Compatibility Taurus and Taurus


Love compatibility of Taurus with Taurus

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When two Taurus form a couple, it is usually to build something solid that lasts in the long term. These two earth signs share the same tastes and have similar interests. Their approach to life is similar; they want a comfortable, financially stable life combined with a gentle, balanced love life so they can enjoy all the pleasures that life has to offer.

They are both very sensual and also very affectionate. When Taurus lives with Taurus life is calm because each knows the partner they have chosen is reliable and they should, mostly, be protected from unpleasant surprises.

Obviously, conflicts are not totally absent in the life of this pair of earth signs. The first concern is that their lives tend to get stuck in a groove. As they share the same hobbies and interests, they have nothing to push them to be open to the world outside them and can become isolated.

In the long run this can paralyze their couple! The other concern is that Taurus is very possessive. To protect themselves from jealousy, they will minimize their risks by living a limited life that cuts them off from the outside world.


serenity, solidarity, stability


jealousy, stubbornness, routine

Communication and emotion between Taurus and Taurus

Communication can have its difficult side for Taurus. Once they are convinced about something they find it very hard to change their mind. Not only is Taurus very stubborn but they hate change. So even if one of them has a great idea for something new, the other is likely to resist it for a long time because they can't understand why things cannot just stay as they are.

From an emotional point of view, when Taurus becomes angry or feels hurt, they can close in on themselves and become very obstinate. This complicates communication because a defensive Taurus will retreat for fear of being hurt further. They have a hard time opening up to each other to share their problems, confess embarrassing things or just talk about themselves. However, doing this could help them to create trust and encourage a constructive dialogue between the two partners.

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Trust between Taurus and Taurus

Taurus wants to be able to trust their partner blindly. However, if one of the two has had a bad experience in the past this will inevitably affect their current relationship. A Taurus who has been deceived, disappointed or badly treated will have a hard time opening up to their new partner. They will be very reluctant to let anyone else see their emotions. They will confide so little that their partner may believe they are hiding things when they are not.

Taurus understands the importance of faithfulness and honesty but the fear of being hurt again is just stronger than anything else. In an ideal world both would have had good past experiences but as this is not often the case, at least if they have both suffered, they will understand their partner's reserve without mistaking it for betrayal.

Intimacy and sexuality of Taurus with Taurus

When two Taurus meet expect a gentle and romantic explosion of the senses in the bedroom. They understand each other's needs and expectations. These earth signs are very sensual beings and together can discover things they have never experienced before. That said, before they end up in bed together, they will need time to evaluate whether their relationship has potential for the long term. They don't like one night stands and need to feel trust before they can give themselves completely to another.

Taurus’ weak point in bed is probably their laziness, which means they're more than happy to wait for their partner to take the first step. However, this lack of initiative can be overcome as these two manage to communicate calmly and well. Generally, they have the same kind of fantasies and the same ideas about what they want from sex, so any small blockages are fairly easy to overcome.

Compatibility in love

A Taurus man with a Taurus woman: usually these two can come to a good understanding as they both aspire to the same type of stability and have the same family values. They could form a model couple, both emotionally and materially. Taurus is often reserved and shy so neither of them are fans of big social outings. They prefer the tranquility of their home. They love everything that is beautiful and refined. Their relationship is usually fairly calm and if they need to explain things it is done without violence. That said, if they do get angry, they are both capable of sulking for a long time before taking the first steps towards a reconciliation. They are really stubborn!

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Compatibility at work of Taurus with Taurus

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Taurus is not the quickest sign of the zodiac, but they are incredibly efficient. They are very rational and methodical and leave no room for improvisation in their work. When they have to work with other earth signs there is usually a mutual understanding which makes their professional relationship fairly easy. A partnership between two Taurus works well because they have a lot of confidence in each other. Working together is good for them because they are both pragmatic, work at the same pace and have the same capacity for work. Regardless of whether one is the boss of the other or they are just colleagues they get along well and are very productive.

When the two earth signs work on a common project, their energy and enthusiasm is similar. This gives them every chance of success. The few things that can hinder their progress are a fear of the unknown and a fear of a lack of financial means. Apart from that, as Taurus are creative and thoughtful, nothing can stop their momentum towards achieving their objectives. They are hard and conscientious workers. Even if a task is difficult, they will keep at it until everything is meticulously and impeccably finished.

If the two Taurus are colleagues, they will work well together because they work in the same way. If one is the manager, they will trust each other completely. A Taurus boss will always make sure to give their Taurus employee what they need to carry out their job successfully.


understanding, pragmatism, method


stubbornness, resentment, slowness


Compatibility in friendship of Taurus with Taurus

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A friendship between two Taurus is as strong as a romantic relationship because they love the same things, have a similar rhythm in their lives and understand each other almost without talking. This is called being on the same wavelength. They both appreciate values like kindness, sociability and solidarity. And since they both possess these values, they will obviously get along well. It's not uncommon for a pair of Taurus friends to end up working together when they have common interests and goals. When two Taurus are friends, they usually involve their families in this relationship so everyone can enjoy being together. This kind of bond sometimes lasts a lifetime.

However, not everything is always idyllic because Taurus can also be very demanding. They sometimes expect too much from their friends and this can lead to disappointment. In addition, these earth signs both have strong personalities. If one of the two is always trying to impose their point of view, their tastes or their way of reacting to things on the other there will definitely be some sparks.

At this point, the values of tolerance, freedom, understanding and respect will be significant by their absence from the relationship. In this case it is likely the friendship will not last because they won't want to make the concessions that are needed to keep it alive.


kindness, mutual aid, understanding


domination, disappointment, expectations


Compatibility in the family of Taurus with Taurus

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Within the family Taurus is made to get along with Taurus. These two earth signs both love all the pleasures of life and will never turn down an opportunity to share time with their clan. However, Taurus is famous for their stubbornness, and this sometimes causes conflict. That said, they often have the same idea, it's just that they do not necessarily express it in the same way and ultimately get carried away for no real reason.

In general, when it comes to marriage or long-term relationships, Taurus wants a partner who shares their values. This is probably why a couple where both partners are Taurus works so well. Together, they manage to overcome any obstacles that face them during their journey. In addition, they are an excellent team because they know each other's needs and are ready to do everything possible to satisfy their loved one. They are always devoted to each other and rarely experience betrayal. This is a couple that trusts almost blindly. Both partners are caring and affectionate, remembering that a small surprise or little gift can help maintain their relationship. If they do not let their tendency to stubbornness damage their relationship this is a love story that can last for a very long time.


values, support, sharing


obstinacy, resentment, communication

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