Horoscope for Tuesday, March 11

The Moon, Venus and Pluto today form a sacred trio in your sky. Under the influence of these planets, you will probably feel more connected than ever to your emotions, dreams and desires, but also have a more developed awareness of your current frustrations and disappointments.

Although you are able to devote yourself entirely to something just for love, you also have a clear idea of what you expect from a romantic relationship. On this point, you'll feel a little bitter that your current situation is far from perfect and that you still have a long way to go.

On the professional level, a desire for change will probably seize you. Faced with the intensity of your emotions, you may need to step back from your need for change so you don't put the cart before the horse and make a hasty decision that you regret later.

Venus indicates that today you are likely to receive good news, especially in the emotional sphere.

Feeling the need for reform may not hurt you that much in the end.


Taurus in love

Are you currently in a serious relationship? Although you don't doubt your feelings, today you will realize that some change is necessary. Your daily life is no longer as satisfactory as before, so you will naturally seek to develop your relationship, at the risk of upsetting your partner.

Under the influence of Pluto, single Taurus will manage to take a clear look at their situation. What they will then need to do is make sure this awareness leads to concrete results. But of course, it is always more difficult to act than to think.

In a relationship: take some distance so you have more room to move forward

As Pluto is still influencing your sky, the little flaws in your relationship will be particularly disturbing to you this March 11. Despite the strength of your feelings, you feel that the situation cannot continue like this.

Full of goodwill, but a little too nervous, you'll seek to discuss your problems openly with your partner and point out what isn't working for you. Be careful of what words you use: your frankness could be hurtful.

Single: beware of beating yourself up

While some of those close to you seem perfectly happy in their relationships, you are currently struggling to find the person for you. The Moon is exacerbating your emotions so that today you'll find your loneliness unacceptable and will seek at all costs to understand the underlying reasons.

This questioning could be useful to you if, and only if, you manage to be honest with yourself, that is to say, to accept your shortcomings and to recognize your strengths. Love is also a matter of luck, don't forget that.


Taurus at work

While you are normally very good at shedding negative thoughts, you'll find it more difficult to let go of them today. Under the influence of Pluto, your professional situation will seem more frustrating than it really is, your prospects of promotion less numerous and your pleasure less intense.

Under these conditions, it wouldn't be surprising if you started looking for new opportunities. All the same, take the time to think carefully about the issues that such a change raises.

Opportunities: the luck of your life

In view of your astral conjunction, it seems that the wind of renewal is starting to blow you gently along. If you were hoping to advance your career, get involved in a new project, or take on new responsibilities, the stars are obviously perfectly aligned.

It's up to you to decide if you really want to seize this opportunity. Sometimes it is difficult to adapt to a changing situation.

Taurus and money

Because you show great willpower and have impressive strength of character, you never turn your back when presented with a new challenge.

This vitality has enabled you to build an interesting financial situation, although it could be improved. Don't panic, you have all the cards you need to continue consolidating it.

Your prospects: the importance of sorting through things

The presence of Pluto in your sky is a testament to the emergence of major opportunities for enrichment.

As you are not afraid of novelty, all you have to do is separate the wheat from the chaff and choose the one that most closely matches your life project. However, don't take the risk of rushing.


An overview of your day of March 11

Ruled by Venus and Pluto, your astral conjunction encourages you to embrace the virtues of change and recognize the benefits of development. Although your situation is not catastrophic, you know deep down that you still have a long way to go, from a professional as well as an emotional point of view.

Today, you may be tempted to have a heart to heart with your partner, so that you can openly express your frustrations and reflect together on your areas for improvement. However, be careful not to be too aggressive, your loved one may have other plans in mind. In a relationship, it's all about timing, diplomacy and compromise.

At work, don't let your negative thoughts take hold. Try as much as possible to see the glass as half full, instead of focusing on your frustrations. You have the qualities necessary to change your situation. Be patient.

My tip on how to make the most of today

When the going gets tough, sometimes it is easier to run away and hide rather than facing your problems. Don't make this mistake! Like all of us, you need to rest on a solid foundation to look calmly at your future. Starting from scratch will not solve your problems in the long run.

Despite the frustrations you feel at work and at home, ask yourself if you might be the instigator of change. Blaming your dissatisfaction on your colleagues or your partner will get you nowhere.

The Moon of March 11

Waxing gibbous

The waxing gibbous moon is unlikely to have any traps in store for you. In fact, thanks to it you should be able to take some big steps closer to some of your goals. Life is always easier when you have the support you need, don't you think? 

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