Horoscope for Friday, March 28
With Jupiter here to bring you great opportunities, Sagittarius can expect to have a relatively satisfying day. The planet Saturn is present to counter Neptune and prevent you from wandering down side roads that would waste your time and money.
Emotionally, you know where you are going and what you want. If you are in a relationship, there's absolutely no question of getting back together with an ex. And if you are single, you prefer to take your time and meet someone who is really right for you. You are tired of getting involved in affairs that don't lead to anything solid.
On the work side, an unexpected offer comes up and all you have to do is grasp it in order to completely change the direction of your career. In terms of finances, the stars are there to help keep you steady and stop you leaking money all over the place.
The Sagittarius astral climate is supported by Jupiter and thanks to this planet, you have undeniable luck. I'm not talking about for games of chance and the possibility of winning money.
Today, you are especially lucky to be able to put a definitive end to something that is preventing you from moving forward serenely on your life path and following your destiny. You trust your lucky star and this is a good attitude for you; this is how you attract things that are favorable for your development.
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Sagittarius in love
The Sagittarius astral climate makes you very serious, loyal and determined. The person hasn't been born who can make you change your mind on a whim today. If you are in a relationship, there's no question of putting it at risk for an ex and a story that is well and truly over as far as you are concerned.
Likewise, if you are single, Saturn makes you immune to the siren songs of Neptune. After all, it's better to be alone than with the wrong person. This is your motto! At the moment you don't feel any need to fill the void in your love life with the first person who comes along. You're content being single.
In a relationship: you defend your values
Jupiter is taking action today to protect your relationship and Saturn supports you, helping you behave well whatever happens. It may be that this March 28, you receive news from an ex-partner who clearly wants to sow discord in your current relationship and get back together with you. Apparently, this person is living in a dream world if they think you're going to fall for their charms again.
So you use the same method to reply, sending a firm and definitive message to let them know there is no hope you will change your mind. As far as you are concerned, when it's over, it's over!
Single: no one can influence you
With the astral configuration of the day, I feel that single Sagittarius are quite happy with where they are. Thanks to Saturn, you are not ready to give in to pretty words, lies or attempts at creating short-term relationships.
You know what you want and you embrace your single situation with a smile. You know you deserve better than to get involved in fleeting relationships that lead to nothing. You prioritize your balance and inner peace above anything else, and you are determined to wait for the right person, no matter how long as it takes.
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Sagittarius at work
The astral climate for Sagittarius at work allows you to regain a confidence and serenity that you seemed to have lost. With Jupiter in your sky, nothing can undermine your inner peace and you stop struggling with the bad atmosphere at the office. You know things will change naturally and let the bad mouthers dig their own graves.
You know that you are a useful employee of your company and that the treacherous maneuvers of your colleagues will quickly backfire. You can thank Saturn for getting everyone back on track!
Opportunities: worth the detour
With the presence of Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune, you have the chance of seeing your professional dreams come true.
And this time, what comes your way is a solid opportunity; this March 28 it could be a solid job offer, or a contract if you are freelance. You might have to take a quick trip to finalize a few details, but it's well worth it.
Sagittarius and money
The astral climate for Sagittarius helps you break out of old family patterns in your relationship to money. Until now you may have been following a bad family habit of not really managing your money properly; spending mindlessly without worrying about the future.
Today however, Saturn pushes Neptune to one side and forces you to adopt a serious change in behavior to ensure you find sustainable prosperity.
Gains and losses: stay clear headed!
Today, Neptune could lead you into financial trouble if you're not able to resist the temptation to spend on unnecessary items. Take the time to think carefully whether what you want to buy truly is essential and not just pretty.
You will realize that you may not need everything in order to be happy. This will also encourage you to ask yourself whether impulse buying really helps fill your emotional needs or solves your worries.
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An overview of your day of March 28
This March 28, you have the opportunity to clean up your life. The planets have come together to make it possible for you to assert your real personality, to make it clear who you are and what you want.
On the heart side, Sagittarius aren't sitting on the fence. You have made a choice and it's final. And you don't hesitate to tell your ex how things stand. If you are single, anyone who thinks you are desperate enough to grab the first person who comes your way is on the wrong page. You don't want the burden of a relationship that doesn't really fulfill you.
At work, you are like the wise Zen masters, you wait quietly by the river to see the corpses of your enemies. This is a metaphor of course, but more seriously, you just let things go, without getting involved, because you know you'll get your revenge sooner or later.
My advice for making the most of today
To fully appreciate this day, your best course is to privilege your inner peace by choosing the fights that really matter to you and ignoring the ones that don't. In short, sort out what will be useful for your future and what is a waste of your energy.
In addition, be firm with intruders and protect your peace, don't fall into the trap of endless quarrels. Say what you think honestly and then cut it short. You have great opportunities to seize, so don't let yourself be diverted from your path. Prioritize the things that will help you move forward in your life.