Compatibility Virgo and Libra


Love compatibility of Virgo with Libra

In one word
Degree of Affinity

Virgo and Libra are dominated by two very different elements but there is no insurmountable difference that would make a partnership impossible. Libra lives in their world of fantasy while Virgo has their feet firmly on the ground and is always in the concrete. If each manages to recognize the qualities of the other and make compromises, their relationship can flourish in a beautiful way.

At the beginning of their story, these two signs seem very complementary; Virgo is receptive to Libra's charm while Libra is attracted by the earth sign's pragmatism and intelligence.

However, over time, what brought them together ends up pulling them apart as Virgo finds Libra's emotions excessive and Libra can reproach the earth sign for their lack of tenderness and apparent coldness.

Although this is only a mask for Virgo, Libra will have to dig deep to realize how well concealed the earth sign's emotions are. If these two signs want their couple to work, self-sufficient Virgo will have to give Libra the freedom this sociable sign needs. Together they can add a little light heartedness to life, as well as achieve moral and material stability.


intelligence, charm, logic


emotionality, freedom, coldness

Communication and emotion between Virgo and Libra

As long as Virgo and Libra discuss concrete topics like work, money and life in general, everything should go well. But when it comes to emotions, communication is much more complicated. When one partner is faced with a difficulty, the other is unable to give them the help and listening ear they need. There is no empathy or compassion between the earth sign and the air sign. It seems they only have an intellectual connection.

So, as soon as feelings get involved in the equation, neither knows what to do. Even though Libra likes stability, Virgo is too rational for them. Obviously, Libra can make the effort to adapt for a while but can't resist their nature forever and their emotions risk bubbling out like a geyser. Should this happen even the most diplomatic of Libras will not be able to spare Virgo.

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Trust between Virgo and Libra

Virgo and Libra have a very ambivalent idea of trust. The earth sign is naturally suspicious and does not trust easily. For their part, the air sign feels justice as a need and so is not fundamentally dishonest. Nevertheless, this does not prevent Virgo from doubting Libra. The problem is that Libra finds it very hard to keep what the earth sign tells them to themselves; they have an irrepressible need to reveal everything they know to whoever will listen.

What's more, Virgo does not understand Libra's constant need for attention and why the air sign needs to flirt with everyone they meet. As Virgo appears austere and closed, Libra is likely to think the earth sign is hiding something. Their characters do not make trust an easy thing.

Intimacy and sexuality of Virgo with Libra

The sex life of Virgo and Libra will probably not be ecstatic. These signs are so different in their expectations that most of the time there is almost no physical attraction between them. Not to mention that Virgo does not have at all the same rhythm as Libra. In fact, the earth sign likes to take their time and although they are very adaptable, they find the air sign goes much too fast for their taste.

What's more, Virgo wants an almost magical connection with their partner and here only notices all the flaws that make them want to run away. For their part, Libra finds Virgo boring, too critical and unable to express emotion. In short, there is not much real chemistry between the air and the earth signs and they will need to make a lot of effort to maintain a romantic relationship.

Compatibility in love

A Virgo man with a Libra woman: this is a couple that can work as long as each partner's faults don't become unbearable in daily life. Miss Libra appreciates Mr Virgo's discretion and practicality, and he is seduced by her charm and sensitivity. But over time, Mr Virgo may get tired of his partner's excessive displays of affection which make him feel uncomfortable. At the same time, Miss Libra will complain about her Virgo man's coldness and perfectionism.

A Virgo woman with a Libra man: Miss Virgo is innately practical and has her head firmly screwed on, while Mr Libra is the ultimate charmer. He is likely to be a little unfaithful but will always return to his partner provided she can forgive him. Miss Virgo doesn't like big displays of affection and Mr Libra often feels blindsided by her excessive modesty. This is a couple that can work provided both make the necessary compromises, namely that Mr Libra has a little freedom and Miss Virgo learns to be more open.

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Compatibility at work of Virgo with Libra

In one word
Degree of Affinity

Virgo usually gets along well with most air signs. The earth sign is not easily manipulated, but air signs usually manage to get Virgo on their side fairly easily. For their part, Libra always works best when they feel surrounded by strong people they can trust. With Virgo they feel comfortable and they know how to make the most of the earth sign's practical side.

Virgo and Libra can be complementary at work because they both know that reaching their objectives is more important than their egos. Virgo can be stubborn and also influence Libra to follow their plan, whatever the cost. The air sign is less serious and more innovative. They push Virgo to look at things from a different point of view so they can find the best solution to a problem. On the other hand, although Libra may be diplomatic, they will not let anyone walk all over them. So, if the earth sign wants to avoid conflicts, it is better to remember this before doing or saying something they might regret.

If Libra is the boss, they will both enjoy working together. Libra will give Virgo everything they need to succeed and to push their projects in the right direction. If Virgo is the boss, they will admire the air sign's adaptability and the ease with which they can communicate and resolve conflicts.


pragmatism, diplomacy, communication


stubbornness, perfectionism, criticism


Compatibility in friendship of Virgo with Libra

In one word
Degree of Affinity

Virgo is not known for having a lot of friends for the good reason that they don't have much time to devote to friendship and because they are naturally suspicious. On the other hand, they are always ready to help those they consider to be part of their small circle. Libra is very different; they find it easy to meet new people because others find their talent for communication is endearing. Libra's biggest fear is feeling rejected.

Between Virgo and Libra, friendship is a double-edged sword. Either they love each other or they hate each other. Their relationship is often marked by up and downs which reflect their respective moods. When they get along well, what they most enjoy doing together is talking. They can spend hours chatting about anything and everything, nothing is forbidden. These lengthy discussions can keep their friendship afloat and avoid unnecessary quarrels. Despite everything, in this friendship Libra will find they lack intellectual stimulation and Virgo will get bored by lack of action.

Virgo is often very critical of Libra. However, Libra is very sensitive and can't bear the earth sign's bitter or sarcastic words. In that situation Libra will prefer to turn away from Virgo because it's something that hurts the air sign more than anything else. No matter what happens, these signs have a hard time trusting each other.


chatter, trivia, mutual aid


irony, trust, criticism


Compatibility in the family of Virgo with Libra

In one word
Degree of Affinity

As part of the family in its broad sense, Virgo and Libra can get along. Even if they do not function in the same way, they nevertheless manage to exchange views and find common ground. On the other hand, when it comes to marriage, the situation is more complex because the two signs have radically different expectations. For Libra it is really important to have lots of attention, romance and warmth and they need to be able to freely share their emotions with their partner. Virgo, however, is completely different and doesn't have the time to take care of Libra like a baby.

With Virgo everything is organized to the last detail and there's no time to waste in cuddles and other displays of affection. Virgo's main goal is to improve their professional and financial situation. For the earth sign, love is proven by concrete acts such as earning enough money and providing food and a roof over your head. In short, Virgo's emotional coldness cannot fulfil Libra's need for tenderness and love. And, obviously, when Libra doesn't find what they need at home they will look for it outside.


respect, communication, compromise


criticism, insensitivity, freedom

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