Horoscope for Tuesday, March 11
This configuration of the Sun, Jupiter and Neptune promises you a day full of excitement. You think big, your intuition is very sharp and your imagination is galloping in all directions. This is favorable if you have a creative profession but it could play tricks on you financially.
Don't trust everyone on this March 11, some people might take advantage of your naivety and natural tendency to be generous. In your love life, you are asking yourself questions about your relationship. You're wondering if the person you share your life with really is the best person for you.
If you're single you won't be asking questions as you'll be occupied visualizing a new future with a new love. On the work side, you really want to escape from your current job. So there's a lot going on!
It looks like luck is on your side today. You should be able to overcome even the most difficult situations on this March 11.
With so much luck on your side why not splurge on a lottery ticket, you may even win the jackpot!
Pisces in love
If you are in a relationship your astral climate is rather enigmatic. You may have a pretty unsettling day. Unlike single Pisces, who have fixed on settling down at all costs and are obsessed with a positive change to their situation, you'll be more preoccupied by the search for perfect harmony.
As Neptune makes your imagination run wild, you'll ask yourself a thousand and one questions about the merits of your relationship. You might go so far as to wonder if this is the person you want to grow old with. You are full of doubt. What's happening to you this March 11 to make you so uncertain about your future?
In a relationship: you're completely confused
Although Jupiter would like to bathe you in its benevolent influence, you prefer to torture yourself with existential questions. And they are not leading you to idealize your partner this Tuesday; your fertile imagination is not necessarily a good thing today!
Is this relationship the best one for you? What does it teach you about yourself? Does your other half encourage you grow? Can you really trust them? If I didn't know you so well, I'd think you were weaving yourself a conspiracy theory. Keep it simple, if you have such strong doubts then maybe they are not the ideal partner for you.
Single: make the law of attraction work!
If you are single then take advantage of Neptune's influence to work on your positive visualization today. Remember that whatever you believe in with your heart and soul you will eventually draw into your life. So now is the time to visualize your dearest wishes coming true.
Wedding, home, baby, romantic trip... Make it your focus today, especially if you've already spotted someone you're interested in! And as Jupiter favors romantic meetings this could be the day! Don't give up, victory is very near!
Pisces at work
The astral climate for Pisces at work will highlight your current discomfort. At the moment you feel very limited by your job. Your creativity is curtailed and you're dreaming of new horizons where you can give your talent free rein.
You only need to catch a glimpse of blue sky to be off in a dream of escape. Don't give up hope. Jupiter supports your potential and this March 11 you may well have a pleasant surprise that could signal a turning point in your career.
Opportunities: that open your horizon
From today your dreary, blocked horizons should clear because you've decided to take your future in hand and set off towards brighter shores.
Whether you decide to apply for a job that looks interesting or someone contacts you with a great idea, watch out for the opportunities that Jupiter will send your way. This Tuesday is a fantastic opportunity to shake things up, so go for it!
Pisces and money
On the financial side, your astral climate today looks beneficial, unlike your love life, which has a tendency to be unsteady this Tuesday. Your capital is prospering slowly but surely.
Despite your dreamy air, the fact remains that your intuition usually guides you to safe investments that will pay out in the long term. That said, if you're offered an opportunity today don't neglect to talk it over with an advisor, you can never be too careful.
Gains and losses: your income is in good shape
What can I tell you? Today it looks like Jupiter is protecting your money. You are at the start of a cycle of prosperity that is likely to make some people jealous.
Whether it's a pay raise, an unexpected bonus, a new contract, dividends from your stocks or even a lottery ticket, money should be coming your way!
An overview of your day of March 11
This day dominated by the Sun, Jupiter and Neptune could put you on an emotional roller coaster but the fact remains that, for Pisces, the results of this March 11 should be relatively positive.
If you are in a relationship you may doubt your choices. You no longer fully trust your first impression of your partner. Has your tendency to idealize your other half led you astray? If you are single, today's configuration is conducive to a chance encounter.
Professionally, your desires may come true when you're least expecting it, and now is the time to take your chance to show off your talent. Financially, all I can say is that you look set on the road to prosperity. You also seem to be exceptionally lucky so today might be the day to buy a lottery ticket.
My advice for making the most of today
If you're feeling unhappy or bored today, don't let it take hold of you. Instead, use it to drive yourself to get what you really want. One of the surest ways to have the stable family life you aspire to is to put your heart to work together with your mind to achieve your dream.
Likewise, if you want to change jobs, let yourself be guided by your feelings and not just by reason. You know that you can't go on refusing to be who you really are on the inside. Let your personality shine out and see which doors will open for you. This is one of the keys to triumphant success!