Weekly Horoscope for the week of February 10

The planets in your astral sky suggest that in the days to come you'll need to show proof of kindness and patience. The respective positions of the Moon and Saturn will encourage you to show restraint in all things and not to hurry unnecessarily.

Despite your very legitimate desires, nothing is forcing you to act today. As you have learned in the past, lasting change is rarely rushed. From the week of 10 to 16 February, therefore, you'll make the most of the good things you have around you and think calmly about the big goals you'd like to accomplish in your future.

Mercury indicates that your ability to plan is one of your greatest assets. You should have no difficulty using it.

When it comes to love, you'll be ready to lend an ear, listen to the difficulties your partner is having and try to provide them with sound advice. Your partner will be particularly touched by your attentiveness. If you are single, you need to be more precise about exactly what you expect from your future romantic relationship. Your past experience should help you out here.

At work, your priority will be the long-term. This is why current frustrations will have a reduced impact on you. You know you have the resources you need to change things when necessary. Are you looking fora new job? Your strategic skills will help you knock on the right doors. All you have to do is convince whoever opens them.


A rewarding week under the influence of the Moon

This week of 10 to 16 February, Pisces_ adj will have a well-balanced astral conjunction. Crossed by the Moon and Saturn, your astral sky highlights your patience and your desire to do things properly.

Like an artist gradually refining a picture, you won't make the mistake of being ruled by your emotional impulses or momentary desires. Like many Pisces, you need stability and certainty to feel fully content in your daily life.

And it is only by considering the long-term consequences of your actions that you will begin to get answers. You undoubtedly have certain assets that will help you progress your life project. From Monday, you will be ready to take full advantage of them. You'll soon be filled with a new dynamism.

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