Monday, March 03
Influenced by the Sun, Mars and Neptune, today you'll have your head in the clouds and your feet definitely not anchored to the ground. Mars will be pushing Pisces to act but beware, it may not be in the right direction and you risk making miscalculations.
So try to remember that not all of those ideas swirling around in your head will be achievable and many may not be great, even if they could be achieved! Don't forget that a fertile imagination is not always a good thing, especially when it takes you too far off the path you need to follow.
In your relationship you may just feel contrary, or it could be you are having a hard time telling what's true from what's false. If you're single it's possible you are getting carried away over someone you hardly know, so things could be confusing for you too. Fortunately, your finances are doing well and your career looks pretty stable.
Tuesday, March 04
On March 4 the Sun, Mercury and Mars are all in the Pisces sky. Faced with the antagonism arising from this very special astral conjunction, it is difficult to predict with certainty precisely what your day will be like.
Mars clearly reflects your desire to move forward, but also speaks of some poorly controlled aggression. Mercury underlines your qualities as a communicator, which highlight your gentleness and your need for sharing. Between your need for assertiveness and the desire to be understood there is an ambivalence that you will probably have difficulty resolving.
Today, both at work and at home, you shouldn't be surprised to be confronted with, let's say… interesting situations! In any case, you can be sure that your day will be full of twists and turns.
Wednesday, March 05
Today is under the influence of the Sun, Mars and Pluto. Pisces therefore have energy to spare and a willingness to do everything in their power to see their projects succeed.
In your love life you are looking for renewal. Whether you are single or in a relationship, you are lit by the fire of passion and ready to bathe in love. It is therefore a day that promises to be very good for the heart. Professionally you are under a bit of pressure, it's time to finish the tasks you have started so that you can finally take a break. Courage, the end is in sight!
Financially, it looks auspicious for you and your worries should finally be behind you. And on this March 5, your natural tendency to go for things is bolstered by your luck. It seems the Universe is on the same wavelength as you!
Thursday, March 06
On this March 6, all the ingredients seem to be coming together to make your day as productive as it is enriching. Centered around the Sun, Mercury and Jupiter, the astral climate of Pisces will promote their well-being in every way. From a personal point of view, therefore, you can expect to experience some enjoyable time at home.
At work, your qualities and your efforts will begin to pay off. As such, it won't be surprising for you to soon be seeing new opportunities for development. Your current state of mind will also help you to spot them instinctively and leap to seize your chance.
After all, you have to know when to give destiny a nudge, don't you think? In this month of $mois, good surprises are to be expected. The future will show what impact they'll have on your everyday life.
Friday, March 07
Today's atmosphere promises to be annoying in more ways than one because the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn will play on your nerves. Jupiter is encouraging you to grow but Saturn is putting obstacles in your path.
It will therefore require a strong dose of patience from you to get through the day. You'll experience frustration and checks, especially in love, and you'll feel like you're being tested although you don't know why. Your faith is unwavering but there will be a lot of challenges, so you'll have to hang in there.
The good thing about all of this is that you have the strength you need to overcome anything that could interfere with your plans. Your work and your finances are quite stable, you seem to be going through a profitable period here and this is comforting. Besides, a day only lasts 24 hours so you should be able to get through it!
Saturday, March 08
Although it cannot be said to be particularly negative, your astral chart nevertheless suggests that today you'll encounter a number of difficulties. On this March 8, therefore, Pisces will have to be patient and accept that they're unlikely to achieve their plans in the short term. The influence of Saturn can be felt here.
Naturally, you might be tempted to look away and push ahead regardless of your problems. On the contrary, Mercury advises you to face up to them today, by discussing them with your loved ones or by reflecting on the very real issues they raise.
You know, attractive as it is, sticking your head in the sand is never successful in the long run. You're going to have to come up for air at some point! So it's up to you to decide to be courageous and show the strength of character you need to overcome these obstacles. You'll manage it brilliantly.
Sunday, March 09
With the mood created by the Sun, Jupiter and Uranus, there may be great opportunities for you in all areas. That said, there is a rebellious side to today's astral configuration that can sometimes cause unexpected turnarounds but also pleasant surprises.
This Sunday, Pisces may find it necessary to get out of their comfort zone, particularly in their love lives. You may need to reset your internal clock, which could cause momentary turmoil with your partner if you are in a relationship. If you are single and have been going through a period of grieving now is the time to raise your head and start forging new relationships.
At work, everything is going well but it looks very possible you'll have a choice to make about your career today. Financially, things are looking good and luck seems to be on your side, so what more could you ask for?