Weekly Horoscope for the week of March 24

In view of the planets present in your sky from the beginning of the week of 24 to 30 March, you can look forward to gentle days and a little idealism. Under the joint influence of Neptune and Saturn, you will find it pleasurable to analyze your current situation, thinking about its advantages as well as its shortcomings.

Leos will find great motivation in the small improvements that will soon become noticeable. So don 't be surprised if you find yourself crossed with a new dynamic. If you manage to channel its flow, it will take you as far as you want to go.

It seems things are looking good, from a professional point of view as much as in your personal life. You'll soon be feeling excited about life again.

When it comes to love, the bond with your partner will be stronger than ever this week of 24 to 30 March. It must be said that you are making every effort to make your partner happy and the communication between you is almost perfect.

At work, you won't attach too much importance to the little frustrations you feel. You know that you have the qualities you need to gradually improve your situation. For the moment, you have no reason to take reckless risks.


Patience will be at the heart of this week of 24 to 30 March

If there's one asset you can always count on, it's your patience. This week, the influence of Saturn will make it even stronger. So don' t expect any major upsets in your daily life from the beginning of this week.

As the planets present in the Leo astral sky suggest, your action will bear fruit over the long-term. Just like a gardener providing the right conditions for each plant, in the days to come you'll seek to lay the right foundations for a happy and fulfilling future.

The small adjustments you'll make to your life may seem minimal at first glance, but they will contribute to your future success. Big oaks from little acorns grow!

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