Compatibility Aquarius and Aquarius


Love compatibility of Aquarius with Aquarius

In one word
Degree of Affinity

The relationship between two Aquarius works well because they have the same way of looking at life and share a lot of interests. Aquarius is often considered to be the most original sign in the zodiac, and this is reflected in the fact that they never do anything the same way as other people. They love imagination and anything out of the ordinary or off the beaten track. A bond between two Aquarius revolves more around a loving friendship than overwhelming passion.

Above all, Aquarius seeks to create a love story with someone who reminds them of themselves; a person with high ideals and who always has an amazing project on the go. The strength of a couple created from two Aquarius will result more from their strong spiritual and intellectual connection than from physical communion.

Aquarius is an independent being who is a great believer in the idea of individual freedom, especially their own! However, they are generally much less tolerant of the freedom of others because they find boundaries difficult to respect and this can generate conflict.

Generally, they settle disputes quickly because Aquarius hates conflict, they always find a way to compromise. These air signs are mostly honest and open to discussion, so any problems they have won't last for very long.


togetherness, independence, openness


freedom, autonomy, selfishness

Communication and emotion between Aquarius and Aquarius

When two Aquarius are together life is never monotonous. They are both focused on communication. Since they often have a life rich in experience and a well-developed intellect, they are immediately attracted to each other and always find something to talk about. They are used to conversations that can last an entire night. This gives them immense satisfaction because they are always looking for intellectual stimulation.

From an emotional point of view, Aquarius are quite impulsive. It's not uncommon for them to sleep together almost immediately and then rush to move in and make big life plans. These air signs may not be very expansive, but they can be very stubborn. Once they have a fixed idea it is rare that they'll change their mind, and this is likely to cause conflict in their couple. However, they almost always manage to find a creative solution to the problems they may encounter.

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Trust between Aquarius and Aquarius

Aquarius is a complex being, they want to be part of a couple but they also want their independence. Two Aquarius may have a tendency to lead their own separate lives, and it is also possible that they will be unfaithful from time to time. Their relationship will require both parties to have open minds if it is to be sustainable.

As Aquarius is a rather tolerant sign, it is probable they will forgive certain misdemeanors that could cause earth, fire or water signs to run away. The advantage between two Aquarius is that each can easily work out their partner's complex character. An Aquarius will never judge another Aquarius; they accept each other as they are and are their true selves with their partner.

Intimacy and sexuality of Aquarius with Aquarius

From the outside, the romantic relationship between two Aquarius can be perceived as cold or unromantic, but it is not. They are both rather reserved when it comes to their private lives, and they rarely show their affection in public. That being said, it is true they don't usually have an immediate sexual compatibility; they take time to feel confident with each other and at the beginning their time in bed together may be quite vanilla and devoid of great passion.

However, as they get to know each other better they will feel able to reveal their true selves, show their preferences and be ready to satisfy their partner's desires. Their sex life should not be expected to become steamy or depraved, but they are satisfied with it and if it makes them happy, that is the main thing. Since they do not lack imagination, they will often invent something new to ensure they don't get bored.

Compatibility in love

An Aquarius man with an Aquarius woman: Mr and Miss Aquarius form a rather unusual couple; the relationship is harmonious and likely to be long lasting. Both are very attached to their freedom, and on this subject they understand each other perfectly. They are two dreamers who like to escape into their imagination, and neither are very focused on the obligations of everyday life. Their partnership is essentially based on their intellectual understanding and, together with their love of big projects, that contributes to its development. Their relationship is more a story of mutual understanding and friendship than of love itself. They are both very sociable and make sure they never get bored.

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Compatibility at work of Aquarius with Aquarius

In one word
Degree of Affinity

Aquarius is the most visionary and avant-garde sign of the zodiac; they never lack new ideas and like to apply methods that are out of the ordinary. Generally speaking, when working with another air sign things flow freely because air signs like being unconventional and use imagination in everything they do.

When two Aquarius work together, they form a good team because they have the same way of working. They know how to pool their skills and energy to make a project succeed. The downside is that teamwork may be difficult because Aquarius has to choose to cooperate with others. If working in a team is imposed on them, there may be some friction. It should not be forgotten that independence is a priority for Aquarius, whatever the circumstances. If they dislike something they will let it be known loud and clear.

Aquarius are ingenious, clever and creative and they like creating things that are useful and original. Even if it means putting in long hours to get the best version of their invention, they won't mind. When they are in a period of intense creative activity Aquarius can forget about anything else, so it is better to have someone oversee their project to ensure it stays within the realm of the feasible. Aquarius are dreamers and they can easily find themselves dreaming too big if they are not careful. It may therefore be necessary to gently bring them back down to Earth to remind them of the goal they need to achieve. It is always better to say things gently to an Aquarius. They hate being pressurized so being gentle helps stop them feeling a need to run away to avoid it.


creativity, freedom, synergy


pressure, brutality, escape


Compatibility in friendship of Aquarius with Aquarius

In one word
Degree of Affinity

A friendship between two Aquarius is solid. These air signs have the same sense of humor and many common interests. They are very playful and cannot help playing tricks on people. On the other hand, they are very honest with each other and can talk about almost any aspect of their lives. This terrible twosome is always up to something and always having fun. Generally, their jokes are funny, but sometimes they may be in questionable taste, or even go badly wrong. The moral of this tale is that with two Aquarius around don't expect any peace and keep your eyes open!

Aquarius have a special spiritual connection, they act almost like siblings and often feel they have known each other forever. They know how to look after their relationship, they always treat each other with respect and never impose on each other. Both parties remain free and independent. This creates the ideal conditions for them to want their bond to last as long as possible and it can last a lifetime. Aquarius hate conflicts and even when they get angry, they never stay angry for long. They like to have everything peaceably settled and the icing on the cake is that neither of them bears grudges. Their link is clear, they never find themselves in an uncertain situation involving lies or deliberate forgetfulness. Honesty is their credo.

Like most air signs, Aquarius is lively and enterprising. They love to keep on the move, to travel and to discover new people and new things, and to share these feelings.


understanding, humor, spirituality


contradiction, stubbornness, inconstancy


Compatibility in the family of Aquarius with Aquarius

In one word
Degree of Affinity

Two Aquarius can have almost as good a relationship within the family as they can as friends. In fact, as long as Aquarius feels they are accepted for who they are and are left free to act as they please, everything goes well. If they feel too pressurized or feel out of place they will run away as fast as they can. With two Aquarius under the same roof, this scenario is unlikely to happen. When it comes to marriage, a union between two Aquarius is almost perfect. This air sign sees their partner as a friend and teammate, someone who shares the same opinions as they do.

Aquarius appreciate each other's strengths and weaknesses. They respect each other and are patient too. The material side of existence does not pose a major problem for them. If dinner is not ready on time or the cleaning has not been done, they do not care. Two Aquarius living together will not feel jealousy and nor will they restrict each other's freedom because they trust each other. In addition, they know that they need to be independent to feel happy. Aquarius are optimistic beings who travel a lot and have a lot of friends in common. They never get bored when they are together and that's what makes them strong.


understanding, movement, respect


coercion, infidelity, inattention

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