Compatibility Virgo and Virgo


Love compatibility of Virgo with Virgo

In one word
Degree of Affinity

It seems that two Virgos are destined to get along since they have the same methodical character and the same values, and they are both very reserved. All of this points to a balanced but not really passionate relationship. What these earth signs seek most of all is a partner whose character they recognize, because they dread throwing themselves into the unknown.

And although there is some risk of boredom in the long term, they prefer to stay on familiar ground rather than choose a partner who could turn out to be their total opposite. And if you think about it, they'd be hard-pressed to find someone who is as pragmatic and picky as they are on a daily basis. Someone who does not have their feet firmly on the ground would quickly make them frustrated.

At the beginning of the relationship, the fact that they are very similar is a definite advantage. That said, over time, being like twins who do the same thing and think the same way, means they live in a bit of a restricted world. This is obviously detrimental to their balance and they tend to become withdrawn.

A Virgo couple is perfectionist and finds it easy to criticize. This does not help them maintain fulfilling social relationships. And this is why they have so few friends in the end. If they can learn to be more open and spontaneous, they can avoid falling into the monotonous routine that can ruin their life as a couple in the long run.


stability, security, trust


boredom, criticism, habits

Communication and emotion between Virgo and Virgo

Virgos are ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication and exchange, so they have no trouble sharing what they think. However, more often they prefer to do it in writing rather than orally. A Virgo couple can spend their time sending each other texts and emails, while noting every spelling mistake of course! For Virgos, every detail matters and they can misinterpret any little phrase that is not perfectly clear. And in the end, this focus on the detail can mean they miss the essentials of the message and that will harm their communication.

Unfortunately, neither of these Virgos is very focused on emotions. Because they are scared of being overwhelmed by their feelings, Virgos prefer to rationalize everything. Even if they fall in love at first sight with someone, they will immediately try to rationalize this feeling instead of letting themselves be carried away by it.

Trust between Virgo and Virgo

Virgos are naturally suspicious and don't trust anyone or anything immediately. They are ruled by their fear of betrayal, which Virgo sees as a real scourge. When two Virgos form a partnership, they are both confronted with the same problem at the same time. This generates a lot of anxiety but because Virgo loves to communicate, they are capable of solving this problem by clearly expressing their expectations.

Since they are very traditional, the things they value above all are loyalty and security. Nevertheless, since they are both very suspicious, they shouldn't dig too much either. If they question each other too much, doubts will inevitably arise, and a vicious circle of suspicion will set-in. This can even go so far as to make them want to break off the dialogue and avoid each other for a long time.

Intimacy and sexuality of Virgo with Virgo

When it comes to their sex lives, a pair of Virgos can have problems finding fulfillment. The truth is that, because they are both very reserved, they have a hard time communicating their feelings and really letting themselves go with their partner. Somewhere, they lack the spark they need to be truly fulfilled together. Moreover, because their critical spirits are never far below the surface, any physical or emotional satisfaction can be tainted.

In short, they are champions at spotting flaws and ruining the magic of the moment. So this is more than enough to inhibit their libido because they are tense, nervous and unable to enjoy the present moment with their other half. Nevertheless, these earth signs do have one advantage, as they are both demure and respectful of their partner, they give themselves time to find a rhythm that suits them both.

Compatibility in love

A Virgo man with a Virgo woman: Mr and Miss Virgo have everything they need to be happy together. They have the same life values and are both committed to building a balanced home. Neither of them is demonstrative, but that suits them, they love each other even if they are not good at lavish displays of affection. Mr Virgo appreciates that Miss Virgo is a good housekeeper and in return he is a gentle and caring companion. They are both very cautious with money, so unlikely to be overwhelmed with financial problems which they detest. As they are both very introverted their union can lack passion and may quickly become routine and monotonous. This almost perfect couple is missing that touch of spice that can make all the difference to a relationship.


Compatibility at work of Virgo with Virgo

In one word
Degree of Affinity

When it comes to work Virgo is like a real ant. They may work tucked away in a corner, but they work really hard. Their trademark is accuracy and thoroughness. All they expect from their colleagues is consistency, organization and common sense. When they have to team up with another Virgo they find someone who is as rigorous as they are. Being able to combine their talents with another earth sign is great for Virgo, they feel they are no longer preaching in the wilderness. They know that their instructions will be understood and applied to the letter.

Two Virgos working on the same project is the promise of a good partnership. They are both honest perfectionists, but they need to be careful with their sometimes sharp critical sense. If this duo learns how to moderate their persnickety tendencies only good things will come out of the partnership. Objectively, Virgos are an effective team that has the ability to achieve excellent results. They are committed, hardworking, persevering and have very good organization skills.

When a Virgo is performing well, everything works like a well-oiled machine. So if there two Virgos at the controls success is virtually guaranteed. Obviously, no professional relationship is perfect and if there is one way to avoid conflicts between these two earth signs, it is to define their roles precisely from the beginning and to designate which of them is the team leader.


organization, meticulousness, rigor


criticism, diplomacy, hierarchy


Compatibility in friendship of Virgo with Virgo

In one word
Degree of Affinity

Friendships between Virgos are often much more successful than romantic relationships. Virgo is shy by nature, but they still find it easier to start a conversation with a possible friend than to charm a possible lover. There is almost perfect agreement between these two earth signs; as well as understanding each other they also trust each other. And that is something that is not easy to get from a Virgo who is naturally suspicious of everything and everyone! Contrary to what you might think, Virgos are not as gentle as they appear. They are quite capable of being cutting and refuse to compromise. And a pair of Virgos will be even more so.

So when two Virgos become friends they do so fully and are willing to give a lot, morally and materially, to the person who has broken through their protective wall. In a friendship between two Virgos there is almost a maternal feeling, because they take care of each other, give each other advice and worry about each other.

Virgos do not have a very large circle of friends, so when they agree to let someone into their life, they have chosen to do so for the long term, and they really appreciate the person in question. A friendship between two Virgos can last a lifetime and include their entire family. These earth signs are renowned for their fidelity; no matter what happens, they are always available when needed, and ready to lend an ear and offer comfort in adversity.


understanding, loyalty, faithfulness


reproach, coldness, stubbornness


Compatibility in the family of Virgo with Virgo

In one word
Degree of Affinity

At the broader family level, two Virgos are made to get along. That said, just because they are very similar does not mean that they will necessarily agree on every subject. Two Virgos will inevitably evaluate each other, gauging their personalities and observing each other, which may end in judgments and criticism that can be soaked in acid. Despite this risk of tension, things usually go well during family reunions because these earth signs have a great sense of decency. One of their principles is, never argue at the table! When it comes to marriage, Virgos will not be going to the chapel until they are certain of their choice and their partner's reliability has been tested several times.

Two Virgos will form a harmonious and peaceful couple. They dedicate their lives to creating a stable home, sheltering themselves from want, and leading comfortable and prosperous lives. A Virgo partnership is built on trust. They don't feel jealous of each other, and their relationship tends to strengthen from year to year. They are very family oriented, so friends or hobbies are a bit secondary in their lives. Generally, they have children only when they are certain that they can provide for all their material needs. They are loving, attentive and caring parents.


reliability, fidelity, stability


judgment, rigidity, reproof

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