Compatibility Virgo and Sagittarius


Love compatibility of Virgo with Sagittarius

In one word
Degree of Affinity

Virgo and Sagittarius can make a great couple, but they can also have a lot of difficulties. It all depends on the effort that each is willing to make in order to create a long lasting relationship.

From an optimistic point of view, this is a love story that can work because these signs are very complementary. Sagittarius can motivate Virgo and help them gain in self-confidence. Virgo is adventurous, with an intrepid mind and a thirst for knowledge which helps Sagittarius push them to overcome their reserve and their fears. For their part, Virgo is caring, tender and loving, which is what the fire sign needs. But the earth sign's big flaw is their tendency to stifle their partner with their obsessiveness and rigid values.

Sagittarius is and will remain an independent being that Virgo cannot tie down, despite all the efforts they will make to do so. Partnered with a fire sign eager for their freedom, Virgo will feel abandoned which will make them anxious and dissatisfied.

In order for their relationship to last in the long term, Virgo will need to be a little more spirited and agree to follow Sagittarius on their adventures and their search for thrills.


togetherness, learning, understanding


adventure, freedom, rigidity

Communication and emotion between Virgo and Sagittarius

When it comes to communication neither Virgo nor Sagittarius are stingy with words. They love to talk and learn from each other. Moreover, discussing philosophy for hours holds no fears for them. These are two signs that have great respect for each other, which is fortunate as otherwise both could easily jump to erroneous conclusions about the other's personality. Virgo would consider Sagittarius is too wild and uncontrollable, while the fire sign would find the earth sign's obsession with detail boring.

When it comes to emotions both these signs have a reluctance to show them which can rebound to their cost. Under their cold exterior Virgo needs to share their life with someone sensitive so they feel able to reveal their true feelings. At the same time, Sagittarius seems to be totally uninterested in the needs of the earth sign, believing that nothing really touches them and wanting to avoid being hurt.

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Trust between Virgo and Sagittarius

Trust is the elephant in the room between Virgo and Sagittarius. When they are friends, their bond can resist anything because they have strong values they will not abandon. In love, however, there seems to be no trust at all between them. Virgo is a naturally suspicious sign and looks for the bad in everything. They will also avoid any situation where they feel there is a risk they might get trapped.

Sagittarius is also not known to be the most faithful of the zodiac signs, their visceral need to feel free often leads them to go see if the grass is greener elsewhere. Commitment scares them and imagining themselves married and a parent is enough to make them run away. As you can see, this pair aren't usually a model of stability, but there are always exceptions to the rule.

Intimacy and sexuality of Virgo with Sagittarius

Virgo and Sagittarius are both signs that are generous and sharing. When this is added to the force of attraction between them, in the early days of their relationship they can have a very satisfying love life. However, the fire sign soon understands that the earth sign is demanding and very critical. And what's more Virgo is not very adventurous, and Sagittarius likes a little fantasy. Virgo is well-known for not taking risks in the bedroom, anything new always seems dangerous to them and they are likely to be stubborn if pushed to take a path they don't want.

Sagittarius' desire, on the other hand, may be deflated by Virgo's rigidity and need for organization, they need the unforeseen and novelty in order to feel good in their sex lives. Another thing about Sagittarius that bothers the earth sign is their tendency to keep moving on, it is rare that they devote themselves exclusively to the same person for a long time.

Compatibility in love

A Virgo man with a Sagittarius woman: In this partnership, Mr Virgo is very reserved and lacks spontaneity. It is probably for this reason that he is won over by Miss Sagittarius' generosity, passion and liveliness. In order to counterbalance the earth sign's reserve, Miss Sagittarius makes sure to protect him and give him lots of proofs of her affection. However, she will only do so up to a point. If Mr Virgo does not make the effort to adopt a slightly more assertive attitude, chances are that Miss Sagittarius will get tired of the situation and go flirt elsewhere.

A Virgo woman with a Sagittarius man: in this couple, Miss Virgo will be fairly introvert while Mr Sagittarius is extremely passionate. At the beginning of their relationship, he may find conquering this very discreet woman is fun, but in the long run he will become frustrated because Miss Virgo really is far too reserved for him. Mr Sagittarius is a free being, so he will not deprive himself of adventures with other people. In addition, Miss Virgo's possessive side only strengthens Mr Sagittarius' desire to escape from a relationship he finds stifling.

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Compatibility at work of Virgo with Sagittarius

In one word
Degree of Affinity

At work, Virgo is meticulous and very committed. They expect the same involvement from their colleagues and nothing upsets them more than colleagues who lack common sense or organization. Generally speaking, the earth sign gets along quite well with fire signs because they give Virgo the impetus they need to act. As in all areas of their life, Sagittarius is a bit of a free electron, always in a good mood and very optimistic and they like to be left free to act as seems best to them. Contrary to what one might imagine, it can be complicated for Sagittarius to have a good working relationship with earth signs. Virgo considers Sagittarius is lacking in seriousness and much too cheerful to really be committed to quality work.

Between Virgo and Sagittarius, relationships can be as effective as they are electric. In the event that their work partnership goes smoothly they'll manage to combine the best of their talents, putting the earth sign's talent for organization together with the fire sign's energy for conquest. And that is success guaranteed!

On the other hand, it is quite possible their working relationship will be very stressful. Given that Virgo cannot stand empty talk or people who seem to be pretending to be happy, and that they have a sharp tongue, things can easily turn unpleasant. And in this case, Virgo won't hesitate to send Sagittarius' arrows right back to them, after having dipped them in poison.


exploration, stimulation, organization


criticism, laziness, indifference


Compatibility in friendship of Virgo with Sagittarius

In one word
Degree of Affinity

In most of their relationships, be it in love or friendship, Virgo wants to be of service to those they love. Even if it means putting their own needs on the back burner, they are always ready to lend a hand. They offer pertinent advice, and their friends rely on them. Virgo often has very dependent bonds that can sometimes become disturbing.

In friendship, Sagittarius is always open to discovering new personalities and new cultures and especially loves going on adventures. The fire sign has lots of friends and is also always ready to lend a hand when asked. Sagittarius is a generous sign but they hate staying still and hate even more being given advice by other people.

A friendship between Virgo and Sagittarius is possible because their intellects can bring them together. They have an almost inexhaustible thirst for learning and can talk for hours if they find the subject interesting. However, setting off on a spur of the moment trip is not Virgo's cup of tea and there is little chance they'll blindly go along with what Sagittarius suggests. What can hinder them in the long run are their very different lifestyles: one is a globetrotter while the other is a homebody. As time goes by, Virgo sees Sagittarius as inconstant while they see the earth sign as boring and unexciting.


altruism, learning, intelligence


boredom, adventure, sedentary lifestyle


Compatibility in the family of Virgo with Sagittarius

In one word
Degree of Affinity

In the broader family Virgo and Sagittarius can usually get along well because there are no major sources of conflict between them. Virgo will marvel at ever friendly Sagittarius' energy. And the fire sign appreciates all the earth sign's knowledge and their meticulousness. From this point of view, these signs can coexist in harmony within the same family.

However, when it comes to marriage, things are a lot less obvious for these two signs. Recurrent conflicts are to be expected because Sagittarius will never say goodbye to their freedom and Virgo will become angry with their spouse's absence. Virgo is used to having control not just over their own life, but of the lives of the people who live with them, mostly to reassure themselves that all is well. Now, Sagittarius cannot see it in this way and just believes the earth sign is trying to chip away at their independence. The same applies to the management of household money. Virgo is a saver and only spends money to improve their comfort and that of their family. However, Sagittarius is inclined to satisfy their own, sometimes futile, personal needs before thinking of others. As a parent, the fire sign is also much less invested in their children than the earth sign, they simply do not have the same priorities. In short, family life sometimes proves to be stormy!


learning, respect, admiration


freedom, possessiveness, management

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