Horoscope for Sunday, March 09

With the mood created by the Sun, Jupiter and Uranus, there may be great opportunities for you in all areas. That said, there is a rebellious side to today's astral configuration that can sometimes cause unexpected turnarounds but also pleasant surprises.

This Sunday, Pisces may find it necessary to get out of their comfort zone, particularly in their love lives. You may need to reset your internal clock, which could cause momentary turmoil with your partner if you are in a relationship. If you are single and have been going through a period of grieving now is the time to raise your head and start forging new relationships.

At work, everything is going well but it looks very possible you'll have a choice to make about your career today. Financially, things are looking good and luck seems to be on your side, so what more could you ask for?


Today Pisces really seem to have Lady Luck on their side. Wherever you go and whatever you do, she wants to help you. Your material wants seem to be met.

And you don't seem to be affected by any conflicts in your relationships. In addition, you are endowed with a spiritual strength which helps you overcome all your difficulties. What luck!


Pisces in love

The astral climate for Pisces in love will find you a little on edge, despite the good waves sent by Jupiter. If you're in a relationship you'll be doing a little soul searching to decide what could be harming it. Like everyone else, you have your dark side and you'll decide to face and understand what's eating you inside.

This sort of courageous attitude should help you to start afresh on a healthier basis with your loved one. If you're single, you'll decide it's time to put the tissues down and turn a new page. You are quite simply tired of feeling sorry for yourself!

In a relationship: let's start again!

Uranus is encouraging you to reset the counter to zero this March 9. You'll take a close look at your dark and light sides in order to understand how your behavior can affect your relationship.

When this analysis is complete, you'll be able to make a fresh start in your relationship, no longer skewed by your past experiences. You will then be able to move to a higher level of commitment with your loving partner because your personal situation will finally be cleaned up.

Single: you finally dry your tears

As a single Pisces you are tired of sitting in a corner feeling sorry for yourself. You have decided that it's time to put an end to a period that has dragged on a little too much for your liking.

Jupiter gives you the necessary impetus to roll up your sleeves and set out again to conquer an available heart. You are worthy of being loved and Heaven is generous with lonely souls this Sunday. Meetings could well be on your program, so look out for them!


Pisces at work

The astral climate for Pisces at work should bring the culmination of a long project. Influenced by Jupiter today could bring new contracts, the successful implementation of a project, or useful new contacts.

You have worked hard to get here and should enjoy your rewards. This should strengthen your position at work and you may even be congratulated by your boss. It's a real blessing!

Opportunities: linked to your reputation

Usually when someone works as well as you do word of mouth gets round fast and your good name will give you an opportunity to break out of your routine.

This Sunday you may be offered something that it’s difficult for you to refuse: a big promotion, a new job, or a company car. It still needs thought. Make sure to weigh the pros and cons before accepting.

Pisces and money

Uranus will have an influence on your finances today. It should help you to seize the right opportunities at the right time.

Your intuition guides you towards safe investments, which should be profitable. It looks like your finances are thriving. Soon, you'll be giving your banker advice on investing!

Gains and losses: you share your good fortune

With Jupiter nearby, your finances should be well protected. You may even receive some money you weren't expecting. It looks like luck is smiling on you this March 9.

Since you have a good heart, perhaps you should consider doing something for those who are less fortunate than you.


An overview of your day of March 9

This March 9 placed under the influence of the Sun, Jupiter and Uranus should have a big circle around it on your calendar. In love, you decide to make a new start with your partner and you do everything you can to make your relationship better.

If you're single, you'll take your courage in both hands to leave your past behind, an attitude which can only be favorable for you. Professionally, it looks like you'll have good news to celebrate when you get home tonight. Your career is definitely on the right track and you may well receive some interesting offers.

Financially, it looks like everything is going your way too. In short, you have everything to be happy about and Lady Luck is rooting for you.

My advice for making the most of today

Today, you are blessed with extraordinary luck, your destiny is almost blessed by the gods. You seem to have reached the peak of success but it's up to you to keep your balance and not get big headed! So remember to be grateful for everything you have and try to establish harmony in all your relationships.

In work or at home, with friends or your partner, be sure to always maintain the right balance between giving and receiving. You can't keep on taking without giving something back. And, equally, if you tend to always give without thinking of yourself, it will create imbalance too. Remember the pleasure of giving and receiving, no matter what situation you find yourself in.

The Moon of March 9

Waxing gibbous

Don't let your ego or your fears get the better of you. The path you have taken is the right one. At the moment, it is out of the question to doubt your choices. You can almost touch your dreams with your fingertips, despite the doubts you still have.

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