Horoscope for Friday, February 21

There is no doubt in my mind: on February 21 the astral climate encourages you to make your dreams come true and to act according to the values that are important to you.

Crossed by Neptune and Mars, your astral sky could therefore prove to be profoundly beneficial to your development, both from an emotional and a professional point of view. I'm sure you've often said to yourself that the constraints of everyday life stop you living the life you dream of leading. It is high time to take your courage in both hands and make the right decisions.

As you are concerned about the sustainability of your choices, you'll allow yourself enough time to fully understand the issues you are facing today. If it turns out to be essential, you'll seek the advice of people you trust, so as to benefit from a more global overview of your situation. 

Today a new dynamic will allow you to make the most of your day and of your skills. Your ability to take action and your ability to reinvent yourself are without a doubt two of your greatest strengths.

The odds are definitely on your side on this February 21. Make the most of it.


Sagittarius in love

The passage of Pluto in your astral sky warns you against making decisions too quickly. Although you don't doubt the feelings you have for your partner, for a few days you have been focused on the idea of changing some areas of your daily life.

Although ingrained routine is an enemy to watch out for, it would nevertheless be dangerous to upset your habits too suddenly. Don't put the cart before the horse. Are you single? Have the courage to ask yourself the right questions. Once you understand what you want it will be easier for you to accept the need to break with some of your current certainties.

In a relationship: take your time

You seem deeply attached to your values and aware of what your ideal relationship should look like. Today, as you realize that your relationship is imperfect, you will probably want to make some changes to it and to how you live your lives together.

Take the time to explain your approach to your partner or you risk not being understood. Your enthusiasm and diplomacy should allow you to get the message across without much difficulty. It's up to you to decide how to play it!

Single: the future is yours

Instead of rushing through the streets in search of true love, today you will have the intelligence to stop and think about those emotional blocks that prevent you from moving forward as quickly as you would like.

Under the influence of Neptune, it shouldn't be too difficult for you to find some initial answers to the questions you have been asking yourself for a few weeks already. You can therefore feel serene when you consider your future. I applaud you for showing such wisdom.


Sagittarius at work

On this February 21, under the influence of Neptune, you will begin to consider the benefits that a professional change could bring you. At the moment you don't seem to be completely happy with your situation and don't want to stay any longer than necessary in a work environment that is not really for you.

Are you looking for a new job? It is important that you take your specific needs into account before you rush to send your application. Don't get involved in a project that turns you off.

Opportunities: let time do its work

The passage of Pluto in your astral sky indicates that today you'll begin a process of profound transformation, which will ultimately allow you to define your new roadmap.

As beneficial as it will be for your future, this process will necessarily take time. So don't expect to receive new offers in the coming days.

Sagittarius and money

As with many Sagittarius, you've never been one to rest on your laurels or be lazy. Your hard work has enabled you to build solid financial foundations, giving you and your household peace of mind.

Mars suggests that you will be able to maintain this effort over time.

Gains and losses: you always aim higher

In the coming weeks, you will redouble your efforts to consolidate your financial situation. In order for your decisions to bear fruit, however, you must be careful not to take too great a risk with your money.

However, I can only salute your enthusiasm and determination.


An overview of your day of February 21

The association of Mars and Neptune in your sky today is a very beautiful thing. This combination of planets can obviously be considered an asset for your future development, both from an emotional and a professional point of view.

It will provide you with the energy you need to quickly move your projects forward, while reminding you of the importance of the dreams that drive you. Take care all the same. If you fail to channel the influence, Pluto could upset your relationship for a while. Use the power of change associated with this planet to make the changes that will improve your life together smooth.

At work, you will explore your opportunities in the hope of enjoying an environment more in line with your real desires. The creativity and determination you demonstrate today should help you find your first answers. You obviously have all the cards in your hand to build a better future. Good luck!

My tip on how to make the most of today

Adult life is always made up of constraints and responsibilities.  But if you don't want to live a life that is far removed from your true values it's your duty not to be overwhelmed by these obligations.

By digging deep into your inner resources you will be able to shape a daily life that truly suits you, leaving aside what feels superfluous to concentrate on what feels essential. Let your creativity, your innocence and your sincerity express themselves freely. Your days will quickly become as rewarding as they should be.

The Moon of February 21

Balsamic Moon

The arrival of the waning crescent moon could mean you feel very tired. If you haven't recently run a marathon, it could just mean that a new cycle is about to begin! 

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