Monthly Horoscope for May 2025

Mercury, Venus and Saturn is a meeting of planets that bodes well for beautiful things in May. Under the influence of these 3 planets, in the coming weeks you will enjoy the peace of mind that is essential to your well-being, the passion that helps progress your life project, and the emotional support that is invaluable if you are to think serenely about your future.

From the point of view of both your love life and your professional life, things look particularly good. What qualities can you count on the most in May? Your patience, of course, but also your strength of character and your sociability.

Thanks to them, it won't be difficult for you to find the balance for which you have been looking for some time. And after all, isn't the ability to get fully involved in the projects that really matter to you, without letting them take over your life, what we are all looking for?

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A first two weeks under the influence of Saturn

One of the great advantages of this association of planets is its ability to make you aware of the benefits of patience. The passage of Saturn in the Sagittarius astral sky indicates that you should escape the pitfall of impulse and that you will take your time before making decisions likely to have a lasting impact on your daily life.

Since the greatest empires have never been built in a day, you don't see why things should be any different for you. Rather than rushing like a moth to the light, you will prefer to give yourself time for reflection.

This will help you to better understand the challenges you face, and also to implement the strategy that best suits your needs. If you think about your action over the long-term it has every chance of succeeding.

An absorbing professional life

The influence of this astral conjunction could be seen in your professional life as early as the first half of May. Thanks to it, since you will now prefer to focus on your long-term projects, the usual frustrations of your working life will no longer bother you as much as before.

Your current good mood will also help to improve the atmosphere at work, which of course is also necessary for your well-being and efficiency. If the opportunity arises, you will be ready to forge new bonds of friendship with some of your colleagues.

Full moon of May 12

This May's full moon is undoubtedly a favorable sign for the personal growth of #signs_adj. By encouraging you to become aware of your true potential and to take care of yourself every day, it will help you to regain your self-confidence and be more serene when you consider your future. Under its influence, you will soon realize that none of the pleasures that life has to offer are forbidden to you. Remember that luck always smiles on the bold!

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A second two weeks to implement your strategy

Like most Sagittarius, you need a precise framework for your life if you are going to feel comfortable with yourself. In the second part of May, you will be able to take advantage of your superior intellectual abilities to be more precise about the different stages of your roadmap.

Rather than throwing yourself body and soul into battle without knowing where your action will lead you, you feel that it is always wiser to get an overall picture and use your strong sense of strategy. In view of your astral conjunction, the path you are about to take is very likely to lead you to the promised land.

For it to work for you, you just need to show a little patience and be willing to adapt. Events that happen in your life could force you to take a new look at the map you have for your life project.

Your love life will be touched by a breath of fresh air

Are you looking for someone who will love you for who you really are? Although your stars do not clearly indicate an upcoming meeting, they will undoubtedly help you to define your priorities better. Once you are clear about what you are really looking for, your quest for a great love will be greatly facilitated.

Are you in a relationship? By consciously trying something new in your life together, the flame of your love will soon burn a little brighter. As reassuring as it is, routine can sometimes pose a problem. If you want to enjoy a rewarding love life, be aware of this. Prevention is always better than cure.

New moon of May 26

In May, this new moon advises you to plunge back into your past in order to confront the memories that sometimes prevent you from moving forward. As difficult as this approach may seem at first glance, it is nevertheless an essential component of your emotional, behavioral and spiritual growth. So don't shy away, you have the resources to deal with it brilliantly.

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What to remember from #mois #annee

What to remember in May

You can rejoice at this particularly balanced astral conjunction. Crossed by Venus, Mercury and Saturn, your astral sky testifies to your desire for growth, your need to share with others and your sincerity. When you have an idea in mind, nothing and no one can keep you away from it for very long.

In the coming weeks, you will show impressive strength of character, but also some welcome patience. And this in particular will help you to be proactive when you encounter difficulties and to think about your action in the long term.

When the wise man points at the moon, the fool looks at his finger. In view of the planets present in your sky, it is undoubtedly towards this one that your gaze will naturally turn.

Sagittarius compatibility

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