Monthly Horoscope for October 2025

In view of your astral conjunction, you will undoubtedly be preoccupied by harmony and quiet strength in October. As a Leo, you obviously have a clear idea of the life you dream of living, the steps you should take to get closer to it, and the goals you would like to achieve.

Crossed by Venus, Mars and Saturn, your astral sky is perfectly balanced to help you reach your goals quickly. At work and at home, enthusiasm and serenity will dominate in the coming weeks. The general atmosphere will therefore be conducive to allowing you to focus on the projects which are important to you.

Your philosophy will be to develop over time, without being impatient or trying to make changes that are too hasty. When it comes to personal growth, impulsiveness rarely has a place. Like many Leos, you prefer to be sure of the choices you make.

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A first two weeks under the influence of Venus

You can rejoice at the presence of Venus in your astral sky, which indicates that you will be feeling extra sociable in the first half of October. And by strengthening your sense of belonging, this will make you feel more secure with your friends and family. Now that you are perfectly equipped to meet the challenges that life always has to offer, nothing will scare you at the beginning of this fall!

Your communication skills will also be particularly useful in your professional life. Thanks to them, you will have no difficulty clearly expressing your needs, easing latent tensions between colleagues and expressing your motivation.

These qualities, which are highly sought after by decision-makers, could therefore be useful for the development of your career. Do you feel ready to accept a new opportunity? In any case, your resources are numerous.

A fall conducive to romance?

You will be feeling extra sociable in October, which will respond to your need for sharing. Are you committed to a long-term relationship? The discussions you have with your partner will allow you to be clear about what you want and consider your common future even more serenely.

The sustainability of a couple depends on the ability of both parties to engage in joint projects. Are you looking for a soul mate? If you feel ready to re-engage, keep your eyes open to what's going on around you. A meeting is very much possible.

Full moon of October 06

This October's full moon invites you to refocus on your real needs and to put any momentary frustrations you feel to one side. If you want to be fully satisfied with your daily life, you clearly need to give yourself some alone time. These periods of solitude will give you a chance to recharge your batteries and explore the riches of your inner world. Sometimes the best person to help you is you! Don't forget that.

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A second two weeks conducive to action

First and foremost, you should focus on the presence of Mars. The passage of the red planet in the Leo astral sky clearly shows your need for change, your motivation and your desire to get things moving. Under its influence, you'll probably feel full of a new energy which will guide you in the right way to go.

Moreover, it is within your professional life that its impact will be most remarkable. Like most Leos, you tend to see your career as one of the factors in your development, not just as an obligation.

Because you want to achieve certain goals, you won't be counting the hours you put in. By knocking on the right door, you may be able to take on new responsibilities. Take the time to ask yourself the right questions. Such decisions should not be taken lightly.

Take your time

Despite the fierce desire for change that will characterize you in October, it is essential that you don't act just for the sake of it. Saturn in your astral sky in the second half of the month encourages you to take your time and reflect calmly on the potential consequences of your decisions.

Since Rome was not built in a day, you should not take the risk of upsetting your current situation on a whim. To give yourself every chance of success, be patient. Good things come to those who wait.

New moon of October 21

In October, the new moon will help you to keep a sense of reality, advising you to develop step by step. Like many of us, when you face a challenge, you sometimes tend to want to change everything as quickly as possible. And this kind of behavior inevitably leads to frustration. It is by taking the time to savor the little pleasures of your everyday routine that your life will seem the sweetest.

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What to remember from #mois #annee

What to remember in October

Governed by Venus, Mars and Saturn, the Leo astral conjunction bodes well for this month of October. It is sharing and friendship that will preoccupy you above all in the first two weeks. These moments will allow you to feel safe and well prepared to face your future obstacles.

Since it will help you to put yourself in the limelight, your sociability could also play a major role in the development of your career. In order for your decisions to be sustainable, however, you will need to give yourself time to think.

Not all the opportunities that come your way are good for you. If you are completely honest with yourself you will have no difficulty making the right choices. Over to you.

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