Monthly Horoscope for October 2025

In October, Taurus will be able to boast a particularly interesting astral conjunction. Crossed by the Sun, Mars and Venus, in the coming weeks your astral sky will be well-balanced, which should help you to make progress with your life project.

This favorable environment will be highly conducive to your personal development, from the point of view of your love life and your finances. Being able to be honest with yourself will help you be more precise about the objectives you would like to achieve and the causes that matter to you.

Once you are clear about your real needs, you will be ready to get moving and fight for what is important to you. Therefore, success clearly seems to be within reach.


A first two weeks to better understand your plans

The passage of Venus into the Taurus astral sky is a sign that you are currently motivated to take a good look at your life and what you want from it. Since you have no intention of missing out on life's pleasures, you will take some time to sit down patiently and think about your current situation, your successes and your shortcomings.

Although you are generally quite satisfied with your daily life, you still feel that some aspects could be improved. You'll give special importance to your leisure activities which you may have tended to neglect recently in favor of your family or your work.

Happiness is a matter of balance so it looks like there is some food for thought here. Rest assured, your heart will show you the way forward.

Your loved ones will help you take stock

During the period of questioning that you'll experience in the first half of October, you will be able to count on support from your loved ones, who will be ready to guide you and give you some well-chosen advice.

Unlike you, their views won't be affected by misplaced emotions. In some cases, therefore, what they have to say may be wiser than what you are thinking. But this is no reason to completely ignore what you feel! Just trust yourself.

Full moon of October 06

This October's full moon will encourage you to take more account of the material reality of your existence. Under its influence, you will place more importance than usual on your career, your health and your financial situation. After a short process of reflection, you will be clear sighted enough to make judicious decisions for your future, which you want to be as safe as possible. If you want to enjoy life's pleasure's for as long as possible you have to ensure the party continues!


A second two weeks about action

After reflection, time for action! The presence of Mars in your sky indicates that you will be filled with enthusiasm in the second part of October, which will encourage you to take your destiny into your own hands and move quickly.

Your determination will undoubtedly allow you to move your projects forward and get closer to some of your goals. On your way, however, you will have to be careful not to upset those around you. Your overwhelming desire to move forward may well reduce your sensitivity to others.

In this particular context, there is a good chance that you will be more selfish than necessary and that you’ll find it difficult to take other people's feelings into account. If you don't want to create too many waves, do your best to avoid this pitfall.

Your love life may be problematic

It is well known that love is about sharing, tenderness and compromise. Unfortunately, in the second part of October, Taurus will find it difficult to consider anything other than their own interests. Are you currently in a relationship? By giving your partner more time, new perspectives could quickly open up for you.

Are you looking for true love? Given your charisma and your willingness to meet someone, a meeting is possible, even if it is impossible to predict the future for the moment.

New moon of October 21

In October, the new moon will invite you to take a step back from the difficulties you are currently facing and refocus on yourself. Its message will be very simple to understand, despite your clear desire to move forward, you are not really in a hurry to act. Take a step backwards so you have more room to jump forwards is what your stars are advising. What they call the warrior's rest.

What to remember in October

From a general point of view, you can be pleased with the astral forces facing you this October. The presence of Venus in the Taurus astral sky is a very favorable sign for your personal growth, especially from the point of view of your love life and your personal life.

Under the influence of this planet you'll be ready to refocus on your real needs and redefine your priorities. Life is too short to only think about your obligations and constraints. You obviously have a desire to enjoy your existence and you are quite right. In the second part of October, your determination will push you to put your words into action and fight hard for the progress of your projects.

You will soon reap the fruits of your efforts. But be careful not to go too fast and not to stir up the anger of the people who are important to you.

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