relationship between these two is not usually bound by real intimacy or great romance. If their union lasts the course, it is because they have common objectives where they both benefit, personally and materially. A joint professional activity is more likely to cement their relationship than love itself.


respect, objectives, aspiration


leisure, exuberance, criticism

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