Compatibility Taurus and Aquarius


Love compatibility of Taurus with Aquarius

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Degree of Affinity

At the beginning of their relationship, Taurus finds Aquarius charming, free and non-conformist. The earth sign is attracted by the artistic nature and overflowing energy of this original character. Taurus loves all of life's pleasures and feels magnetically attracted to this optimistic sign.

Aquarius is seduced by Taurus' sensuality because they are deeply attracted to anything that concerns love. With Taurus, the air sign is certain to have the tenderness, attention and passion they need.

The problem? Once the initial attraction is over their differences surge to the fore and this can create a lot of tensions in their couple. Taurus is very materialistic and hates change, they absolutely need stability and security, while Aquarius needs escapism and adventure. The air sign is totally independent and little attached to earthly goods, with a deep need for freedom and novelty which Taurus is unable to offer. In this context, the earth sign feels insecure, and their possessive side is likely to rear its head, accompanied by jealousy.

In the ideal, Aquarius needs to find a good way to reassure Taurus and Taurus should give Aquarius the freedom they need. Going out with friends does not necessarily mean they are being unfaithful!


epicureanism, charm, optimism


freedom, jealousy, materialism

Communication and emotion between Taurus and Aquarius

Communication between Taurus and Aquarius is often tinged with misunderstanding. To be honest, they don't have enough topics in common for them to spend hours chatting. The earth sign also tends to be very short with the air sign when the latter expresses their grand ideas for change. Taurus finds Aquarius too wacky to take them seriously. They can even take malicious pleasure in picking Aquarius' ideas apart, proving logically that the air sign's desires are completely unattainable and telling them to stop daydreaming.

Obviously, this does not help Aquarius to confide easily in Taurus because they have a strong fear of being laughed at. Aquarius thus ends up being convinced that the two of them have nothing in common and Taurus is far too earthbound to believe in the achievement of their innovative ideas. And anyway, what's the point of persisting in a relationship with someone who doesn't encourage you with your projects?

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Trust between Taurus and Aquarius

Building trust between Taurus and Aquarius can be no mean feat. Taurus suffers constant stress due to the air sign's changeable nature. They are unable to trust anything Aquarius says or does because they know the air sign may decide to take back their freedom at any time. And it can happen that Aquarius gives Taurus a feeling of inferiority simply because Taurus doesn't "get" someone who flouts all their expectations. Taurus starts finding fault with their own character in an effort to understand why the air sign doesn't want to fully engage with them. Aquarius has none of these worries.

They are cruelly inflexible when faced with Taurus' distress, so much so that they tend to unwittingly block the dialogue that the earth sign would like to begin. Taurus will feel frustrated, tend to keep their thoughts to themselves and will easily fall into the trap of lying. And all this is without taking into account Aquarius’ belief that their freedom is more important than anything else, meaning Taurus' confidence in the air sign is very low.

Intimacy and sexuality of Taurus with Aquarius

Taurus and Aquarius are unlikely to experience nirvana in the bedroom. They have such different expectations that it is very difficult for them to establish a real intimate connection. The earth sign is of a calm and tender nature and with Aquarius can become completely confused by their variable temperament. Taurus adores constancy and is faced with quicksand, and this makes them feel so unstable that they don't really want to invest in establishing a solid physical link with the air sign.

Aquarius is naturally free and independent and finds Taurus' possessiveness difficult to tolerate. They fear being taken prisoner in a relationship that will eventually suffocate them, so give very little physically in order to leave themselves an escape route. In bed, Aquarius just wants to have fun, to make sex a pure moment of relaxation without attachment; while Taurus has a completely different goal, they want to create an unbreakable bond! Their vision of things is at opposite ends of the spectrum, so their sex life is bound to be negatively impacted.

Compatibility in love

A Taurus man with an Aquarius woman: opposites may attract at first but eventually they repel. Mr Taurus dreams of a stable life in a cozy home looked after by Miss Aquarius. This underestimates the desire for large spaces and novelty that is a permanent part of Miss Aquarius’ make-up. The role of a housewife is not what she imagines for her life and as soon as she realizes she won't be able to play a role that is not designed for her, conflicts are bound to happen.

A Taurus woman with an Aquarius man: this combination is likely to work better than the previous one. In fact, Miss Taurus can offer Mr Aquarius a lot of love and he appreciates this, despite her possessive tendencies. Mr Aquarius loves his freedom and can help Miss Taurus to understand that his joy in going out and rubbing shoulders with the world does not necessarily mean he is being unfaithful. This is a couple that will need to make adjustments but can last. If Miss Taurus learns to accept Mr Aquarius' adventurous side and holds the purse strings so she can control the air sign’s reckless spending, everything should go well.

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Compatibility at work of Taurus with Aquarius

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Degree of Affinity

Taurus is known for being rigorous at work and they do not deviate from tried and tested methods that they know work for sure. Aquarius is the most original and avant-garde sign of the zodiac; they are always looking for new ideas and innovative methods. Mix these two signs in a working pair and you will most certainly get friction. There is a strong risk of a power struggle between the air sign and the earth sign because Aquarius thinks Taurus is far too conventional.

Aquarius believes Taurus totally lacks flair. An association between these two signs is rather delicate. On the one hand, Taurus thinks Aquarius lacks discipline, not forgetting that the air sign also hates routine. On the other hand, Aquarius thinks Taurus is too rigid; they have the impression that unless they are given clear instructions the earth sign is unable to act. In order to be able to work together, they need a fair division of labor. If they have positions where each uses their strengths their association can be a success.

The air sign is creative and never lacks interesting ideas. But when it comes to peer-to-peer cooperation, the earth sign can assess the success of the project, calculate the benefits and risks and suggest an action plan. On the other hand, if there is a hierarchical relationship between these two signs where one is subordinate to the other, the relationship is likely to be rather turbulent.


equality, respect, cooperation


authority, lack of discipline, routine


Compatibility in friendship of Taurus with Aquarius

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Degree of Affinity

A friendship between a Taurus and an Aquarius may seem unlikely but there are sometimes links that cannot be explained. Yes, they don't have much in common but all they need is a focus that brings them together to find themselves creating a friendship that can last as long as both work at it and above all show tolerance.

Where they are likely to get along well is on something creative. If Taurus wants to set up a project but lacks ideas, all they need to do is contact Aquarius who will have stacks in no time. If Taurus is humble enough to recognize that they need someone less conformist and more inspired than they are in their circle of friends, things can go well. It is also necessary that Aquarius be tolerant with Taurus’ tendency to see things in black and white and move more slowly than they do. Aquarius' brain turns at a totally different pace from the earth sign's. Their ideas arrive at lightning speed, and they find it very hard to understand that not everybody moves at the same speed they do.

In short, their relationship is likely to work so long as both are ready to compromise and not get too attached to their own beliefs. With a little more flexibility, they can develop a very good bond even if they don't see each other very often. And finally, the secret to keeping their friendship going is that they don't meet too often. In this way, their very different characters will not get on each other's nerves too much.


flexibility, compromise, indulgence


inconsistency, possessiveness, criticism


Compatibility in the family of Taurus with Aquarius

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Degree of Affinity

On the family side, Taurus and Aquarius really do not move in the same world. Sibling conflicts can sometimes be violent because they have great difficulty understanding each other. The earth sign tends to be resentful, sulking in a corner and constantly rehashing the past, while the air sign is always outgoing and thinking about the future. They are a bit like day and night, they cross each other but do not necessarily take the time to get to know each other better to smooth out their differences. One is terribly conservative and the other is totally avant-garde, to the extent that you wonder what they could possibly have in common apart from blood ties.

If it comes to marriage, Taurus and Aquarius have an interest in loving each other very much and accepting each other's negative characteristics in order to make their bond last in the long-term. Thus, Taurus needs to tolerate the air sign's inconsistency and desire for escape, while the earth sign must cope with Aquarius's obsession with criticizing Taurus' rigidity and their values. Often, Taurus thinks Aquarius is disrespectful of the institution of marriage because the air sign puts their need for freedom before the stability of their home.


hedonism, children, optimism


incomprehension, changeability, inconsistency

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