Horoscope for Friday, March 28

This March 28 is marked by the presence of the Sun, Saturn and Pluto and you will feel contradictory energies. Pluto is inviting you to make in-depth changes in your life while Saturn is pulling hard on the reins to slow you down and resist change.

Today, you will oscillate between these two extremes which will be disturbing and may affect your exchanges with the people around you. Your desire to buck the general trend won't necessarily be welcomed by everyone, you have been warned!

Professionally, it looks like you're at a crossroads and you'll have to make a choice for your future. In your love life, it could be that your behavior is the opposite of what your partner expects from you and they'll find this really annoying. In short, today is not going to be easy for you. Be brave!


When it comes to luck there's nothing special to report. You won't be any luckier than usual. Apparently winning the jackpot on the lottery is not on your program today.

However, you have the unconditional support of your friends when it comes to your plans for change. They are very good at giving you the balance that you sometimes lack and their presence is a real help in clarifying your doubts.

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Aries in love

The astral climate for Aries in love is turbulent. This Friday, if you're in a relationship it seems you'll take great pleasure in upsetting your partner. This is not to say you are being deliberately contrary, just that Saturn's influence makes you see black where everyone else sees white! Do you see what I mean?

Your state of mind is fixed on life's material side where your partner seems to be oriented towards life's pleasures. It's like trying to get the two poles of the planet to meet. Which is impossible, one being at the opposite extreme of the other. If you're single you'll enjoy the opportunity to take a break from the hustle and bustle that surrounds you to concentrate on the inner transformation that Pluto is urging on you.

In a relationship: opposites don't attract

It looks like your love life is going to experience a lot of tension today. Your partner is thinking about romance, fun and enjoyment while you are focused on your objective of securing a more abundant future.

Under the impact of Saturn, your goal is to obtain material comfort and enough money to feel secure before you set out to enjoy life. In short, you couldn't have put two more opposite people together, so this March 28 you've very little chance of finding common ground since it's like trying to make night and day exist together.

Single: room for introspection

If you're single Pluto is inviting you to take some time out today to do an inner health check. You need to take stock of your emotional history, to regain your strength but also to understand that your tendency to affective codependency is harmful for your well-being.

This March 28 is the perfect opportunity to start the inner transformation that could impact the rest of your life and help you grow in a positive direction.

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Aries at work

Today's astral climate could make you feel that work is mocking you. Today, Pluto will be delighted to show you all the possibilities that are available to you in relation to your career, which is more than enough to make you really want to make changes.

Saturn meanwhile is calling you to order and reminding you of all the mundane tasks you need to accomplish today, to fulfill your obligations in the job you're paid to do. Your desire to get transferred, start a new training course or create your own business might have to wait a little longer.

Opportunities: for more peace of mind

You don't feel very settled in your current career and Pluto makes you want to make profound changes. You could be ready to change jobs or even travel abroad to find a profession that suits you better.

Something that is better for your well-being, that would give you time to live as well as work and bring you more joy. This is what really motivates you this Friday.

Aries and money

On your financial side, the astral climate is satisfactory. When it comes to your money, you ignore the jealousy of those around you and only listen to your common sense. You are heading upwards and your income is growing slowly but surely.

You're keeping tight hold of the tiller and won't give up when it comes to your financial health. You may be tempted by investments abroad but until you've had time to consult your advisors you prefer not to commit your funds.

Gains and losses: nothing to report!

When it comes to cash inflows and outflows today could be seen as status quo. Nothing on the horizon suggests a big financial inflow nor unforeseen expenses.

Saturn tends to block pecuniary exchanges this March 28 so nothing untoward should happen to your finances unless you give in to a sudden urge to splurge.

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An overview of your day of March 28

The atmosphere generated by the Sun, Saturn and Pluto is pushing you to assert yourself. Even if you run into a few blockages this Friday, you won't doubt yourself or what you want. You'll even risk displeasing your partner to carry on expressing your needs and desires.

This is a day when, as a true Aries, you'll be taking the time to listen to what your inner self is telling you you really want. This is the day to take stock of what is going well and what you need to change in order to be more truly yourself.

And if this means changing your job, or even your partner, you are ready to make the sacrifices necessary for your personal growth and your well-being. You have the advantage of having great friends that you can count on and who will encourage you. Treasure them, they are invaluable.

My advice for making the most of today

Despite appearances, life is always trying to give you a boost and move you forward. It can sometimes be worrying when you are faced with a new adventure or a new path. To overcome this milestone, you need to gather all your inner self-belief and all your courage when you embark on the unknown.

During this time, you may feel lost or confused and this is quite normal. Most people are afraid of change and prefer to stay safely in their comfort zone, taking no chances. However, if you know how to listen to your inner self, use your common sense, and have faith in yourself, you will be propelled onto a positive path that will change your life.

The Moon of March 28

New Moon

The new moon invites you to draw a line under your past so you can focus more on your future. Are you thinking about something in particular? Do you have a project that is especially important to you? The time has come to think about your future and to make use of all that energy you have dormant deep within yourself. You will see, it won't be long before there are some results. 

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