Horoscope for Friday, March 07

Today's configuration between the Moon, the Sun and Neptune could plunge you into a day where you risk taking the castles you build in the air for reality. Daydreaming can play tricks on you this March 7.

Neptune's influence on Capricorns favors the creative field and you'll be bursting with imagination. If you're an artist inspiration will be easy to find this Friday. In your love life you'll be in a little bubble, dreaming about your ideal life, but you could get a bit carried away because your desires are a long way from your reality.

In addition, your intuition and what some people might call your psychic abilities, are sharper than usual. This is the right time to use these faculties to avoid being deceived and scams of all kinds.


Although Capricorns can expect some luck in their love life, don't take any gambles elsewhere. Don't bet what you can't afford to lose.

Neptune is giving you a very partial view of what's what and encouraging you to mistake your dreams for reality. On this March 7 you are just not that lucky.


Capricorn in love

The Capricorn astral sky is dominated by Neptune, which invites you to think big and about the long term. If you are in a relationship you might be waiting for your partner to reply about a major life choice and are imagining the joy that a positive response could give you.

If you're single you are focused on your desire for a settled relationship but don't dare talk about it because you're afraid of scaring off a possible suitor. Whatever your current situation, you crave stability and you envision a bright future.

In a relationship: you are on cloud nine

On this March 7, some Capricorns have decided to ask "the Big Question"! Will your partner want to marry you? You should have your answer by the end of the day and of course you're focused on them saying "yes".

Influenced by Neptune you're sure things will go well and you are optimistically planning everything in your head already!

Single: your imagination is running away with you

Your desire at the moment is to find the ideal partner to start that long-term relationship you dream about so much. Neptune is making your imagination very fertile and you can already see yourself as part of a couple with a long-term future together.

You've been planning all the details in your head but for now you're keeping your dreams secret so you don't frighten off the object of your desire. It would be a shame to scare them away on the first date!


Capricorn at work

The astral climate for Capricorns at work requires you to be particularly vigilant because Neptune could cause disappointments in your professional environment. You may be offered a contract that looks exceptional or a partnership that looks reliable when in fact they are neither.

The intentions of your contacts are not as honest as they seem and you risk a disappointment. Likewise if you are looking for a job, beware of overly tempting offers and stay on your guard.

Opportunities: will pass you by

Although you've been hoping to get a promotion or find a better job for some time, this March 7 doesn't look like the day. It may be a colleague has been acting behind the scenes to beat you to the punch and you'll feel betrayed!

Although you feel incredulous about this behavior you know deep down that the world of work is a jungle. Look after yourself!

Capricorn and money

On the financial side, the Capricorn astral climate is unstable today. You have made several investments recently and this Friday, under the influence of Neptune, the results obtained may not meet your expectations.

Get information from a financial advisor to ensure greater security in your investments. While your intuition may be reliable in some areas, it's better be careful with your money.

Gains and losses: beware of scams!

Today's astral sky invites you to take precautions because Neptune and the Sun can promise you wonders and play you for a fool.

The risk of loss is quite high today, and you could even fall victim to a scam. In any case, the gains that you expected to come your way will be rather small.


An overview of your day of March 7

The influence of the Sun, the Moon and Neptune today is firing up your imagination in all areas of your life. In your love life you are on cloud nine, expecting all your dreams to come true, but maybe you are a little too optimistic.

You've created your own little world without considering what your partner wants and this is likely to cause you disappointments. Try not to expect too much! Similarly, at work, a colleague may take advantage of your good nature and steal the promotion you have long hoped for.

As a good Capricorn you are genuinely nice and reluctant to see bad in anyone, however not everyone is as well meaning as you are. This Friday will therefore ask you to be gentle with yourself and above all to remain lucid about your desires and how you can make them come true.

My advice for making the most of today

Today the world of your dreams and expectations is confronted with reality. In your mind all your dreams come true, as if by magic, but magic doesn't always work in real life. Today, you are advised to anchor your feet a little more firmly to the ground because you are spending way too much time living in your inner bubble.

You risk being manipulated, and someone is likely to use your propensity to dream too much to cheat you. For your well-being, make sure you bring your run-away imagination under control otherwise you could be in for a rough landing in reality.

The Moon of March 7

First quarter

The time has come to make a choice and finally draw a line under the things that need to stay in your past. Your future is beckoning. If you want to accede to the happiness it offers you may have to traverse a few storms first. But that's ok, your boat is solid. 

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