Compatibility Taurus and Libra


Love compatibility of Taurus with Libra

In one word
Degree of Affinity

Taurus and Libra are both governed by the planet Venus, yet they have very different characters. The earth sign is immediately attracted by the softness, delicacy and finesse of Libra. They also go mad for Libra's refinement and child-like side. For their part, the air sign quickly falls under the sensual charm of Taurus.

From the beginning, sincere Taurus will want to make plans with Libra. On the other hand, Libra struggles to make a real commitment because they like to flutter and flirt before settling down for good.

The indecisive nature and frivolity of this air sign can annoy Taurus and awaken their jealous side. In order for their relationship to last over time, it is necessary for Taurus to understand Libra's need to please and for Libra to reassure the earth sign as much as possible.

It is also necessary to know that Taurus lives in the concrete, always thinking about the reality of things, whereas Libra is more focused on the spiritual, on dreams and illusions. In the early stages of their relationship, they may love each other enormously, but the more they get to know each other, the more likely they are to find there is distance between them because, ultimately they just don't live in the same world. In order for their couple to last, they will have to make a lot of effort around communication.


charm, attraction, admiration


jealousy, flirting, commitment

Communication and emotion between Taurus and Libra

Communication between Taurus and Libra is likely to be electric on more than one occasion. In fact, the earth sign has a tendency to be obstinate and never doubts they are in the right, which combined with their pronounced immobility can be annoying. For their part, the air sign is a very indecisive being and they never know what they want. They are always umming and aahing about choices which really annoys Taurus, who can't stand half-measures. Both of them can also be a little arrogant, especially Libra who often judges the Taurus for a lack of attention to their appearance which Libra finds unattractive.

From an emotional point of view, these two signs find it difficult to meet because Taurus offers Libra few opportunities to get to know them properly. Moreover, Libra is very critical and always nitpicking, which obviously leads to frequent conflicts.

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Trust between Taurus and Libra

Trust is a topic that causes big problems between Taurus and Libra. The air sign feels the need to please everyone and won't hesitate to flirt with anyone. This will be particularly the case if Libra feels any uncertainty about their bond with the earth sign. And if Taurus thinks they are not only being to make Libra's heart sing, there is a good chance Taurus' ego will be severely bruised.

Even if Libra commits to Taurus, they will be unable to resist opportunities to meet new people. Libra's need to feel accepted can be insistent and can even lead to infidelity. And, of course, as Taurus needs stability and exclusivity, this behavior can jeopardize their relationship.

Intimacy and sexuality of Taurus with Libra

Taurus and Libra may both have Venus as their governing planet, but they do not approach sexuality in the same way at all. As a result, their first encounters under the sheets may not be great. They have to give themselves time to adapt to each other. What's more, Libra is not good at guessing their partner's expectations. They are rather cerebral when it comes to feelings and will only let themselves go when they feel truly loved.

In short, to satisfy Libra's desires, Taurus will need to employ romance and tenderness and create a real feeling of togetherness so they both feel fulfilled in the relationship. On the other hand, where they do find things easier is their shared gentleness. They both love relationships without anxiety or tragedy, so if they can be patient enough, they will end up feeling comfortable with their sex lives.

Compatibility in love

A Taurus man with a Libra woman: Mr Taurus and Miss Libra both appreciate life's beauty and its pleasures. Although their characters are very different, they complement each other well in their private life. Taurus is fairly calm and easy to live with, while Libra is more wayward and finds it hard to make a definitive choice for a life partner. Libra's irrepressible desire to please can harm their couple and create a lot of conflicts.

A Taurus woman with a Libra man: the relationship between Miss Taurus and Mr Libra has potential, but they will still have to make a lot of effort before they can find harmony. Mr Libra tends to be interested in any pretty women around him. Miss Taurus, who is very jealous, will not tolerate this behavior and will do everything she can to be attractive to her man and keep him at home. Therefore, their relationship will probably not be calm, but they will often manage to find a solution in the bedroom.

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Compatibility at work of Taurus with Libra

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Degree of Affinity

Taurus has many affinities with the air sign, so long as Libra doesn't spend all their time chatting! For their part, Libra knows how to take advantage of the earth sign's pragmatic side to make their collaboration a success.

Even though Taurus and Libra have different ways of working, a partnership at work usually functions well. Moreover, Libra's diplomatic side has an almost magical effect on Taurus' stubbornness. Libra knows how to find just the right words to get Taurus to agree with them without expressing too much resistance to someone else's point of view.

Both are very committed to their work and their team performs very well. Taurus never shies away from any task, anticipates every detail, assesses risks and benefits and develops a precise action plan. And Libra is able to adapt to any job and every circumstance. When it comes to achieving their goals, these two signs are reliable and tenacious. And if Libra does begin to have some doubts, Taurus knows how to help them regain confidence in their skills. If Libra is the boss they will recognize Taurus’ value, appreciating their loyalty, hard work and sense of responsibility. If Taurus is the boss, they will admire Libra’s communication skills and trust them completely.


communication, diplomacy, diligence


gossip, stubbornness, superficiality


Compatibility in friendship of Taurus with Libra

In one word
Degree of Affinity

Taurus and Libra are two signs governed by the planet Venus and this influences the quality of their relationship. Their love of art, their communication skills and their good humor can easily unite them. Friendship between Taurus and Libra is therefore quite possible, they have enough in common to get along well and not too many differences that can separate them.

Their main advantage is that they don't get bored together. The earth sign helps make Libra more stable and more self-confident, with a more pragmatic vision of things that helps Libra become more anchored in everyday life. In return, lively, curious Libra helps the earth sign to be a little less serious. Libra shows Taurus that creating something new can be good and that you cannot predict everything in advance.

Creating a friendship between Taurus and Libra is a bit like wanting to make day and night coexist, but in the end, they complement each other rather well. Taurus may sometimes be tempted to criticize Libra's inconsistency, but their admiration for Libra's subtlety and prudence will usually dissuade them. For their part, Libra appreciates the balance and security of the earth sign. The key to their understanding is above all that they both avoid nitpicking about the other.


art, stability, gentleness


changeability, stubbornness, criticism


Compatibility in the family of Taurus with Libra

In one word
Degree of Affinity

Although Taurus and Libra do not have the same approach to life, they manage to agree because they are both a little epicurean. Their love of beauty and of life's pleasures certainly brings them closer together. If they are offered a good meal, they won't have the same way of enjoying it but will enjoy it together despite that. Understanding between Taurus and Libra parents or siblings is generally not a major problem. Of course, things can sometimes flare up when Libra finds Taurus far too earthy and contained for their liking. Not to mention that Taurus can also get annoyed about Libra's superficiality.

Within the family, there can also be a lot of friction about finances because Libra is a bit of a spendthrift. They like to indulge themselves by going to the theater, the cinema or exhibitions and materialistic Taurus considers these expenses are superfluous. They prefer to spend on useful objects, something practical that will improve their everyday life. In short, if Taurus and Libra live under the same roof, they will have to make a lot of compromises in order for their family life to be harmonious.


beauty, enjoyment of life, pleasure


money, communication, superficiality

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