Compatibility Cancer and Sagittarius


Love compatibility of Cancer with Sagittarius

In one word
Degree of Affinity

A love affair between Cancer and Sagittarius is not obvious, but it is possible if both can make some compromises to ensure their story will last. Cancer and Sagittarius have almost diametrically opposed temperaments; the one is calm and sensitive while the other is passionate and loves adventure.

So, it’s difficult to find points in common between the two signs. Even if they do fall passionately for each other, Cancer’s ambition is to create a warm home where they can live in peace and Sagittarius lives for adventure and new experiences. Which is to say, they don’t have the same objectives from life!

The ideal for them would be to meet when they are older, when Sagittarius’ passions will have calmed a little and they are less keen to keep moving around. In fact, Sagittarius has a secret, that they too would like a comfortable home and to be surrounded by a loving partner and children at the end of their lives.

It would give them a chance to talk about their adventures and all the people they met during the folly of youth. At this point Sagittarius will be the reassuring, warm and optimistic presence that Cancer has been looking for and they will make a balanced couple.


security, tradition, affection


adventure, changeability, commitment

Communication and emotion between Cancer and Sagittarius

From an intellectual point of view Cancer and Sagittarius get on very well. They find it easy to communicate because they have the same way of sharing knowledge. That said, Sagittarius can find Cancer a bit apathetic, while the water sign feels the fire sign is either too frivolous or far too dogmatic. However, all these differences fade when they have a common passion or when they are working on a project together.

When it comes to emotions, a real communion is difficult for them because they don’t feel things in the same way and, what’s more, they live at different rhythms. Sagittarius has all the passion of a fire sign, and wants things to move quickly, whereas Cancer needs time to get used to Sagittarius and trust them. In an ideal world the fire sign will try to rush less and the water sign will learn to live without worrying about tomorrow. If each of them is capable of making these compromises then everything is possible for them.

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Trust between Cancer and Sagittarius

There is no one more prudent than Cancer, especially when they are in love and have decided to commit to a partner and a home. The water sign needs to be able to have absolute trust in their partner, otherwise they will be constantly anxious. However, with Sagittarius they are unlikely to feel calm since the fire sign loves to please, they need to be able to prove to themselves that they can seduce whoever they want, whenever they want.

Cancer doesn’t like this way of acting and can’t understand why Sagittarius has this irrepressible need to make everyone like them. One person is enough for the water sign, they don’t need multiple conquests to feel good about themselves. So Sagittarius’ behavior tends to undermine Cancer’s trust in their faithfulness and creates conflict.

Intimacy and sexuality of Cancer with Sagittarius

You couldn’t say that Cancer and Sagittarius have a magnetic attraction for each other. For Cancer emotional security is an essential part of intimacy and the two really find it difficult to reach agreement on this subject. To be honest, the water sign often asks themselves how Sagittarius can enjoy sex without any emotional commitment and, especially, why the fire sign finds change so necessary.

Cancer’s lack of understanding here adds to their insecurity and blocks their enjoyment. They find it hard to trust Sagittarius, which also affects any physical connection. If they want to have a good sex life Cancer will have to learn to change their expectations and make the most of Sagittarius’ light and playful character. And Sagittarius will have to lower their expectations because Cancer is not renowned for their creativity in the bedroom.

Compatibility in love

A Cancer man with a Sagittarius woman: a union between Mr Cancer and Miss Sagittarius can be a double-edged sword; either everything goes relatively well or the relationship will be marked by conflict. They both love traveling and would like to have a harmonious family life. However, not everything in the garden is rosy since Mr Cancer thinks Miss Sagittarius is a bit of an adventurer even when she is behaving like the perfect housewife. Miss Sagittarius is surprised that her man considers she is so fragile and dependent when she is more than capable of adulting. In short, even if they love each other there are a lot of misunderstandings between these two signs.

A Cancer woman with a Sagittarius man: Mr Sagittarius loves his freedom and expects Miss Cancer to understand this. If she does, the fire sign will be honest and faithful, despite his natural desire for adventure. Miss Cancer dreams of a solid and durable love and Mr Sagittarius loves protecting his soft and fragile partner. But they will both feel deceived since the water sign’s adventurous side is limited to dreaming while the fire sign looks like a rover but actually loves to spend quiet evenings at home. In short, there is a real gap between what each imagines the other to be and the reality.

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Compatibility at work of Cancer with Sagittarius

In one word
Degree of Affinity

Cancer and Sagittarius can work together but that’s not to say they won’t have problems. Cancer is a very sensitive type who finds working with fire signs difficult because they seem indifferent. The water sign finds this psychologically exhausting and tends to retreat into their shell. Sagittarius is a free spirit, even at work. They are friendly and cheerful but find Cancer’s excessive sensitivity difficult to deal with. The water sign’s emotions can really upset Sagittarius.

However, if they have to work together on a project, they work well despite everything. The fire sign is a motivated worker and the water sign is meticulous; so they each bring the other what they lack. On the other hand, Sagittarius is frank to the point of lacking all diplomacy which is a real problem.

If Cancer feels the fire sign has been too brusque or too outspoken they will withdraw. Sagittarius has a tendency to be categoric in their opinions since they believe there are only two possible opinions: theirs, and the wrong one. What’s more they don’t hesitate to openly criticize Cancer who they consider to be too slow and indecisive. The water sign may find it hard to manage the pressure that Sagittarius exerts. If they want to work well together, Cancer will have to learn to accept criticism in a constructive way and Sagittarius will need to moderate what they say and how they say it.


dynamism, creativity, rigor


communication, susceptibility, sensitivity


Compatibility in friendship of Cancer with Sagittarius

In one word
Degree of Affinity

Cancer and Sagittarius are likely to be close acquaintances but unlikely to have a deep friendship. The fire sign can be sensitive and sentimental but also tends to run away from Cancer’s excessive emotions and sensitivity. The water sign doesn’t really understand why the fire sign can’t stay still and why they are always trying to change their lives. Cancer sees Sagittarius’ constant search for freedom as exhausting and pointless. How can you live if you don’t have real links to other people?

In short, if these two signs become friends there is a good chance each will be dissatisfied with the relationship at some point. Cancer sees Sagittarius as childish, frivolous and egocentric, incapable of being faithful and devoting themselves to friends that they can really count on.
Given all this, it is unlikely that Cancer, who is so afraid of being hurt, will let themselves confide in the fire sign.

Although Cancer admires Sagittarius’ optimism and boldness, and Sagittarius loves Cancer’s gentleness, their relationship will remain superficial. For a solid friendship to grow, they will need interests in common which doesn’t often happen unless they manage to share their respective world views.


travel, camaraderie, cheerfulness


freedom change, emotion


Compatibility in the family of Cancer with Sagittarius

In one word
Degree of Affinity

In the wider sense, a family agreement between Cancer and Sagittarius is possible. The fire sign is sensitive to the water sign’s gentle and attentive side but in order for things to go well Sagittarius must not feel stifled by Cancer’s maternal proclivities. In this pair, Sagittarius brings energy that can help Cancer feel more self-confident. However, it should be noted that the water sign is far more family oriented than the fire sign.

When it comes to marriage, the burden will rest on Cancer who is honest, constant and entirely devoted to their family. In difficult situations Sagittarius can bring the confidence and strength the water sign lacks. Nevertheless, it cannot be denied that Sagittarius is not as deeply involved in family life as Cancer. The fire sign is more likely to think about themselves than about their children, without taking into account their tendency to spend without thinking. Cancer on the other hand does their best to save money for a rainy day. So there will need to be a lot of compromises if these two signs are to live together for the long term.


constancy, attention, gentleness


egoism, spending, commitment

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