Monday, February 17
The conjunction of the Moon, Mercury and Mars in the Taurus sky is very beautiful. On this February 17, the pleasures of your home life will be matched only by your thirst for new professional challenges. Aware of your needs and perfectly at ease with your emotions, you will manage to impose your point gently, without upsetting the people you are talking to or forcing them against their will.
All the elements seem to have come together to make this day one that is deeply beneficial to your development. Today, you'll manage to find that delicate balance between hedonism and rigorousness, enjoyment of the present moment and thought for the future, tenderness and self-assertiveness.
Your sense of diplomacy will therefore be one of your greatest assets. A positive energy is taking hold of you right now. Make the most of it and trust your instincts!
Tuesday, February 18
When Mars, the master of action meets Saturn, the master of prudence, one thing is certain, the Sun will struggle to find a space for itself. Today, as a good Taurus, you'll be full of enthusiasm to move your life forward but blocked at every turn, which is likely to really annoy you.
Saturn is forcing you to check things out, holding you back so you can weigh the pros and cons of the situations you are going through. And that goes against your overwhelming desire to change your professional or romantic situation. You could say you look like a caged lion today and you're dying to shatter those bars.
Luckily for you, your finances are doing pretty well, so you don't have to torture yourself about them too! Be brave, luck is still on your side even though it's less obvious due to Saturn's stern austerity.
Wednesday, February 19
The astral climate in which the Taurus find themselves today is not far from ideal. The joint presence of the Sun, Venus and Jupiter will give you a welcome boost, thanks to which you will be able to advance your professional and emotional projects faster than usual.
Although no one is ever completely sheltered from bad luck, you can expect to have a particularly good day. What's on the agenda for this February 19? Quality time shared with your partner, satisfaction at work and, above all, a positive attitude towards life. More than anything else, today you will want to take a step back from your difficulties and enjoy the present moment.
Having a good meal, sipping your favorite drink or watching a magnificent sunset, today you'll understand the power of life's little pleasures. Looks like someone got out of bed on the right side!
Thursday, February 20
The atmosphere generated by the Sun, Mars and Uranus today could be compared to a kind of time bomb. Between impatience and unpredictability, Taurus can expect to provoke clashes, and experience unexpected twists and turns or even emotional ruptures. Are you ready? Fasten your seatbelt, you could be in for a bumpy ride!
In your love life, if your relationship is struggling a bit, you've reached a point of no return and you no longer have the patience to wait for your situation to improve. If you are single, you're so tired of struggling to find a soul mate that you just can't be bothered with it anymore. After all, it's better to be alone than with the wrong person.
Professionally, your frame of mind is not much better and you could provoke events that won't be in your favor. It looks like you have a real tendency not to think about the consequences of your actions on this February 20. However, you should definitely take some time to look at the whole picture before you decide to throw everything up in the air.
Friday, February 21
The Moon in their sky today should help all the Taurus to take a clear look at their situation and to become aware of their real needs. On this February 21, it is therefore very likely that you are feeling a dawning awareness.
For it to lead to concrete results in the long term, you will need to take off your blinders and be perfectly honest with yourself. Destabilizing at first, your reflections will actually allow you to redefine your objectives and chose a life path that suits you better.
Rest assured, you will not go through this trial by fire alone! In the days to come, you will be able to count on the beneficial influence of Mercury, which will encourage you to speak open-heartedly about your problems with people you trust. Their support and advice will guide you to the Promised Land!
Saturday, February 22
Influenced by the Sun, Mars and Neptune, today you'll have your head in the clouds and your feet definitely not anchored to the ground. Mars will be pushing Taurus to act but beware, it may not be in the right direction and you risk making miscalculations.
So try to remember that not all of those ideas swirling around in your head will be achievable and many may not be great, even if they could be achieved! Don't forget that a fertile imagination is not always a good thing, especially when it takes you too far off the path you need to follow.
In your relationship you may just feel contrary, or it could be you are having a hard time telling what's true from what's false. If you're single it's possible you are getting carried away over someone you hardly know, so things could be confusing for you too. Fortunately, your finances are doing well and your career looks pretty stable.
Sunday, February 23
With Uranus, Pluto, and the Sun hovering above their heads, Taurus can prepare for a busy day and one where big changes are possible. So break out your waterproof jacket, umbrella and boots, you are about to cross a dangerous zone of turbulence.
If you were hoping to enjoy a Sunday without a fuss, you'll need to quickly redefine your schedule. So that you can get through them more easily, get ready now for the storms of emotion you'll face today. Destabilizing at first glance, even completely threatening, they could eventually provide you with a lot of lessons on your true aspirations, your unmet needs and your emotional lacks.
As if you finally agreed to lift the lid of the pressure cooker, your daily life will appear to you today in all its reality. It will just take a little while for the commotion to die down.