Compatibility Taurus and Sagittarius


Love compatibility of Taurus with Sagittarius

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Degree of Affinity

The love relationship between Taurus and Sagittarius may start as a beautiful story but will quickly go sour. In the early days of the relationship, Sagittarius is under the spell of sensual, epicurean and reassuring Taurus. For their part, Taurus is amazed by Sagittarius' energy, finding the fire sign outgoing, always curious and always looking for something new. Sagittarius seeks great love, but their driving force is adventure. Conversely, Taurus is very conformist and is looking for a stable love. Their mutual desire to enjoy life's good things and experience every moment can bring them together, but they have very different ways of functioning.

For Sagittarius freedom is sacrosanct and they need to experience new things to feel alive. Taurus needs long-term projects to help them live in harmony with the love of their life, which makes it very hard for them to understand Sagittarius' constant absence. The fire sign's overwhelming desire for independence causes the earth sign real anguish.

And as Taurus is very possessive and exclusive, they will tend to want to keep Sagittarius close. However, this will only cause Sagittarius to flee the earth sign more quickly.

In order for their relationship to work, it is necessary for Taurus to give Sagittarius' need for freedom a little slack and for Sagittarius to be willing to really reassure Taurus about their sincerity and commitment.


hedonism, sensuality, curiosity


freedom, independence, possessiveness

Communication and emotion between Taurus and Sagittarius

It can happen that Taurus and Sagittarius are moved by the same things, sharing joy and tenderness together. However, their approach to life is still radically different and it's unlikely communication between them will be great. This is particularly the case when they have to solve a common problem. Sagittarius will tend to take things lightly and assume Taurus is much too serious. For their part, the earth sign thinks that the fire sign has no sense of reality and it's a waste of their time trying to be understood. They will never be nasty to each other, but daily life will show that they are absolutely not on the same wavelength.

When it comes to emotions, Sagittarius sees their relationship with Taurus as something short-term while Taurus expects long-term commitment from the fire sign. It is partly for this reason that any emotional connection between these two signs is so difficult.

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Trust between Taurus and Sagittarius

Taurus is a stable sign who believes fidelity is an essential element in their couple. Sagittarius, for their part, is a naturally honest sign, who doesn't know how to lie or make up excuses to get out of trouble. Nevertheless, when it comes to romantic relationships, Sagittarius needs their freedom, loves to seduce and won't be satisfied with just the admiration of their official partner. Under these conditions, a relationship with Taurus may not last long because trust is the most important value for a Taurus.

However, it can happen that some Taurus/Sagittarius duos trust each other and develop a beautiful relationship, but there is no guarantee that this can hold up over time. Taurus is by nature exclusive and jealous, if they have the slightest doubt about their partner's fidelity it will be the beginning of the end. As soon as there is a loss of trust, the relationship is likely to end quickly, without remorse or regret.

Intimacy and sexuality of Taurus with Sagittarius

Taurus and Sagittarius can have a good sex life, provided each of the two signs has sincere feelings for the other and that they accept their respective defects. Taurus is an attentive and caring lover for whom touch is important. Sagittarius, meanwhile, will add a little spice to the relationship. So, if they can find their sweet spot they won't be bored under the sheets. On the other hand, a Taurus and Sagittarius who have more difficulty adapting to each other will struggle to find fulfillment even with time.

At first, they may attribute these problems with adjusting to each other to the newness of their relationship, but it may simply be they're not particularly attuned to each other. Often these worries come from the fact that they have trouble understanding each other. Taurus considers Sagittarius to be a little childish and inconsistent and this doesn't help awaken their sensuality. And Sagittarius is likely to see Taurus as being rather asexual which doesn't encourage their desire either.

Compatibility in love

A Taurus man with a Sagittarius woman: between Mr Taurus and Miss Sagittarius, there are more differences than things in common. Despite their mutual love of life and beautiful things, they will have to make a lot of concessions to find harmony in their relationship. Miss Sagittarius is known for her dynamism and her irrepressible desire for novelty does not coincide with the stability to which Mr Taurus aspires. Given that this earth sign is a very jealous being, he will not appreciate the time the fire sign spends with her friends. He will tend to reproach her for spending all her time outside the home and his suspicions can make him very angry.

A Taurus woman with a Sagittarius man: they will have a lot of difficulties because Mr Sagittarius values his freedom above all. Moreover, he won't tolerate the jealousy that Miss Taurus will inevitably display. Alas, unless he decides to get married, he cannot help but surround himself with pretty women and new adventures. However, once married he will be faithful! Nevertheless, Miss Taurus' possessiveness will make him want to run away. Given he cannot stand constraints, it's likely he'll often be off. Therefore, the balance in a Taurus/Sagittarius couple can be rather precarious.

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Compatibility at work of Taurus with Sagittarius

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Degree of Affinity

A professional association between Taurus and Sagittarius has every chance of succeeding. Their skills are complementary and neither of them are clock watchers when they want to achieve a well-defined goal. Sagittarius is generally cheerful and makes the working atmosphere pleasant. On the other hand, they do not like repetitive tasks and hate being in a routine. This is a good thing when they are in a partnership with Taurus since the earth sign will take care of all the detailed daily tasks that annoy Sagittarius.

The main driver for working well together is their mutual appreciation of gain. Both these signs like to make a lot of money and usually know the best way to get a good income. Sagittarius is creative and communicative; they are very well organized when it comes to finding new customers or searching for information to develop a project. Taurus is more analytical and happy to deal with monotonous tasks, ensuring no detail escapes them. If they divide their roles to reflect their skills, they can easily achieve success.

If Sagittarius is the boss, they know how to motivate Taurus and push the earth sign out of their comfort zone to surpass themselves. If Taurus is the boss, they will tend to be spellbound by Sagittarius' flow of ideas and inspired to take action in order to advance their projects.


creativity, initiative, motivation


routine, boredom, stubbornness


Compatibility in friendship of Taurus with Sagittarius

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Degree of Affinity

It might as well be said right away, a friendship between Taurus and Sagittarius has very little chance of survival. It is hard, almost impossible, for them to find agreement because they have diametrically opposed characters. The fire sign is too much of a daredevil for the calm and sedentary earth sign. It is a great pity that they find it hard to make friends because they could offer each other a lot of things. Sagittarius could teach Taurus to be more flexible and open their horizons while Taurus could teach Sagittarius to be calmer and more pragmatic.

Conflicts between them will be numerous because they find it difficult to be on the same wavelength even for something as simple as how to occupy a day of free time. While Taurus will want to spend time quietly at home watching a good movie or chatting over coffee, Sagittarius will want to be off exploring new places. The fire sign hates standing still and is always off looking for adventures or chatting with anyone and everyone. As Taurus is not into sharing and is much less sociable, they risk feeling jealous and unable to understand why their friendship is not enough for Sagittarius.

Of course, there are always exceptions where Taurus and Sagittarius manage to form a tandem that works well, especially when they have projects and activities that can bring them together. In this context, the fire sign can drive the earth sign to be more outgoing.


projects, pleasures, activities


jealousy, adventure, other friends


Compatibility in the family of Taurus with Sagittarius

In one word
Degree of Affinity

If Taurus and Sagittarius are siblings their relationship is likely to be pleasant, they can flourish together with each one bringing the other what they lack. The fire sign is always interested in conquering and exploring what is unknown to them, while the earth sign is strongly anchored in their daily life and all that is concrete. This combination works well in the sense that Sagittarius shakes up Taurus' habits, bringing a breath of fresh air and movement to stop Taurus getting too anchored to their routine. Sagittarius is so strong that in some cases they can even persuade the earth sign to support Sagittarius' causes. These two signs also both like to enjoy life's pleasures, being epicureans who epitomize the famous motto "carpe diem". Indeed, they will do everything they can to enjoy the present, so family meals will bring them together.

When it comes to marriage, however, this relationship is more uncertain. Their best chance of success is to start their love story with a solid friendship and remember the need for compromise. As long as there is a little magic, emulation and mutual attachment, the bond between Taurus and Sagittarius can last over the long term.


hedonism, projects, novelty


freedom, stubbornness, routine

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