Do you know what the Gemini woman is like?

Sincere, romantic, pragmatic

The Taurus woman likes to be feminine, to please and to seduce. She obviously loves life and exudes an unusual sensuality, so she is very coveted as a partner. She may be a great seducer, but she can also be rancorous, demanding and vindictive. Know that the Taurus woman loves to give as much as she loves to receive. Money, jewelry, clothes … she likes to have plenty in store to protect herself against want. 

The Taurus woman is pragmatic; it is not uncommon to find her in professions of responsibility. She is very organized and knows what she has to do to get what she wants. In love, she is demanding because, for her, feelings and sexuality go hand in hand. She is always in control and only agrees to let herself go if she has total confidence in the person she loves. To seduce her, her suitor will have to be very romantic and offer a stable relationship based on fidelity. 


material comfort, organization, romance


change, novelty, acting against her will

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