Horoscope for Tuesday, March 11
The influence of the Sun, Venus and Uranus today tends to make your day a little unpredictable. You may even experience love at first sight, whether you are single or already in a relationship. Someone you've never met before exerts a powerful attraction for you.
Be careful how you react, this could cause you lots of problems. At work too you may suddenly be tempted to speak your mind loud and clear. Such frankness is not always well received, especially at work, so expect some lively reactions from your colleagues if you succumb.
When it comes to finances you're unlikely to be jumping for joy. Your bank account may be looking a little depleted this March 11. Lucky for you that today only lasts 24 hours. Let's hope things are getting back to normal by tomorrow.
The astral climate is as volatile as your mood today. Your luck will reflect your state of mind. If you maintain a positive attitude throughout the day, Lady Luck will be on your side too.
On the other hand, if you only focus on the negative aspects of your life, luck will find someone else.
Aquarius in love
The combination of Venus and Uranus will affect your love life today. It's likely to be a bit of an explosive cocktail. Whether you are single or in a relationship, you could unexpectedly fall heavily for someone you see on the street.
The instability of today's astral sky may even create the desire to leave your current relationship and live your life elsewhere. It's true you've wanted to get out of your routine recently, but this could be a case of jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire.
In a relationship: you are confused
Although, as a typical Aquarius, you are normally so sensible and composed, Uranus seems to have really put the cat among the pigeons. Today, it's possible you'll fall in love with someone you've just met. You currently feel the need for something surprising, for great passion and fireworks; in short, you want the opposite of your current life.
It's possible you'll just decide to ditch your current relationship altogether. That said, it would be best to take a bit of time to think everything over before you throw away everything for a love that could prove to be passionate but fleeting.
Single: a difficult choice to make
Your love life is influenced by Uranus today and it may be pushing you to set your sights on the partner of a long-time friend. Alternatively, you may fall for their ex, but this will still put you in a very delicate position.
Are you going to give free rein to this sudden passion or will you decide to preserve your friendship? Only you can choose what to do with your soul and conscience.
Aquarius at work
At work the astral conjunction indicates sparks will fly. During a meeting you've finally had enough of all the bickering at work and you won't bother with the kid gloves when you let them know.
Uranus makes you very impulsive so you may decide to take a couple of days off to get away from an atmosphere that is making you very uncomfortable. Your manager will be surprised to see you reacting so strongly. Plan to apologize when you return. Otherwise, you could suffer serious consequences.
Opportunities: that lead to success
The good news is that you could finally decide to take charge of your career and aim to quit a job that no longer suits you.
With the support of Venus, you are opening the door to a new project that you are very excited about. And even if you are a little worried about failure, you know inside that this is your road to success.
Aquarius and money
Uranus prompts you to dream about your finances but unfortunately, in combination with the Sun and Venus, you'll tend to take dreams for reality. This can be very dangerous.
Not everything in your finances is as rosy as you imagine and not everything you touch will turn to gold. Be extra careful today and don't indulge in reckless spending that could put your finances at risk.
Gains and losses: you suffer a setback
If you invested some money on a whim the chances are it's left your capital in a bit of a mess. Today, you could get some bad news about your investments and feel guilty about making a bad choice.
Be brave! There will be better days and next time you will think twice before making a risky investment.
An overview of your day of March 11
The conjunction of the Sun, Venus and Uranus means you should expect a day full of emotion. You'll want to be completely uninhibited and give free rein to your impulses. Falling head over heels in love at first sight could lead you to abandon everything you currently have without asking enough questions.
If you're single, you could face a loyalty problem with a close friend. Is it okay to have feelings for your best friend's partner? A sticky subject! In addition at work you're a bit like an unexploded mine and liable to suddenly go off when a situation pushes you too far. In short, you are under pressure and you need to make big changes, but if you act without fully thinking it through, will it really help?
Your moral sense and your values are under pressure this Tuesday and you will have to use a lot of discernment to end the day without too much damage.
My advice for making the most of today
Today the frustration and even sadness you feel are causing you to act suddenly, unpredictably and arbitrarily. You are dissatisfied with your lot and you want to turn your whole life upside down. But it might be a good idea to heal your wounds first and forgive yourself for your mistakes.
Don't lose faith and give up completely on your current life. Think about protecting what you can and be courageous about finding ways to turn things around without indulging in a scorched earth policy. Take your time and make your changes more gently.