Monthly Horoscope for May 2025

There is no doubt that this astral conjuncture will prove favorable to the development of your life project, from the point of view of both your love life and your finances.

Crossed by the Sun, Venus and Jupiter, the Virgo astral sky clearly testifies to your desire to live a full life that is in harmony with the values that are important to you. For you to feel completely happy you'll almost certainly need to find your own path, without paying too much attention to what other people think and say.

This conjunction also reflects your taste for sharing and celebration, which will play a big part in your life in the weeks to come. In view of Jupiter's passage in your sky, everything suggests that your current attitude is the right one for you. So you can expect pleasant surprises!

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A first two weeks under the influence of the Sun

This first part of May will be about personal affirmation, owning your point of view and confidence. Like a large majority of Virgos, you have always had a clear idea of your goals and the causes that matter to you but you have not always been able to match your actions with your words.

In the coming weeks, under the influence of the Sun, you will have no difficulty expressing what you really think loud and clear, without worrying too much about what other people have to say about it.

This self-confidence may astonish the people who share your life, but it is a sign that you are well prepared to face the challenges that life has to offer. And it really suits you. Keep up the good work.

A satisfactory financial situation

From a financial point of view, you now seem to be in a relatively comfortable position, which will be reinforced by the energy you'll be filled with during the first half of May.

You want to make sure your home and family are secure, so will take some time to think about the path you want to take and seize investment opportunities should they be offered to you. To avoid taking too much risk with your savings, you will be careful with your choices. More power to you!

Full moon of May 12

May's full moon encourages you to reflect on the goals you would like to achieve and the means you need to put in place to succeed more quickly. By strengthening your sense of planning, it will allow you to think more serenely about your future and avoid dangerous corner cutting. The best constructed projects are those you have considered over the long-term. Putting the cart before the horse will only slow your progress. Don't forget that.

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In the second two weeks you will reap the fruits of your efforts

You can look favorably on the passage of Jupiter in your sky, which indicates that the efforts you have made in recent months are about to be rewarded. This favorable conjunction could be particularly interesting for Virgos looking for a job.

It will also be useful for those looking for a new professional challenge. Like many Virgos, you need novelty to be able to give of your best. If this is your case, pay attention to what's going on around you.

This is probably where you will find the most interesting opportunities. Do you feel ready for new challenges? Your future looks exciting.

You will be thrilled with your love life

The planet Venus in your astral sky is an excellent sign for the health of your couple. You know how lucky you are to share your life with someone who loves you for who you really are, so will do whatever it takes to keep the flame of your love burning. Trying something new together could help strengthen your relationship.

For singles, Venus increases your likelihood of meeting someone. Under the influence of this planet your power of seduction will be increased tenfold.

New moon of May 26

In May, the new moon will boost your chances of improving your situation at work. It is difficult at this time to predict whether these advances will affect your salary, your responsibilities or the atmosphere with your colleagues. Whatever it is, it can only improve your well-being at work. The warmer weather is arriving and this is more good news for you! Make the most of it.

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What to remember from #mois #annee

What to remember in May

Looking objectively at the Virgo astral conjunction, it would be difficult to hope for anything more favorable. Crossed by the Sun, Venus and Jupiter, your astral sky indicates that you are about to enjoy success, which may be in your love life, your work life or your finances.

A priori, you have all the cards you need to keep your projects moving forward at a good pace and really enjoy your daily life. In the coming weeks, you will be able to count on the invaluable help of your partner, but also on the support of your loved ones.

With all this support, you have nothing to worry about for your future. They will help you meet any challenge that comes your way. Good luck.

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